AN: Sorry everyone, I have been sick off and on. I love spring but the season's change can make me sick.

Through the Veil

Lady Countryrose

Ch. 35

A few days after the dance. The group of teens had gone to the Headmaster's office and demanded to be tested out of the school. They agreed it was time for them to move on with their lives. Dumbledore agreed, making arrangements for the tests to be taken place. In the Room of Requirement.

It was arranged that every night, not including the nights of the full moon. The teens would be taking a two-hour test per subject. Which would make it to where the students would not be getting out of Hogwarts for another month. But they agreed to the terms.

Just like most things in Hogwarts, the student body had caught wind about their testing out. Causing the Great Hall to quietened during dinner one night. The Marauders had glanced at one another. Seeing that their presents had been the light of the party for the school.

James sighed when he sat down with his friends. "I've never seen this school so . . ."

"Remorse," answered Lily, nodded next to him. "You're right."

Hermione huffed softly; as her eyes wandered through the room, "Are we doing the right thing? Even though we're only thinking about ourselves here."

Sirius grumbled before he stood up onto his feet and walked towards the head table. Where he stopped and stood before Dumbledore, who nodded towards the young man to speak.

Sirius Black; the young man that everyone had known while in Hogwarts, turned to them with arms open wide. "Why is everyone so gloom around here?" He looked around from table to table, seeing that not everyone wanted to look towards him. "You act as if Voldemort hasn't been slain from our lives! Now what gives?"

A young boy from the Ravenclaw table spoke up, "You and your friends will be leaving soon. Is that true?"

"Oh sucks," Sirius grumbled. "I know that my friends and I have been a group of hooligans. At least;" he turned his head towards the teachers that were behind him, "that was what we've been told."

This caused many in the hall to chuckle.

Professor McGonagall spoke up from where she sat, "Rightly so!" She gave a small smile. "But nonetheless the halls would be finally quiet for once."

The student body started to clap for a couple of moments before Sirius spoke again. "Our legends will be forever in bedded in these walls! Don't forget that James, Remus and I have done for this school." He shook his head as he smiled, "And I will guarantee you that we will come back again. Especially for the games."

He noticed that many within the hall started to cheer up from his words. "I know for a fact that James and I would like to see who the running player for Gryffindor."

Causing many within his table to cheer even louder than the rest of the hall. Bringing many smiles from the head table.

From where Hermione was sitting, she could see Sirius becoming a politician, if he wanted to that was. He definitely had the name to back him up. Her eyes shifted toward her brother-in-law. And saw that Sirius would have the backing of his brother to go with it.

Lily leaned towards Hermione from across from her. "You have the same idea as I do, don't you?"

"What idea is that Lily," asked Hermione with a smile upon her lips.

"That Sirius would be a good politician!" Lily glanced around the whole hall. "He would have the support of Hogwarts behind him."

Hermione gave a chuckle, "Yes that was what I was thinking about." Her eyes made their way back to Sirius, who had gotten many to cheer even louder than moments before. "But I'm afraid he wouldn't agree to any of it."

James who had happened to listen to what the girls had been talking. "I think I may be of service of that." Causing the two girls to jump slightly as they looked towards him. "I would say that the only way for Remus to have a life, is for him to run for Minister for Magic. Leave it to me girls, he will listen."

Lily and Hermione gave James a dumbfounded look. Before Lily smiled towards her loving man. "Do whatever it takes James." Her eyes looked around the Great Hall. "From the history of knowing the ministers, we need someone who can change the world."

Hermione nodded, "We also need someone who can change the outlook on muggleborns." Her eyes wandered towards her hands. "As well as someone who would be open to allowing the general public to know about us and fear the magic."

James sighed, "That would be great and all, Hermione. But we need to do this in baby steps." He glanced around the room at large. "Most of them have been raised with one outlook in life, let us slowly move on some of the changes. But I will guarantee that they will be many changes before Harry comes to Hogwarts."

The woman from another time nodded, "I will agree with you on those terms."

The Great Hall was in the right state of things by the time Sirius came and sat down next to Hermione, with his arm around her shoulders. He gave her a smile that warmed her heart. "Sorry love, but I couldn't stand being around here if was going to be gloomy."

She shook her head, "Don't worry Sirius." She gave him a peck on his cheek before grabbing something for her to drink. "But something tells me that our futures are going to be far different than what we had once believed."

After dinner that night, the guys had gone out of the main doors. Where they had stated that they wanted a night to themselves. Which Hermione and Lily gladly gave them. They wanted a night of quiet, without all the maleness that followed them around. They loved the guys but sometimes all of them at once was a bit much. So they decided to go to the library and find a book or two to grab before heading for bed.

"Hermione," Lily asked kindly towards the other girl. "Do you miss your other friends?"

She smiled kindly towards Lily. "You mean, do I miss Harry?" A sigh left her lips as she smiled, "Every time I look at James, I see Harry. But they are totally different from one another." A tear left her eye. "I miss him, like I would a brother."

The red headed woman nodded, "I understand that."

Once at the library, they picked their books before leaving to their own rooms.

The next day, Hermione had found Sirius fast asleep on the couch. She almost did not want to wake him up, but it was time for them to head down for breakfast. Hermione walked towards her husband and shook him, causing him to roll over and fall onto the stone floor.

"Huff," he grumbled before glancing up to see a giggling wife. "You know, I have a half a mind to believe that you enjoyed that?"

"Hardly, but it was entertaining to watch."

Sirius picked himself off of the floor. Before casting his wand upon himself to get his clothes to look nice again. He placed his wand back into his pocket before giving Hermione a look again. "James told me what you and Lily had been scheming about." His eyes darken for a moment. "Do you hate me or something?"

"No," she shook her head. "Sirius, you know how to get people's attention. Just look what you did last night, why not use your capabilities to help others. Even Remus."

Sirius sighed, "You have a point." He nodded before coming towards her and wrapped his arms around her. "What would this world do without having someone like you in it." He gave her a heartwarming kiss before releasing her. "Oh, once we do leave here. I do have a place in mind for us to move into."

"Really, where?"

"Godric's Hollow, we'll be neighbors to James and Lily."

Hermione smiled, "That would be great." She gave a thoughtful look before she went on to say, "Is that where y'all went last night?"

"Mostly yes," Sirius smiled while lifted his eyebrows. "The rest is a surprise."

A moan left Hermione's lips, "I hate surprises."

"Come on love, you'll love it." He took her head, as he leads her out the door.

Once they had reached the Great Hall, where their friends were there waiting for them. Each one of them with a smile on their faces, even Lily was sporting one of her own. Causing Hermione to grumble.

"I see that every one of you knows this surprise that I don't?"

"Yep," they had answered at the same time.

She turned her focus on Sirius once more, "So, when am I going to know this surprise?"

"Just give a moment, love." His smile was so heartwarming for Hermione to ignore but allowed him to have his game for the time being.

When the Great Hall was filled up with students. Headmaster Dumbledore stood before them. "May I have your attention please." When the hall was quiet, he went on. "As of last night; one of our own has declared his running for Ministry for Magic." He glanced towards the Gryffindor table. "Sirius Black."

This caused the whole hall to stand up and clap, even the Slytherin table had the same. Everyone was given Sirius their support. Hermione, on the other hand, was looking at him like a fish out of water before she found her voice. "Really?"

"Yes," he nodded. He smiled even more, "That was the surprise I was talking about. James didn't have to convince very much after he told me what you and Lily had been saying." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her close to him. "I agree our world needs someone to change this world and it might as well be me."

Hermione wrapped her own arms around him. "Thank you, Sirius. I know this will be a challenge but I'll be there with you."

"Good," he spoke darkly towards her. "I'm going to need an assistant that I can trust. Do you think you might be open for the job?"

"Oh definitely, I have many ideas for new laws . . ."

Sirius moved out of her reach to raise his hands, "Alright, alright. I guess I should know better than ask that question."

Hermione no longer thought about the unknown, not with Sirius and his friends within her life. She may have gone through a lot of changes in understanding that she was related to people that she had wished she had never known. Then again, she did pass through the veil and found herself in another world.

She also found out that histories from one world to the other did not add up, but then again. What could be constant in both worlds? Hermione hoped that in being in the new one, she would be able to change the Wizarding World for the better.

Two months had passed; with that, they had graduated from Hogwarts. The group moved to Godric's Hollow, all living within a block with one another. James and Lily had decided to live in the Potter Mansion. Where they would live far from the home that they had once built the first time around.

Sirius Black had won the election for Minister for Magic, causing the man known as Fudge to be laughed out of town. From there, Sirius had passed many laws. One of them being that werewolves were classified as a human with special needs. Meaning that they could hold any kind of job they wished, but not the night shifts.

Once Severus Snape had perfected the Wolfsbane formula. It became mandated that all werewolves were to take it. Causing Severus to work for the ministry to help with other cures that needed to be addressed. Along with the go-to title for potion master.

Regulus Black works for Severus as a clerk at the ministry. Making sure that all of Severus legal forms were filled out and filed to the right people.

James and Remus were working at the ministry in law enforcement. Keeping the street clear of any uprising in the dark forces. They were also called to keep Minister Black and his wife safe, whenever they traveled out of the country to get other countries with the same mindset of laws.

Lily became the head healer. She even helped with Severus to come up with better potions to help heal people. She also became the one to solve the unsolvable cases.

Hermione became a lawmaker for the ministry. She passed many laws. Which caused Lucius Malfoy to come into her office and start asking her calmly, "Is this really necessary? You have gotten all the pureblood breathing down my neck for this one."

Her replied as always been, "I'm not kidding around, Lucius. It's about time the Wizarding World realizes that change is for the better."

Hermione had even passed a law to allow muggles to know about the magical world. Her final decoration on the matter in front of Wizmount was, "We're not being hunted anymore. How are we to have safe travels for the students if their parents aren't aware of the world before hand? I can tell you that me being muggleborn had it's disadvantages because of the unknown."

Her counter argument was, "What about the people who aren't magical? How would they feel about the magical world?"

This caused her to smile at the room at large, "Then they would have classes about our history. Allow them to understand why we have been secretive. They will only view us as another culture that happened to be living in their backyard."

Sure enough, once the muggles were allowed the knowledge of the magical world. They, in fact, did view them as another culture to learn from. Some had even believed that the middle ages had come back into fashion.

Even the Queen of England enjoyed some of her time at the Ministry of Magic. Which she found was not that much different from the House of Commons. Just had a lot of special floors and ways to get there.

Hogwarts had even changed their policies. They allowed muggles and muggle teachers into their halls. Allowing magical and non-magical students to learn each of the classes that they hold. Even potions were allowed as a chemistry class.

England as a whole was becoming to be a better place everyone that lived there. Even on the day that Harry Potter had shown his baby self into the world. Bringing the two parents that had done everything for him the first time around. Believing that peace is with them. Along with more children in the following years, making Harry the happiest boy in the world.

Remus had married the little Ravenclaw, Cloe Riverstone; who brought a never ending smile on the werewolf's lips. Along with a family, shortly after the marriage. Once the children were worn, every one of them showed no signs of werewolfism.

As for Hermione and Sirius; they had their share of children, all being smart and full of wit. But each one of them had caused a smile in their parent's lives.

Sirius whispered into his wife's hair as they watched their children playing with the other children. "This life is much better, having you as my wife."

She leaned towards him, "I'm glad you think so." She gave a peck on his cheek. "But how would you think about another child?"

"Another," he asked with a smile. "But we already have three perfect boys, what else can I ask for?"

"A girl?"

This caused Sirius to stop watching their three boys to look at his wife with raised eyebrows. "A girl, really?"

She nodded, "Really."

Sirius jumped to his feet and picked up Hermione into his arms and twirled her around. Causing Hermione to laugh with glee. "SIRIUS!"

"Sirius put your wife down!" Remus called as he walked his way over to them. "Plus, the little girl she's carrying doesn't like the feel of fast movement."

This caused Sirius to stop his movement and glared at Remus. "How can you tell?"

"Like I've told James. My sense of smell has a way of telling me stuff like that." A glare showed on the auburn haired man's face, "Now put her down."

Once Hermione was on the ground, Sirius lightly wrapped his arms around his wife. "You make this man very happy."

She giggled, "I'm glad to hear it." Hermione gave him a kiss. "Happy Birthday, Sirius."