Hey guys. Thank you all of reading. Please try to leave more reviews! I plan on updating this story with 1 more chapter. To answer RLUVGA and voltorb6, I plan on writing more stories about japril especially based around season 9 so make sure to look out for them. Also if anyone has any ideas for a story they'd like me to work on I'd be happy to try. Once again, I am unfortunately not Shondra Rhimes. Enjoy!

As Jackson and April started their game of darts, it became clear that April had lied about her skills.

"April… there's no easy way to say this but… You suck" Jackson told her.

April laughed, "Well I may have lied a little bit. But you really shouldn't blame me. I just wanted to get you all to myself for a little while." She said and Jackson wondered if she would have said this had she not been intoxicated.

"Getting sick of ladies night?" he asked.

"Not at all! Actually, I'm having more fun than I've had in soooo long. Probably since that time we celebrated the last night at Mercy West before the merger."

They both smiled at the memory. It had been her and Jackson along with Reed and Charles. They celebrated just the four of them in the apartment April and Reed shared. They had consumed entirely too much alcohol that night, but it had been fun and brought them all even closer together. Reed would never admit it, but April had her suspicions that her and Charles hooked up that night.

"So you're saying you just couldn't get enough of me and had to sweep me away. That's kind of selfish April. I'm sure there are a lot of people missing me right now. You know…" he was saying until she cut him off.

"Oh shut up!" she smacked his arm.

"I'm glad you did. I'm glad we can spend some time together." he said as he looked into her eyes.

And here it was. That ridiculous sexual tension they had when he looked at her like that. This was the look that made them both wonder how much they really meant to each other. This was also the look that ended with their clothes on the floor 99% of the time. But this was that other 1% of the time because they were in a public place. Not to mention that five of their close friends and coworkers were just across the bar. They had been holding their gaze for almost too long now.

"It means I can teach you how to play darts. I'll make sure you're not a liar." He said smoothly finally breaking the tension. He was just in time too because April was having an internal debate on the pros and cons of jumping him right there.

"Please do. I've seen you kick Karev's ass before. Let me in on your secret." It was then that she realized just how close they were standing to each other. They were face to face and she didn't even remember when she had put her hand on his strong chest.

"Well you see, it's all in the wrist. And you have to have the right technique." He stepped away from her to grab the darts and demonstrate the technique he was talking about.

As he did this, April wasn't paying attention to a word he said. She choose this moment to become mesmerized by his forearms. When had she become this girl? This girl that falls all over a guy and can't keep the dirty thoughts at bay.

"April? April? Are you listening to me?" Jackson asked snapping April out of her thoughts.

"Yea! Tell me more about the Avery technique."

As April and Jackson played darts, Mer and Cristina sat at the bar and played one of their favorite games. People watching.

"That guy over there," Cristina said pointing at a man about mid 30's. "Total sleaze. He's married, but he's here to get lucky."

"Come on! How could you know that at first sight? I mean, I don't even see a wedding ring. And he looks like he's just having a night with the guys." Meredith defended.

"One, I can see the pale loop around his ring finger where his wedding ring was until he took it off right before coming here. Two, he keeps checking his phone every couple minutes. Either hes making sure wifey isn't getting suspicious or she already is and he keeps ignoring her calls. Three, he's an ass man. He's been staring at booty every chance he gets. I'm guessing he's not getting much at home." Cristina finished.

"Are you sure your calling isn't detective work?" Mer said amused by her person. She missed nights like this with Cristina.

"It's not fair right? I could be the best at almost anything. Not fair to other chumps." She joked. "Okay, you're turn."

Meredith scanned the bar spotting a young women who was the only female in a group of other young men.

"See that girl over there, in the red tank top? Fake ID for sure. I would know, I was her once. She's probably 18 or 19. She thinks she's too mature for guys her own age so she's getting involved with older guys."

"Nailed it Mer. Now we just have to keep an eye out. Make sure my guy doesn't go home with your girl." Cristina replied.

They both scanned the bar for another lucky person to target. "Oh, I've got one. Look over there." Meredith pointed over to where Jackson and April were playing darts. At this point, Jackson had his arms wrapped around April instructing her from behind about the right way to throw the dart. It was obviously very flirty.

"They really have it bad don't they?" Cristina pondered. "Who would have thought, April Kepner the Virgin Mary and Jackson Avery, pretty boy who could easily have any girl in Seattle."

"Kepner must have something up her sleeve. Girl has secret game." Mer replied.

"What are the odds that she's a total sex kitten? It actually makes total sense. All those superpowers transferred to a different specialty." Cristina joked.

"I actually think they're pretty adorable together, you know? I mean the whole best friends fall for each other thing. Isn't that a typical movie plot or whatever?" Meredith said as they watched April giggle at something Jackson said.

"You're right. I give her a lot of crap. I'm still going to give her a lot of crap. But I have to agree with you, they work." Cristina admitted. She turned her attention from Jackson and April over to Bailey, who was currently pitching to Joe her new idea of moving her wedding reception to his bar.

"What are we going to do about Bailey? When we told her to let go, man, she really let go." Cristina pointed out.

"Someone should probably get ahold of Ben to come pick her up. I'd say Bailey's bachelorette party was a success." Mer answered.

"So that is the secret Avery technique huh?" April flirted with Jackson.

"Yea, you're a fast learner. I'm not surprised though, you're an excellent surgeon and you have an excellent technique." Jackson complimented.

It always meant a lot to her when Jackson commented on her surgical abilities. Especially after everything that happened with her boards. However, right now wasn't the time to get all mushy over how nice he was to her. Right now, they were going on about a half hour of flirting. It was pretty much foreplay and April could hardly stand it any longer. Damn it! He just smelled so good tonight.

"Yea, but recently I prefer your technique…" April said though she wasn't talking about darts or surgery anymore.

Jackson did not miss this. "Oh yea? I was pretty sure you appreciated it but it's always nice to hear."

They were no longer even pretending to play darts. "Oh make no mistake, I always appreciate it. You have great results… every time." she says smoothly.

And here we go again. The look. No doubt, what they had was intense. She had never experienced a relationship like this. She had had it. She needed him NOW.

"Umm…. I have to go to the bathroom." She said but she gave him a weird look. In her look she tried to convey that she absolutely wanted him to follow her. He did not understand at first.

"Okay… do you want me to grab you another drink while you're in there?" he asked causing her to become a little frustrated.

"No that's okay… I'm just going to head to the bathroom.." she said using her eyes to make herself clear this time.

"Oh! …. Oh okay.. yea actually I have to go to." He said finally catching on.

They wasted no time as they hustled over to the bathroom. Knowing Joe's bar well, Jackson knew that the men's bathroom didn't have a lock on the door. However, having had a few hook ups in this very situation taught him that the women's bathroom did have a lock.

April checked the women's room to find it was empty. She was about to thank God for that but she realized that probably wasn't appropriate.

Jackson locked the door. He could not ignore the irony of the situation. He had just locked the door similar to the way he had when they had sex in the men's bathroom at the boards. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind and attacked April's lips with his own.

Jackson scooped April up into his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He moved his lips from her mouth to her neck desperately.

"Oh god.." she moaned. They moved over to the sink and Jackson set her down, still keeping her legs wrapped around him tightly.

She had one arm wrapped around his neck and the other arm up against his chest threatening to pull his shirt over his head.

His hands moved lower on her body. He slipped one hand past the hem of her jeans and cupped her perfect ass.

April realized that this was very similar to what happened at the boards and it was heading there fast. For a brief moment as Jackson kissed down her neck toward her breasts, she regained some of her common sense she'd lost to the alcohol.

First, she knew she wanted him tonight, no question. Second, she knew that having a quickie in Joe's bathroom was not going to do anything for her dignity. Third, though she could not figure out what exactly they meant to each other yet, she knew it deserved more than this.

"Jackson… huhmmm… stop… I need.." she tried to get out.

He stopped and looked up at her, "What's wrong? You don't want to do this? I'm sorry April.. I thought…"

"No Jackson, I want you. I really really want you right now. I just don't want to do this right here anymore." She tried to explain.

"That makes sense. The women's bathroom at Joe's bar wasn't exactly the cleanest choice." He replied.

"That doesn't mean I don't want to." April let him know eyeing him.

"Well….. You know I still haven't seen your new apartment?" he suggested. He was still pressed against her on the sink.

"Is that so?" she smiled. She liked where this was going. "I guess I could show you around the place."

"I would like that. Do you want to get out of here?" he asked.

"So much." She sighed. "But first, have to say goodbye to everyone. Oh god, Cristina was right!"

"Right about what?" he wondered.

"She said before we even left the hospital that I'd ditch everyone for you tonight." She said.

"Okay well we can't let Yang have this one. She's right too often." Jackson said as he thought for a minute.

"Here's what we do. You go out there and rejoin Bailey and them and I'll talk to Karev. In a few minutes, tell them you're tired and say goodbye. They won't think anything of it because I'll dip out a couple minutes after you. Then meet me by the coat rack. Sound good?" Jackson asked.

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled.

April and Jackson left the bathroom at different times to try not to be noticed. This didn't go over very well due to the line of ladies waiting to use the bathroom. Oh well April thought.

They rejoined the group just as Ben showed up.

"Ben Warren! You're here! Do you know I've been telling Torres over here that she should have invited you all along? I missed my Bengy wengy.." Bailey slurred as she fell all over her fiancé. Callie finally decided to call Ben to pick her up. Bailey had a great time but it was time for her to start nursing her future hang over.

"Oookay, why don't we grab your coat and get you home honey?" Ben told Bailey. He was clearly embarrassed that she used her pet name for him in front of everyone.

"Hummm that sounds great, let's get out of here Bengy wengy" she said as she got a little handsy.

"Alright. Goodbye ladies, Avery, Karev. I appreciate you doing this for her" he thanked everyone but under his breath he added, "but you could have gone lighter on the shots." With that, he escorted Bailey out of the bar.

"See, I told you guys this would be a good idea. You all need to listen to me more often." Callie stated.

"You're right, I needed this." Mer admitted.

"I agree. But I'm pretty tired. I'll see you all on Monday." April said following Jackson's plan.

There was a chorus of, "Night Kepner" that went around the group. She headed to the bathroom because this time she actually had to go.

A few minutes passed and Jackson also said his goodbyes and headed toward the coat rack.

"Well I guess it's that time. We're dropping like flies now. I guess some of us just can't handle nights out like we used to." Alex commented.

"Hey, did anyone else notice that Avery and Kepner both left just within a couple minutes of each other?" Callie asked.

"No way…" Cristina said putting two and two together.

Everyone turned their attention to the coat rack where Jackson was helping April put on her coat. They thought they were so smart and would go unnoticed. They were wrong. The group watched as April turned around and thanked Jackson for the nice gesture with a big kiss. With that, Jackson threw his arm over her shoulders and the couple left the bar.

"Like I said before, Bailey's bachelorette party was a success. Even Kepner's getting laid." Meredith said assumed.

Next chapter is the last one! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!