Oh My God! 23 Chapters! 23 episodes=1 season, so i did a seasons worth of a story. I feel accomplished, i feel accomplished that this is my first completed story on here.

As stated in previous chapters, I do Not own Danny Phantom or Arrow.

Chapter 23: Epilogue

"How long has it been?" Danielle asked.

"Three hours, he should be up soon." Clockwork stated looking at the bed. Sam was sitting next to him with her hand in his, her other hand stroking his hark. She kept parting his bangs to the side to see the scar that still remained over his eye.

"What we need to is prepare for his reaction." Jazz stated. "This may hit him hard."

"The whole being dead think isn't the issue, him accepting to be king is, it'll wear him down. Tucker explained.

"Will you guys be quiet, let him sleep!" Sam whispered yelled to them. The four other occupants left the area to discuss elsewhere.

"I guess this is really it then." Sam whipped her head to see Danny open his eyes.

"Danny." She seemed to have launched herself from her chair and hugged him. "I've missed you."

"I never wanted to let you go." Danny hugged back tighter. He caught a glimpse of his human like hand. "If I'm full ghost then why do I look human?"

"Clockwork wouldn't answer our questions until you awoke." He swung his legs over the bed and tried to stand. Sam caught him as he stepped into his powers to float. She let go as he flew towards the door that everyone left through. "Come on we need to surprise the others." They walked into the main part of the tower overhearing the others conversation.

"So here's the plan, we tell him gently that the reason he's the king is because he defeated Pariah Dark and the ring and crown needs to be worn for a show of power. Sam will stay with him to convince him not to freak out." Tucker explained.

"I'm king, I know that. I've known that for a while."

"Danny!" they dog piled him as Clockwork looked on.

Danielle was the first to let go, not completely feeling welcomed. "Danielle?" Danny called as the others let go of him one by one. Then he thought back to what Felicity revealed, "Hey, Princess, family sticks together." Danielle and Danny hugged a little longer before Danny looked over at Clockwork seriously. "How are they?"

"Upset over your death, but they'll bounce back." He replied, knowing who he was talking about. "You can't visit them again until you are fully stabilized."

"That's fine. Why am I in human form if I'm a full ghost?"

"You will know why in due time."

"Back when I was fighting Vlad, I felt as if Dan started to take over as I got angry, but left, why is that?"

"Dan wasn't only your possible future, but your fear as well. Dan is your anger, he formed through your thought of not wanting to become him. The resolve you had gained him, you accepted that part of you and now have it as added power. Dan doesn't exist anymore because you do not fear becoming power hungry and full of rage over a small mistake. Vlad now occupies where Dan was in my tower."

"I get it." Danny replied nodding his head, "So, where do I start with my kingly duties?"

"That's up to you. Begin forming your home or greet your people."

Clockwork smiled as he watched the newly crowned king walk towards the door. Creating a portal he returned to the present dragging Ghostwriter along with him.

"King Phantom indeed has had a long history of becoming who he is today." Ghostwriter stated looking out towards Phantom's Keep, watching him spar with Skulker. Queen Samantha was holding back Princess Danielle who also wanted to join in.

"There is still two more things he is going to end up doing."

"What is that?"

"His visits, of course." The two watched the final battle once more that took place in Starling City. He stopped the time screen on those of Team arrow showing the expression of what they felt that say.

"Are there any powers he's gained since becoming king?"

"The powers he had difficulty with are now easy access. Now, he is able to see the other ghosts."

"To see other ghosts, that's extremely rare. Only the Ring of Rage gives that kind of power."

"Both realms will be in good shape soon." The two looked back to see Team Phantom flying towards the tower, racing each other. As usual Danny was the first to land. Jazz and Tucker met up with them, each giving each other a smile.

"Was there something you wanted Clockwork?" he asked after smiling and nodded at the Ghost Writer.

"Are you ready to visit?"

"We can go?"

Clockwork opened a time screen for them, showing a cool looking liar type base. All five flew in, Danny and Danielle whistled at the improvement. The echo followed, "Who's there?" a voice boomed through the area.

"How's Lyla?" Danny asked. He watched as everyone came into the open. Lyla rushed over to pull Danny into a hug. After a few more greeting everyone got settled somewhere to talk. "Where's Felicity and Oliver?"

"They went for a vacation."

"Finally getting together." He looked over to Thea who seemed to be wanting to ask a bunch of question.

"How about each team goes over what happened to them?" Jazz stated.

Team Arrow went over Sara's death, the blame being set on Oliver who fought Ra's al Ghul, which he survived, joined up with Malcolm to take the League of Assassins apart on the inside, and finally defeating Ra's. While not as dramatic, Team Phantom explained what happened after Danny woke up. Him getting a new suit, keeping up with his kingly duties, and keeping peace between the realms.

"The reason that third works countries aren't dying is because of you?"

"While the Lunch Lady and the Box Ghost wanted to 'feed them until they eat no more', we didn't want them relying on us. The ghosts help out, but not to the point of countries relying on us for survival."

"That makes sense." Roy stated.

"We're gonna head out to see Captain Lance."

"He should still be by the precinct." Danny nodded, before getting the attention of Tucker who was drooling over the tech.

They met up with the officers of Star City. "Quentin took a trip to Central City to visit there." One of them answered recognizing who he was.

As they flew towards the precinct, something caught Danny's eye down by a suburban home. "You guys go on ahead. I need to check something out." Floating down to an intersection in the street. He let his senses grew to point where he can pick up the smallest amount of ectoplasm. "Hello, is anyone there?" he looked over to see a ghost, a young woman in her late twenties to early thirties looking towards the city. She was nearly white, "Ma'am," he called getting her attention.

In a blink she was in front of him. "How can you see me?"

"I'm a ghost."

"Even the powerful green kind can't see me, how can you?"

"A special object gave me this power."

"You're the king?" she began to panic, "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you."

"It's fine." He looked at her concerned. "Is there something you're looking for?"

"My son, Barry, I want to talk to him one last time before I go."

"I'll help you."

"You don't have to."

"I want to. I'm heading into the city anyways."

"Go to Central City precinct and ask for Barry Allen." She disappeared.

Danny launched like a rocket to where the others were. Which they were with Captain Lance.


"I went from part ghost to full ghost."

"I meant, after all this time you only chose now to visit."

"You knew?"

"Saw you transform."

"Danny has issues with keeping his identity a secret." Tucker teased at him.

"He did well until the end."

"Is there a Barry Allen here?"

"Yeah, he's over there." Lance saint pointing over near the steps that lead to another floor.

Danny flew over behind him, "Barry Allen? You need to come with me."

"Who are you?" he asked when he turned around.

"Danny Phantom, King Phantom to the ghosts." He joked before grabbing the kid and flying off. Those in the precinct stared at him over his yells.

"Nice meeting you Captain Lance." Jazz stated before they flew off after Danny.

They flew after Danny, trying to catch up. He suddenly slowed down and landed in a suburban neighborhood. They ended up flying past him a few feet before slowing down and flying back.

"What was that about?" Barry asked. Danny didn't answer at all. He just waited. Barry began to shiver from the cold, but wrote it off as the weather. Danny however smiled next to him, looking behind him.

"You brought him."

"Of course." Barry looked strangely at Danny trying to figure out what was going on. Danny looked over at him and smiled, he placed his hand on his shoulder and sent some of his power over to him. They both turned invisible, Danny then placed a hand on his mother shoulder drawing and at the same time giving energy to them.

"Mom?" Barry asked surprised and unsure. The power that was being given to them allowed them to hug. "How is this possible?" His mom looked over towards Danny.

"How long can you keep this up?"

"Not as long as I would like."

She nodded already seeing the beads of sweat roll down, "Barry," she grabbed his attention to turn his thoughts back to what was important. "I'm am very proud of you. Helping the city with the power that you have is amazing. I love you." She stepped back from Danny, the power he gave her faded causing her to fade from their sights.

"No, wait!" Barry nearly yelled. Danny dropped all power and stepped back as he turned towards him. "Who are you and what did you do?" he asked desperate.

"She wanted to talk to you one last time before she crossed over." Danny stated, ignoring the first part of the question. "I only helped her accomplished that with some energy transfer."

Jazz remembered something back when they were beginning to get the kingdom together. "If you have questions just contact Team Arrow."

Barry stared at her, "Why would I contact them?"

"I've been keeping an eye on all the heroes." Danny looked at her for a moment before getting the hint, 'So, he's The Flash.'

"I'll take you back to the precinct if you want." He said.

"I can run back." He turned to the rest of them. "So, you're all dead? How? I mean aren't all ghosts invisible?"

"Allow me." Tucker butted in. He handed him a USB stick, "This has everything that we allow for humans to know."

"Danny, we need to get back to the kingdom." Sam whispered noticing they were staying a little long.

"It's been nice to meet you Barry." Danny stated.

"I'm creating a device that allows us to talk between realms, just in case you need help." Tucker stated. Danny nodded letting everyone knows that he approves. Concentrating on the Ring of Rage, he formed an outline in the space next to him. The outline formed a circle and filled itself in creating a portal. Barry watched with curiosity, his mind immediately going into a scientific like state. The five waved and returned to the zone.

(Line Break-this will be quick)

Tucker yelled out his success, the others ran in thinking that he somehow injured himself. They looked in his hands that the device was in, which was raised up into the air. They looked at him waiting for him to explain. He glared back, "I created a device, phone like, which will allow anyone from the human realm to contact us and vice versa."

"Good, get them to Team Arrow and Team Flash."

"Daddy? Can I go with?" Danny looked over at his floating daughter.

"Go," he started, "but, don't stay there too long." He opened up a portal and allowed them through. Close to an hour and a half later they reappeared. "That was quick. I was expecting to come and get you."

"Feels good to be home."

N/A: That's the last of it!

I've only seen the first episode of The Flash because it didn't interest me as easily as Arrow (which has a darker theme to it). Which is why Barry may seem a little OOC. (I honestly don't know if he is or not.)

I do NOT own The Flash. (it's there. didn't want to put it at the beginning.)

So for those of you who have put me under your alerts, please be aware that if I ever do another story it will be on a whim like 'Teamwork' was. Just a warning.

Now, someone else can have a turn at this crossover. I'm placing ALL of my plot bunnies on my profile, they include ALL fandoms. You do not need to let me know if you do it, just do it. Free reign of everything.

Thanks for everything!
