Well, another story. I am not only trying my hand at a Severus/Hermione, but also a body-change fic, along with some founder meddling... hahaha. I've got 98% of the story written. Now I just have to add a few chapters and type the other...I think it'll end up being a 12-15 chapter story. Out of my usual ten-chapter muse...I received a different Muse and she is pushing for longer stories. Thankfully. Maybe I'll get some reviews on this one.;)

Hermione Granger was known for many things. She was known for being Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley's best friend. She was known for helping defeat the Dark Lord. She was also known for public speaking. Oh, and one more thing -She taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hermione was at the school in an unused classroom where she and a student were practicing transfiguration. More specifically, turning a mannequin into a chair.

"Mr. Longbottom you need to relax. Allow the magic flow through you and your wand. It would be a lot easier."

"It'd be a lot easier if I didn't have this crappy wand."

"What do you mean?"

"Ollivander's apprentice sold me the wand. It doesn't like to work for me. He just tossed me a wand and left the store."

Hermione said nothing. She'd have to have Harry deal with this, but for now, it would have to wait.

"Tell you what. If you can transfigure this chair into anything for me, I'll let you go and this weekend we shall take you to a shop and get you a proper wand."

"Alright..." So Rizer Longbottom, nephew and ward of Neville, her good friend, began to concentrate. He had to do this on anything difficult. He had to concentrate the magic into his wand before he could cast any spell, verbal or nonverbal.

Unfortunately, just before he could cast the spell Severus Snape decided that he was going to bang the door open to collect Hermione for a Hogwarts staff meeting.

Too late. Hermione and Rizer jumped, Rizer lost his concentration, and the ball of magic then began to bounce around the room. Severus went to grab Hermione before the ball hit her, but he was in the path too and they were both hit.

When the magic-charged ball hit the two, there was a very large shockwave. Rizer, Hermione, and Severus were all knocked unconscious.

Eight floors above, Albus Dumbledore's office shook as if an earthquake was hitting Hogwarts. Glass baubles fell of their stoops and shelves, Licorice Leeches and Lemon drops bounced out of their trays. Portraits screamed and vacated their frames. Fawkes screeched, and even the Headmaster fell out of his wingback chair.

"What in Merlin's name..." Albus swore. He looked at the other Headmaster portraits, seeing the subjects return, albeit shaky, to their portraits. "Search every room in the castle. Contact the Heads of Houses to come to my office. Fawkes, please collect Professor Sprout. She's in Greenhouse four today."

As the portraits filed out of the office to find and collect injury reports, Albus cleaned his office before entering an office that wasn't exactly normal. This actually wasn't even an office. This was the home of four very specific portraits. Two ladies, and two gentlemen. The first was rather regal looking, with pale skin and black hair, wearing a midnight blue dress accented in gold leafing on the bottom and bodice of said garment along with a small tiara. The second lady was rather plump, with auburn hair and blue eyes. She had on a dark yellow dress accented in black around the cuffs and bodice.(If you weren't careful, you could claim that she was a Weasley ancestor). Then there were the two gentlemen.

The first was a well-built man with bright green eyes and a heavy, lion-like red hair and beard with peach-colored skin. He wore a suit of red with gold bands down the middle front , a goblin-made sword by his side. The last portrait was also a man, though one could argue whether he was a gentleman or not. He was rather old and some would say he looked "monkey-like" in appearance. He wore a long black robe, with a hint of green on his collar. He had a very long beard of soft white that stopped just above his ankles. He held around his neck a beautiful silver locket with a snake shaped into the form of an "S".

These four pictures were of the Founders of Hogwarts. Dumbledore looked to the four.

"I take this as a sign that this will not be a normal year, then?"

"You would be correct, Albus. There are many a magick at play. In the end, something to our glee will come to light." Rowena answered.

"Do you know if a professor was involved in this?"

"I-" Helga was cut off by Argus wheezing into his office.

"Headmaster! Headmaster Dumbledore!" Filch cried out.

"Argus, what is the matter?!"

"Poppy needs you immediately sir. She has the reports on the injured."

"Thank you Argus. Take it easy until you catch your breath. You may relax."

Dumbledore left his office, traveling down to the third floor into the Hospital Wing. Poppy was giving a student a quick pain potion when she saw Albus.

"Argus works fast. Please, Albus, come with me. Quarantine." she whispered. Dumbledore followed Poppy to the closed off room behind her office. Albus looked at the room in shock. There was an infant in a cradle on one side of the room. In the middle was Hermione, and at the end of the room was Severus. This isn't what shocked Albus, however. What shocked Albus was the way the two adults were acting. Hermione stood by the bed, leaning against the wall, her arms folded with the sourest look on her face, one that was very unbecoming of Hermione. Severus, however, was even more disconcerting in the fact that he was sitting cross-legged on the bed, staring at his hands as if in disbelief and horror.

Albus feared this was going to be a very difficult year...