I have missed all my blue bloods lovers and as a special request from Shanewz, I will be writing a new Eddie and Jamie story from before they liked each other to now when they obviously love each other ( I mean come on she said she needed him!) So please read, review, and let me know what you think, love always Layna.


He was her Salvation, her might and she knew that no matter what he was always going to be there for her because they were partners and they had each other's backs. This had been proven over and over again, but what would she do without him, because right now that was a real possibility and it was terrifying. And now here in this waiting room she paced wringing her hands as she felt the blood still on her hands, the nightmare replaying in her head the outcome the same and it made her want to be physically ill. It made her stomach lurch when she thought about losing him, it was all too much, she just kept trying to push out the bad memories and picture all the good, everything she loved about him. His smile and his laugh, it made her heart flutter knowing that it was her jokes that caused it, they complimented each other in this forbidden love but she could not help it. He made her feel safe and loved in so many ways, in his arms it was as if nothing could break her, she never intended to fall in love with him it just happened. As one does she just grew accustom to being his partner and the longer they spent time together the more comfortable she became of being herself and it was amazing because since her father's arrest she blocked herself off. However, here he was Jamie Reagan the man who knew her so well, the man who held her at night, the man who had hidden this from his family because he wanted to be with her all the time. It was all going well and yet here she was waiting, waiting for anything because she knew he was dying and she knew it was her fault.


Just a prolouge to the Story, I hope you like it, the inspiration was from the song "Salvation" by Gabrielle Aplin, a song about having someone there for you and knowing that you fell in love without even meaning too, I guess it just fits Jamie and Eddie's story, I am going to try to label all chapters with the song of inspiration. Please Review I know its short but should I go on? Love Layna