Chapter 12

July 27, 2006

It had been a rough school year. Hermione and Severus were on even ground. A bit shaky, but even nonetheless. They had even begun to find a place to live together. Hermione found that her past was not the forefront of her mind anymore.

He had sold his home, and they had purchased a manor house about ten miles from Hogsmeade. It was rather large for just the two of them, but there was a reason behind them buying such a large property.

Their first visitor, and someone Severus hadn't seen in a long while, was Draco and his wife Astoria, with their newest edition (literally).

Hermione was setting the table as Severus finished making lunch when the floo flared up.

"They're here." She sighed, happily. Moments later they walked in.

"Hello guys."

"Hi." Draco and Astoria chimed together. Astoria was holding her firstborn, only two months old. "This is Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." Hermione came over to see. Scorpius was beautiful, with a bit of red hair speckling his head, He already had beautiful brown eyes.

"He's adorable." Hermione awed. Astoria moved to hand him over. Hermione held him tenderly as Astoria took the caddy off her shoulder, rummaging for his bassinet. She found it and expanded. Hermione didn't want to put him down. He grabbed a hold of her finger and held on tight. He cooed, and smiled at her, reaching for her hair.

"We have a couple bits of news." Astoria said, Hermione reluctantly placed him in the cot, and moved over to the table. Severus served lunch, and Draco and Astoria looked at the couple seriously.

"Well, what's going on?"

"We are pregnant again."

"Again? So soon after little Scorp?"

"Yes. I'm about five weeks along." She said happily. "I was hoping it wouldn't be so soon after him, but I'm happy. He'll have a sibling to grow up with."

"And with that news, we you like you both to be godparents, to the new addition and to Scorpius."

"Oh, we'd be honored." Severus smiled at Hermione's excitement, nodding his own words. He took a bite of the chicken he had made. "But only if you are godparents to our oldest child." Severus began to choke, beating on his chest, and Hermione aimed a spell that dislodged the chicken. He took a drink before looking at her. "What? I thought it would be a good time to let you know I'm pregnant. About three months along."

"Three months?"

"Well I had missed one and thought it was a fluke, and then I just forgot about it until I had missed the second. I've been seeing a healer, if that makes you feel better. I was told to keep it mum until I was 11 weeks, because it was easy to miscarry twins until I was twelve weeks along."

Severus fainted, falling out of his chair. Draco did as well. Astoria was one of the two people that had known shortly after she had found out. The other being Ginny.

When Severus woke up, he was repeating "I'm going to be a father" every few minutes, trying to wrap his head around that surprise.

Well, if that's the case, I am going to have to move my plans up. I think that tonight would be a good surprise.

"Hermione, while everybody is here, and cooing over the incoming arrivals, why don't we have a little party to celebrate?"

"I think it would work. I'll go owl everyone-"

"Already done." He said. He had done it all before he had brought it up to her. She was hold Scorpius once again, and his heart swelled over the image, thinking that he couldn't wait for Hermione to have the twins.

"That's great then." Hermione and Astoria went back to talking about pregnancy, seeing as Hermione practically missed all of Ginny's but the last three months. (Eric Fabian Potter was born March 31 healthy as ever- whom she was also godmother to)

Draco and Severus left to his study, to have a glass over the news of impending fatherhood.

"You're going to move your plans up to tonight, aren't you?"

"I am. Do you think she'll accept?"

"Oh, yes I am."

"Alright. I just hope that I find the right time. Maybe before the cake?"

"Before the cake sounds good. I was thinking about asking Hermione, and I'm going to ask you. How would you like for a couple house elves? I've removed every article of darkness out of Malfoy manor, and the grounds, but I've decided to level it, and rebuild it in a beautiful way."

"Why not just build your own manor on the other side of the grounds? Less money to do."

"I've thought about that, and I think it will just be better to demolish it. Mother wants nothing to do with it, now that she is in France and father is dead. I want nothing to do with it. There was too much dark magic used it the house. I want to rid all of it. I'm going to let grass grow over it, and build my house on the other end anyway. Too much in that house. Hermione would love to come over and visit Astoria, but last time she went there she started having nightmares again, remember?"

"True. Well, it is up to you nephew."

"Thank you Uncle."

7pm, that night

The party was going great. Hermione's friends and the staff from Hogwarts all came. This was about her. Besides, he had begun to get along with some of her friends, enough that he now called them friends himself. Harry, the Weasley twins, Bill, and yes, even Neville.

Just before the cake was brought out, everyone was completely quiet, and Hermione was getting suspicious.

"Hermione, love?" Severus had begun. She looked at him. He took her hands. "This past year had been amazing, and crazy. I have learned so much from you, from being with you. You have given me an honor by carrying my children. I have had this planned for a while now, but I had to move it up. Will you please marry me?"

"Yes." She said, happier than ever. She was hoping for a surprise like this.

"Thank you."

"No. Thank you." She said before she grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss. The cake was brought out, and everybody had a few more hours sharing in the news of all, before they had said goodnight and he carried her up to their room.

Ok guys. Longbottom Effect is finished. Now, I'm not sure what the sequel is going to be called quite yet. I will post a notice on the end of this story to let you know what to expect. The sequel is only half-written, and I haven't begun typing it up just yet, but I will be trying my hardest to get it finished. I will have it finished soon.

Thank you guys for the support.