a/n i finally got around to posting a yugioh fanfic! yay! enjoy!(The prologue is from Adeline's pov when she is four, mokuba is four, and Kaiba is nine.)
I hide behind the nice lady as she introduces me to the other kids.
"Everyone, this is Adeline. She's new to the orphanage, so be nice. Adeline, do you have anything else to say?"
I shake my head no, and she gently pushes me out from behind her.
"Okay, now why don't you run along and play? You will really enjoy it here, I promise."
I gulp as she walks away. I almost yell out,"don't leave!" But it didn't work last time. Mommy and Daddy still left me all alone.
Almost all the other kids, especially the older ones, give me scary looks before walking away, until only two kids are still in the room I am in. I hope they will be friends with me.
One of the kids, a brown haired and blue eyed boy holds out a hand. "Hello, my name is Seto. And this is Mokuba," he says, gesturing at the boy with long unruly black hair and violet eyes hiding behind him.
I tentatively shake his hand, and says a quiet hello to Mokuba. Seto gently nudges Mokuba who then says hello as well. We all go outside, and I expect them to leave me at any second. When we are at the swing set, I sigh and say, "you guys don't have to pretend to be my friends."
"What makes you think we're pretending?" Asks Seto.
I look up, hopeful for new friends. "You mean you're not pretending? You really want to be my friends?"
"Yes," says Mokuba, and I smile.
Seto became like a big brother to me, and I began calling him onii-chan, or big brother. I slowly began to enjoy my time in the orphanage, and I was happy I found a new family.
I ran outside with Seto and Mokuba to play with them on the equipment. "Come on, Mokie!" i called back to Mokuba as i ran ahead of both of them. "You, too, Seto!"
I climb up on one of the swings, trying to start without anyone helping me. I still havent done it by the time Mokuba and Seto finally catch up, so I look at Seto with puppy dog eyes. "Little help onii-chan?"
He laughs and pushes Mokuba and I on the swings. Little did i know thay this would be one of the last times i saw them for a very long time.
a/n updated chappie! I decided to play with this a bit and add a bit more background on Adelines time in the orphanage. Sorry if she seems like a depressed sixteen year old, I suck at writing grieving four year olds. R&R!