Disclaimer: Not mine.

Author's Note: Thanks to Jedisapphire for the beta and support. Thanks to dogluvva99 for sparking the idea.

Summary: Cain offers Sam an unusual deal to free Dean of the mark.


Chapter I: The Offer

"I know why you're here," Cain said, motioning for Sam and Dean to take a seat. "But before we talk about the mark can I ask you a few questions Sam?"

"Sure," Sam said, a little uneasy, wondering what Cain could possibly ask him being they've never met.

"Do you have any experience doing home repairs?"

"What?" Sam and Dean exchanged puzzled glances.

"Yes," Sam answered. "I've done work as a maintenance man. But what does this have to do with why we're here?"

"How would like a job Sam?"

"I don't need ... "

"Before you say anything, hear me out. I've neglected my home for far too long. It needs a lot of repairs and a handy man I am not."

"And you want to hire me?" Sam asked in almost amused disbelief.


"The answer is no!" Dean interjected.

"Sam," Cain ignored Dean. "It would just require you to spend a couple of weeks here."

"No," Dean cut in before Sam could speak. "The answer is no."

"My payment would be removing the mark from your brother's arm."

Sam's eyes widened. But it was Dean that spoke again. "I don't know what game you're up to."

"This is no game I promise you."

"Are you serious?" Sam asked, not knowing what to think but showing interest.

"Sam!" Dean ordered, standing up. " Outside, now!"

"Yes, I'm very serious." Cain kept eye contact with Sam. "You came here for my help to remove the mark. The only way to do so, is for me to retrieve it back from Dean. I'm offering you that in exchange for those two weeks.

"So let me get this clear," Sam asked. "You will get rid of the mark by me doing some odd jobs?" Sam wanted to believe this but saying it out loud made it even harder.

"Yes. All you have to do is stay here for a couple of weeks. Do the jobs I ask of you at a pace you set. Of course your free time is your own and yes I will remove the mark. You have my word."

"I need to talk to my brother," Dean grabbed hold of Sam's arm and dragged him outside.