Intro Everdark
Don't own anything! All rights on this manga/anime and all it's characters belong to Tachibana Koushi.
THIS CHAPTER is just a INTRO kind of thing you would/could see on the back side of a book. Or maybe a COMMENT of some sorts. EXPLANATION or whatever. Laugh your asses off if you feel like it^^. If it's not of interest for you just skip it!
I kind of changed a lot for this collection. Originally just one poem (Everdark) for Kurumi/Nightmare by now it has a lot of chapters and just the title remains with this name.
Completely fictional sometimes but always being things surrounding Kurumi/Nightmare in some way...
Every 10 chapters is a timelines chapter I actually use as a help for myself. I hope it is of interest for you too. Up for about 1 week. So you can expect it to be up at chapter 10, 20, 30 and so on. And then get exchanged by a normal one!
I try and always tell you where you have to place the chapter I uploaded in the Anime as well as where to place it in the already existing chapters!
Don't ask for fast uploads please :) My policy is quality, not quantity! So it might either be extremely fast in succession or can take extremely long! This is getting uploaded at the same time as Intro the Abyss. Funny coincidence in titles right? I changed this since some infos were not up to date after I looked at this again...
If you want to write me in a comment and would like for me to answer you I will do that. So feel free to if you want to.
Don't know if this was somehow helpful or needed but I felt like I should actually write one. Sounded like a funny idea to me haha. Yes it was not but I do what I want^^
I hope you have fun reading and commenting this if possible. It keeps us writers alive and going ;)
And an additional thanks to Kyubi1 who is translating this into spanish for me and helping me out with some content related stuff! It is a big help! s/13158385/1/Everdark is the link to it if you are interested in that language instead of english or just want to check out the work he does in general u/4168085/Kyubi1 is the link to him!
A/N: Thanks to all who actually took the time to somehow at least look into this or my chapters in general. And oc the reviewers who don't just do nothing but only write insults but are actually a help...