Italics indicate thinking.
This is a small Futanari Lucy Spin off. Partially inspired by Chapter 420…blaze it…
It can take place any time after the Wendy X Chelia side story.
This takes place in the Futanari Lucy Cannon.
Wendy's POV
I stretched as I woke up.
"Don't move." Chelia whined.
Chelia had been sleeping on my chest but when I sat up she got pushed off.
"I was still sleeping." She pouted "Can't we stay in bed for a while."
Chelia pushed me back down and snuggled closer. She sneakily stuck her hand up my shirt and copped a feel.
"Hey." I giggled "No using cuddle time for that."
Chelia kissed my cheek "But you're just so comfy."
"Let's get up." I said "We have things to do today."
"Do we have to?" Chelia said kissing my neck "Let's spend the day together…in bed."
"As fun as that sounds." I said pushing her head off me "We have people waiting for us."
I gave her a kiss "I love you."
"I love you to." She pouted.
"Let's go take a shower." I said taking a hand "You're all sweaty from last night."
I pulled Chelia into the hot water. She pushed me against the tiled walls and kissed me, our breasts mashing together.
"I knew you'd do this." I smiled.
"Is that why you brought me in here?" Chelia asked "To take advantage of me."
"You're the one who wanted to be more promiscuous. I tried to deny you and act like a mature adult." I smirked.
I reached up and grabbed Chelia's breasts. I used my finger to play with her inverted nipples.
"We'll have to get those out to clean them." I smiled.
"Oh yeah…" Chelia moaned "Get me nice and clean."
I grabbed a sponge and started scrubbing Chelia's body. I made sure to linger on my favorite areas, her large breasts and her sweet pussy.
"So…ah…what are our plans for the day?" Chelia asked.
"We're free." I smirked.
"But you said people were waiting for us."
"I lied to get you out of bed." I giggled as Chelia washed me "What do you want to do?"
"We could go to the club tonight…look for boys again…"
"There's a job I've had my eye on….not a wizarding job but I think you'd like it."
"What kind of job." She asked as we turned the water off and began drying off.
"A karaoke club is looking for some waitresses." I smiled.
"That seems kinda boring." Chelia said.
"But think of the tips…both monetary and flesh." I said wiggling my eyebrows.
Chelia bit her lip "On second thought it sounds kinda fun."
Later That Day.
Chelia and I easily got the jobs at the Karaoke bar. It had no real theme so each of the waitresses had a different outfit. I had been dressed up as a French Maid. The look reminded me of Virgo, only I was showing a lot more cleavage. Chelia got dolled up in a Kimono, with her hair up in a bun. Her outfit looked to be about two sizes two small cause she looked like she might explode out of it.
We worked the floor and served drinks. There was a lot of eye candy, both male and female. Bare chests and deep cleavage surrounded me. Even Chelia looked to be eyeing up a few of the guys.
The two of us were raking in tips. It's easy to get all the guys to throw money at you when you're wearing a tiny outfit and bed over to expose various parts of your body.
I had been sizing up this on guy all night. He had brown hair and was wearing tight pants and a dress shirt with the top few buttons undone. He was ripped…
"Wendy get back to work." Chelia said "You're gonna get us in trouble."
"Yeah, yeah." I said grabbing my tray "That guys been giving me looks all night."
"He's cute." Chelia giggled "Are you gonna go after it?"
"Maybe." I smirked "You find anyone yet?"
"That one next to him." Chelia said "The one with the black hair."
Chelia pointed to a man in a red V-neck. He had shaggy hair but a cute face.
"Well I'll go see about sealing the deal." I said "Do you know their names."
"Kyle is the one I've had my eye on. I think the other one said his name was…Seth…Here's the drinks they ordered."
I grabbed the tray and sashayed over to the table with the two men. They were there with a few of their buddies. One of their friends was on the stage singing…badly.
"Hello boys." I said placing the drinks around, making sure to bend over plenty.
I chatted them up, found out they were here for a friend's birthday. I conveniently lost balance and landed in Seth's lap.
"Oh I'm so clumsy." I said making a baby face.
"It's no big deal." He said helping me off his lap.
"You're soooooo Strong." I cooed holding his arm and pressing my breasts into his bicep.
"Uhh…thanks." He said blushing.
"Wendy are you okay?" Chelia said trotting over, nearly bouncing out of her kimono.
"Yes I'm fine." I said sliding the man's arm around my waist "Thanks to this big strong stud."
Chelia started chatting with the other man but eventually we had to get back to work.
"Just yell if you need anything boys." We smiled.
Even if we can't get them into bed the tip will be through the roof.
Chelia and I tended a few more tables and stopped by to flirt a bit. At one point our manager told us that we were supposed to perform on the stage…as in sing a song.
"Chelia I can't go up there." I said.
"I'll be there with you." Chelia said holding my hand "We'll do great…just do what you do best and shake it."
We went to the song machine and picked out the song we wanted to sing to. We went on the stage and people cheered. The music came on and Chelia started singing.
Insert Song- Melt by Hatsune Miku
Chelia sang the first verse while dancing around and trying not to pop a tit out of her clothes. Soon though her portion ended and she pointed at me to continue. I was super nervous but when I saw Chelia smile I knew I could do it. I started softly and a few lines in I was bouncing around and singing along. When we got to the final portion Chelia and I started harmonizing and finished up the song on a high note.
End Song
"See it was fun." Chelia cheered.
"Yeah that was fun." I smiled "We should do it more often."
The rest of the night was filled with Chelia and I waiting tables and flirting with guys. When we had finished cleaning up for the night we headed out. We had told the two men we had been flirting with to wait for us outside and lucky for us they waited. We brought them back to my room and Chelia and I wasted no time getting with a guy and shoving our tongues down there throat.
I was surprised when Seth started kissing back. He was holding me close and his muscles felt so strong. Chelia and I kept making out with our man of choice when I heard someone call.
"Wendy I'm home!"
"Carla!" I gasped.
"Eep!" Chelia yelped.
"Who's that?" Kyle asked.
"She's kinda…like my sister." I said "And she'll kill you if she finds you in here…not to mention what she'll do to me. You have to hide."
Chelia grabbed the two men and threw them into a closet.
"Oh hello Chelia." Carla said walking in "Did you to have a good day."
"It was thrilling." I said wiggling in my seat, I was turned on and Carla was delaying my release.
Carla was looking around the room suspiciously.
"Do you need something?" I asked.
"It smells like…cologne." Carla said "You both smell like it…what did you two do today?"
"Some waitressing…it's probably from the business…you know how they are."
"Okay." Carla said "I'm off to bed I'll see you in the morning."
Carla left and I looked the door. Chelia opened the closet and threw my choice of meat to me. Her and I fell back onto the bed and pulled out shirts off. We were both raring to go. Chelia pulled off her man's pants and I did the same. They were decent length…not as large as Lucy but still big.
I ran my tongue over the long length in front of me. I made Seth moan when I took his long rod into my mouth. I started blowing him and taking my bra off. Once my tits spilled free I wrapped them around his rock hard dick and started shaking them. I felt him put his hand on the back of my head and push his cock down my throat.
I made slurping noises and looked Chelia as she sucked the cock she had chosen.
"Oh…yeah…" the men were moaning as we gave them spectacular head.
I saw Kyle reach forward and grab Chelia's head as he let out a moan and filled her wet mouth with cum. I increased my efforts and before long his buddy was cumming down my throat.
I nearly gagged on the amount that entered my mouth.
This load is massive….does this guy ever jack off?
I looked at Chelia. We pulled each other into a kiss and swapped our cum deposits. Soon the two men were naked and Chelia and I both got on all fours and stuck our butts up to them.
"Fuck us."
I groaned as I felt the cock of this hunk enter me. He grabbed my waist and started thrusting. I felt my breasts sway and slap into my face and the skin under my boobs as I was jerked around and fucked. It felt so good to have a nice hard cock in me. Chelia was moaning as she was being fucked in a similar style. It was so sexy to watch my friend getting fucked right next to me.
Is that all Chelia is…my friend…we spend so much time together it's almost like….were girlfriends…
I shook the thought from my mind as I felt Seth pick up the pace and ram into me more and more.
"Oh yeah…fuck me…" I begged "make me cum!"
I saw Chelia panting and it was clear she was getting close to her climax. I was almost there so and I wanted to cum with me…the two of us at the same time. I was almost there when I heard my male partner moan.
"Ohh…fuck yeah." he groaned.
I felt his cum pump into me.
I didn't get to finish…son of a bitch! Fucking Rookie!
"AHHH!" I heard Chelia moan as she got to have her orgasm.
I pushed Seth over and shoved his cock back into me. I grinded my hips to get him hard again and then started hopping up and down making clapping noises as my ass hit his thighs. Soon I was close again and this time I was gonna finish first.
"Yeah…yeah…ah…ah…ah…OHHHH! YES!" I moaned as my walls tightened up.
After that the boys went to sleep, uncomfortably spooning Chelia and I.
"What are we gonna do with these two?" Chelia asked "I assume this will be a One Night like always?"
"We'll kick them out in the morning. And then never see them again" I said "Let's get some sleep."
Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.
This story just came to me as a spinoff. After reading Chapter 420…blaze it…I wanted to write some Wendy, Chelia and Carla. I wanted to give them their own spinoff now that we know what they do during the skip…and since were a little while away from that in Futanari Lucy this could be a fun way to explore that. Also we are getting closer to actually doing Tartarus in Futa-Lucy so just hang on a bit. I'm still planning out how I want to do that.
This story will mostly feature Wendy, Carla and Chelia on random adventure, having sex with random guys, girls and whatever else they can get their hands on. Some characters will be cannon and others will just be random OC's.
I selected Melt as the song cause it's what came on my IPod while I was writing.
I don't know if you guys know this but when the new chapters of the Manga come out you can usually find me discussing it on r/Fairytail on Reddit. So feel free to come join us and talk about your thoughts. I have the same name on Reddit "snakebit1995" so you can sometimes find my thoughts on chapter expressed there as well.
Till Next Time!