Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and baby Hailey!
Chapter 8:
The 6 weeks with Hailey flew by and I was returning on the road with WWE with Hailey a few days a week now. She was now 4 months old and growing every day. My love grows for her everyday and my love for Seth also grows. Watching how he is with Hailey and how he is as a father just makes me heart grow in so many ways.
We are hanging out in Seth's locker room with Dean and Roman before they have to go out for their promo but before that I am returning to the ring for the first time in almost a year. Dean and Roman are playing with Hailey while Seth and I sit across from them. "So are you nervous?" Seth asked me.
I shrug my shoulder, still watching Dean and Roman with Hailey. "I guess I am, yeah. I'm excited to return and tag with Brie but I'm scared of how the fans with react. A bad reaction really since it's been so long and they don't really know about us or Hailey so as far as they are concerned I just disappeared with no reason."
He kissed the side of the head gently "They are going to blow the road off this place when they hear you come out. It's going to be awesome and if you want, you can explain to them about Hailey just don't mention me yet due to my 'character'." He rolls his eyes and chuckles, making me chuckle also.
One of the stage hands from backstage knock on the door and tell me it's time for my match with Brie. "Alright, it's time. I love you baby girl and mommy will be back soon." I kiss her before I hand her to Seth and lightly kiss him before high fiving Roman and Dean and heading off to meet my sister. I find her stretching in gorilla when I arrive and start stretching next to her. "Hey Breezy."
"Hey Coco, you ready for your big return to the ring?"
I roll my shoulder "I'm so nervous. I was just telling Seth I was nervous they were going to hate me since I just left with no rhyme or reason, he just told me to tell them about Hailey, just not him. Think I should?"
"Yeah you can." She tells me.
We start talking strategy when John walks back from the curtain and comes up to us. "Hey Nicole, your making your big return tonight right?" I nod at him quietly. "Well good luck and I'm glad your back." He gives me one of his smiles that used to make me melt and give me butterflies, but now gives me no feeling at all but anger.
"Thanks." I quickly tell him as he heads off. Brie raises his eyebrow as he walks away and turns to me.
"Has he been trying to talk to you again?" She asks me.
"Yeah, he's been calling me and texting me. I've been ignoring him but now there is only so much I can do since he works with us."
"Does Seth know he's trying to talk to you?"
"No, he will freak. I don't want to start problems with him here. John has a lot of influence here and I don't want him to get in trouble with John and John have Vince drop him to a mid carder or back down to NXT. No way." I explain as Brie's music starts up. Brie runs out and stops at the top of the ramp. My music starts and the crowd explodes. My heart races as I run out to my sister and we do our hip swivel before running to the ring and doing our flip inside.
We face Eva Marie and Summer Rae and I beat them with my Nikki Rack Attack. While we are celebrating, Brie hands me the microphone and stands next to me for support. "So as all you guys can tell, I've been absent for the last 8 months from the ring. I had to take some personal time off to get myself together mentally and" I paused for a moment as the crowd cheers for me. "And I had to step away to have a baby." The crowd erupts and I smile widely thinking of my baby girl. "I had a little baby girl, and her name is Hailey and she is so perfect. I loved being home with my baby but I missed my Bella Army and I am back!" The crowd cheers as me and Brie head to the back. We hug one last time and split, promising to call later since she is heading home to Bryan for a few days and I am heading home with Hailey until next Monday. They decided to just have me come back on Monday and then gives me until the next week before I work Monday and Tuesday, so Seth's heading to Smackdown and I am going home with our baby.
I walk to the locker room and walk in to see Hailey sleeping in her pack and play and seeing her father and Uncles lacing their boots before their promo and matches. I walk over to her and check on her before walking over to Seth and sitting on the bench next to him. He gave me a quick kiss before going back to lacing his boots.
"So how did the big return feel?" Roman asked.
"So great, being out there again is the best feeling in the world. I loved it, but I loved being home with her too." As I look over at Hailey and back at Seth who's got a small sad smile.
"I know but at least it's part time so you only work the 2 days if needed and any PPV your scheduled in." Seth says, kissing my temple and rubbing my knee caringly. I smile back at him and back down at my hands. I can't help but love this man.