Omg, so I wrote this chapter and my computer just shut off and deleting the memory, so I was really discouraged...and that's what took me so long, I'm so sorry, blame my old computer.
Robin: Stupid Computer, it could use an upgrade.
Me: Don't you think I know that Robin...
Chapter 5
Everyone hovered around Artemis as she put in the combination to her locker.
"Could I get some space?" She whispered loudly.
"Oh sorry."
*Grunt* (guess who did that)
"That means you too, baywatch." Artemis glared.
Everyone else glared at Wally as well.
"Sorry, high metabolism, here." He said.
Artemis rolled her eyes and opened her locker. She reached in and grabbed a large bag filled with 6 mini pizzas, one for everyone.
The sound of large, overpriced shoes where heard coming down the stairs and everyone ran.
"Run!" Wally screamed, although everyone was already running, including him. Wally held the bag close to his chest, protecting it like his own life.
They ran right to a dead end and stopped by the faculty bathroom.
"Oh, no. No more detention." Megan cried.
"Look, I'll create a diversion, you guys run when you get the chance, I'll meet you there as fast as possible." Dick said.
"No, Dick, you're not going alone, I could help. I'll do some illusions, it'll be like trolling." Zatanna smirked. Dick nodded and smiled at his girlfriend. They both nodded to their friends as they ran to the direction of Luthor.
Luthor shrieked by the suprise of two kids, charging at him.
Dick smirked and let out a crackle. "Hey Vice Principal Luthor...Knock Knock?" Dick asked as he pulled out two smoke bombs from his pranking kit. (he stopped by one of his emergency prank refill spots, which are all over the school)
"Who's there?" Luthor growled.
"Me!" Zatanna screamed as she ripped a 'Come see the MJHS Play' poster off the wall and threw it at him, using Dick's supper glue, it stuck to his face making him unable to see.
"Oh and don't forget about me!" Dick said as he took another poster and used it to get Luthor's legs.
Luthor fell to the ground as Zatanna and Dick shared a short, sweet kiss as a victory.
"Come on, Dick, race you to the Detention room!" She hollered.
Dick crackled. "I'll give you a head start, babe."
Like I said, I'm very upset about my Computer earasing my 500 word one, so this will have to do.