A/N: Hey guys, it's me, Aero! So, if you're wondering what this is, it my response to your guy's requests. I've received several PMs, as well as a few reviews and my friends IRL, all asking if I considered doing a spin-off to FatH. At first I was wary of the idea, but I eventually got an idea for a similar story. While not really a 'spin-off' like you requested, it is another idea I had for an OUAT X-over. The pairing will be Regina/Naruto, so if you don't like it, don't read it. If I get a good enough response by then, I'll start writing it along with my other stories.

New Deal

"SHIKI FUIN!" Minato yelled as he finished the last hand seal, the massive Kyuubi freezing at the words as it began to look around in minor fear. As vicious and powerful as it may be, the demon chakra fox still had a soul that could be sealed away for eternity.

However, both witnesses saw that the Shinigami didn't appear. For the demon fox, this was the best news he'd ever had, but for Minato, he felt his heart drop. This was supposed to be it, his secret weapon against the Kyuubi.

"I-I don't understand. I did all the research before writing this seal down, it should've worked. Why didn't it work?" Minato wondered aloud, and due to his inner turmoil, he didn't see the giant tail swinging right at him until it was too late to dodge; the blonde was thrown across the clearing into a stone that sent his head spiraling, and his vision flickering like a defective light bulb.

"Hahaha, it figures that you meat sacks couldn't even die properly. As if the mighty God of Death himself would come that simply, just because you made some flashy seals. Well, I'll tell you what, Minato Namikaze, I'll give you a one-way ticket straight to the big man himself so you can ask him what happened here tonight!" Kyuubi roared, charging up a large black ball of energy in his maw.

"If the Shiki Fuin didn't work, then what can I do to stop him. I can't think of another seal strong enough to hold him at full power. The Eight-Point Seal could hold the Kyuubi back at half-power, but then Naruto could never learn to use the Kyuubi's power. Besides, I needed the Shiki Fuin to seal the other half into myself so the Shinigami could take us both." Minato said; pushing himself to his feet as he pulled out a tri-pronged kunai, a wooden handle with some kanji carved in gripped tightly in his hand.

"All the same, it doesn't matter now. All I can do is hold him off long enough for the village to evacuate." He made a quick set of hand seals as a small toad with black and yellow markings appeared beside him. "Gamarai, run to the Jiriya-sensei. Tell him the seal didn't work, and he needs to evacuate the village as quickly as possible!" Minato ordered, and despite the commanding tone, the toad didn't move at all as he looked at his partner with confusion evident in his tiny eyes.

"But Minato, what are you going to do?" Gamarai asked, already fearing the answer he knew was coming.

"I'm going to save my son." Minato said, his tone leaving no room for argument as Gamarai nodded slightly, turning away as he disappeared in a flash of yellow, mirroring Minato's exact movement simultaneously as the Fourth Hokage appeared beside Naruto, vulnerable, in his crib.

Grabbing the tiny blonde boy, Minato teleported away as quickly as possible, trying desperately to outstrip the Kyuubi who was charging up an attack behind him. It would seem Kyuubi's anger towards Minato and his family outweighed his rage for Konoha.

Minato was forced to continually teleport out of the way of tails swings, paw swipes, and interspersed Bijudamas as he fled with his newborn son in tow. He must have covered several miles before finally coming to a stop.

"If only there was something, anything I could try. I'd give anything to stop this monster." Minato despaired frantically as he spotted his home village in the distance. At the center, the Hokage Tower, and his office stood above the rest of the village.

"It doesn't matter what tricks you have up your sleeves Minato, or where you try to hide, I will find you, and KILL YOU!" Kyuubi roared, tensing up his legs as he started to run towards the village, only for large chains to wrap around him, restraining him from going any further.

"What trick is this Minato!? I thought I just told you it was useless to try and hold me!" Kyuubi yelled, only to hear a pitiful, racking cough/laugh just ahead. His eyes drifted downwards to spot the source of both the sound and the chains, one mortally wounded Kushina Uzumaki.

"I guess it's a good thing that I'm so stubborn then, isn't it." Kushina gasped out, crouching on top of a tree which blew in the intense winds as Kyuubi roared, trying with all his power to get to the redhead and kill her. "I don't know what plan Minato has, but I'll give him all the time he needs because, I'll die to protect my family." Kushina hissed out, her breaths starting to come faster and faster, and getting more ragged all the while.

"Stupid human, you might have been spared had you ran and hid like the rest of your kind. But no, you had to 'die' to 'save' your family. BAH!" Kyuubi said, gripping the ground tightly as his muscles pushed outwards, the chains buckling against his strength as Kushina sighed, her chakra totally drained as she was left defenseless against the Kyuubi.

"I don't really do demons, but I can't refuse a good deal. Of course, magic does come at a price." A giddy voice echoed from the woods around Minato, who held Naruto closer to his chest.

"Who's there, come out." Minato ordered, looking in every direction for the owner of the voice.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're worried about. You did offer anything to stop the fur ball, right?" The voice said, Minato whirling around to find a man leaning against a tree clad in leather with a manic grin on his face. In fact, his skin looked almost scaly.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Minato said, pulling out a kunai to defend Naruto and himself with.

"I said don't worry about it. But if you must know, I am the answer to your problems. I stop the demon, you pay the price." The man said, and Minato lowered his weapon, looking the man over.

"If you can really stop it, I'll give you my life as payment. My head is worth several million." Minato offered, and the giddy way the man giggled sent a shiver down his spine.

"Oh, I can stop it. But I'm not after money, no, what I want is something far more treasured than your life. Say, that boy in your arms perhaps." Hearing him up close, the man reminded Minato of Orochimaru.

"No, I refuse to let you touch a hair on his head." Minato said, jumping back, Naruto still held tightly to his chest. Had Minato's mind been elsewhere, he would've noticed that the Kyuubi's roars had stopped.

"But, isn't that what you had planned anyway. For you to die, leaving your son to be treated like a pariah for his life. Trust me, being a pariah isn't that fun. Simply sign on the dotted line and all your troubles will be gone." The man said, producing a yellowed scroll from nowhere, which he rolled down his back for Minato to sign.


Not even reading the rest of the scroll, Minato heard the roar of the Kyuubi directly overhead. Not having any time to question it, he pulled an inked brush across the dotted line, the flowing script of his name glowing red for a second before the contract rolled back up, the man placing it into his jacket.

"The deal is struck." He called out, and with a snap of his fingers, Naruto appeared in his arms. "And so the little tyke doesn't get lonesome." A small stuffed fox joined Naruto, nine fluffy tails behind it, frozen in time.

Then, the man turned around, vanishing in a swirl of black smoke which disappeared with him. Minato looked around in vain to locate his taken son. Surely, the man didn't expect a ninja to keep his word. But try as he might, he couldn't find hide or hair of Naruto or the mysterious stranger with whom he'd made a deal.

A deal with the devil, he amended.

Meanwhile, in a castle far, far away, a man appeared in a swirl of smoke, carrying a small blonde child who was sleeping peacefully. Clutched tightly in the child's arms was a stuffed Kyuubi, the coal black eyes free of the malice the demon had in life.

"Hmm, I can't believe it. What is it with people that they'll sign away their children to fix their problems? I would never do that to Bae." The man said, staring at the tiny child in his arms. What had he been thinking when he asked for the baby, it wasn't like he could care for a newborn all alone, he could barely care for his one son Baelfire.

Speaking of the Dark One's son, he walked into the room right then, covered in dirt. "Hey Dad, I was kinda playing with Kai in woods, and tripped and fell in a mud puddle. Think you could help me out?" Baelfire asked, his father simply waving his hand as the filth vanished.

"Thanks Dad, love you." Bae said; running back outside.

"Dad huh, I suppose it couldn't hurt anything to watch the little guy. If it comes down to it, I'll just leave him at the orphanage in town. Now then, what to call you." He thought aloud, looking at the blonde child who twisted in his grip, the sunlight washing over his sun kissed hair.

"Gold, huh, I like it. You are now Gold Uzumaki." He said confidently, only for the child to begin crying. "Naruto Gold."

"Coo." Baby Naruto burbled out, squeezing his toy tightly.

"Much better."

A/N: So guys, what did you think. It's a work in progress, but I think I can make it work.