AN: So, a new year, an new project I'll probably never finish. Oh well, it keeps the voices in my head organised. This time, I'm tackling one of the first mecha shows I ever saw, Neon Genesis Evangelion. Yeah, boy did I start off on a bad foot.

NGE: Outside Help


Birth of a new God

"Since the dawn of man, we have lusted after that which was forbidden to us."

A scream pierced the cavernous room, a massive white hand lashing out.

"In the Garden of Eden, Eve fell to the Serpent and consumed the Fruit of Knowledge."

Large tungsten chains restrained the beast as it tried in vain to reach it's neck, to slay the parasites that chewed at its flesh.

"And in her own sin, Eve dragged Adam into, damning all by the hand of one."

Technicians scrambled about the creatures neck, converting flesh into metal, nerve into wiring.

"And so we fell from out former seat as rulers of a world, into our curse of a far larger one, less caring to us, by the First Great Sin of Man."

A crane loomed in the background, Entry Plug ready to be inserted for the initial Contact.

"But man was wise by the cause of our fall. We used our curse to better ourselves."

Men scrambled back, as the final connectors were placed inside the spine of the monster.

"We rose to conquer our new world, lusting for newer horizons, new bounty, new conquests."

The Plug was inserted into the beast. Men feared the worst, as this was untested, feared even by the three experts.

"And man grew proud once more. We threw down the gods of our forefathers, and angered our betters."

Connections were made, lights danced before the pilot's eyes, yet not his eyes.

"Those that made us once more cursed us. The land was laid waste by cleansing waters, sparing but a few to continue the cycle once more."

The Voice of the Beast lashed out at the Pilot's mind, clawing and tearing at this intruder.

"We spread once more. We conquered old conquests. We claimed old haunts"

The Beast lashed and raged, but was met by walls far sturdier than it could comprehend.

"Man lusted for more knowledge. We sought newer ways to extend our limited powers."

The Beast then saw its opponent. And it knew it had lost.

"We sought new ways to extend our influence beyond arms reach, be it by thrown rocks or rule of law, or both."

It's foe came not to chain it to it's will, though it had done so it's it's flesh.

"We sought better ways to live, be it by building or learning."

It came not to pacify it by force, though pacify its savage will it would do.

"We learned. We grew. We evolved."

For it met It on even ground., outside it's walls.

"But still we lusted after that which was forbidden to us, that for which we were cursed after the First Great Sin of Man."

For this that met It was like It.

"Man found in the frozen wastes that which it likened unto a God. And once more by the will of the Few, the First Great Sin of Man came once more unto the world. And our curse was as great."

This that met It spoke to it. It taught it of why it was in pain like it was. And this enrage the Beast.

"Once more the waters sought to cleans the earth. But by the hands of one lesser, they fell still. Though two billion fell in an instant, and more would fall, the hands of a greater power spared some."

But the Beast grew angry not at that before it. But at those it spoke of was it's rage directed.

"The world was changed that day. Winter would never touch the world for the next fifteen years. Eternal summer graced the lands."

And the intruder gazed at the Beast, and gave it it's hand, and lead it into his walls.

"But this would not stop the sins of the Few. For even this they foresaw, by a prophecy as old as the dawn of man on the earth."

And the Man taught the Beast all it knew of those it had told it of. And the Beast looked at the Man, and trusted itself to him.

"By their hands was the new world shaped, all for their plans to obtain that which was forbidden. For the guardians of that which they stirred were coming."

And the Man told the Beast that which it would do to it to prepare it to face the future. And the Beast accepted.

"And thus was born NERV, and the EVANGELIONS that would fight the battles of the cowards to further their ambitions."

The Beast braced itself for the pain of it's armoring, but the Man stayed to help it face he pain.

"But not all would be pawns in the game of fools."

Metal the color of gold was poured over the Beast, covering its body, warding it's flesh against its foes.

"One they saw as a pawn would play all in his own game, for his own goals."

More metal was welded onto this, further warding it. Circuits and motors were place in it, to further enhance it's flesh.

"One that even he saw as a pawn would play his own game, unknown to all, even he."

Cables ran into the heart of the beast, to power the new armor it would wear into battle.

"But that was not all the games that man would play against itself."

And wen all was done, the man left the inside of the beast, and gazed at it, a creature of its own will joining his crusade.

"For that was before one would begin his own game."

"Evangelion, Angel of Adam, you need a name. And I have one just for you.

"For this one sought to aid all."

"I christen thee, Sameal, the Wrath of God, the Archangel of Death."

"And his plans had begun even before that of the fools."

And the Sameal roared loud with joy at it's name.

"For he would ensure that all of mankind would win in his game."

"And now to train, and wait for my second charge."

AN: So, what do ya think? I've seen plenty of Ocs with OC Evas, but never someone detail their creation of one. So, here we go, another tale from my madness, about the madness of another!