A/N: I accepted this challenge from mellra and decided to continue from where he left off on his story Nox's Legacy, so without further adieu Nox's Legacy
Chapter 1
Naruto looked at him curiously wondering what he means and what happened to everything "what did you do to everything" " I simply stopped time" "cool is that one of those cool ninja jutsu's" "no it is different much much different" "can you teach me it" "yes I can as well as how to make these" he said while holding up his wakfu bombs/spy drones " i can also teach you how to build a moving base and portal system that can transport stuff" "cool but why are you doing this for me, everybody hates me" " I'm doing this because we are the same" "how are we the same" then as Nox tells him all of his past Naruto listens and understands what he is saying and agrees that he was no villain he just wanted to see his family so Naruto agrees to Nox's proposal and becomes his legacy.
it has been 5 years since that fateful encounter with Nox and in that time Naruto has built a suit just like the one nox has and is halfway through building his giant clock fortress. nobody found it for several reasons #1: it is being built in the maw (A/N: the valley that jiraiya throughs naruto in to teach him how to use the kyuubi's chakra to summon gamabunta) #2: is that it is being built in a cave in the maw that is sealed up(A/N: the only reason he found it was an accident when teleporting) he found out the uchihas could not copy his wakfu jutsus, he has finished creating the portal jutsu that he calls Wakufu: PÅtaru (wakfu portal). he has also became a feared ninja ever since he started leaving the village. the only times that he wore the nox suit is when he leaves the village to get supplies for his base and when assigned a mission by the hokage or something that needs nox to attend to it. in the bingo book he is known as nox the clock because of his time abilities. the sandaime is the only one that knows about his abilities and secret identity and he lets him do what he wants because naruto deserves it and that there is nothing that he can freaking do to stop him, because even he has fallen to narutos time jutsu.
it has been 3 years and naruto has finally finished his clock fortress and has named it clockwork and is about to test it but first he must get it out of the cave. while over the years naruto has been changing the underground of konoha so that it could split in half and move apart with only the hokage knowing he has also made it so that there are infinite kunai launchers hidden in the walls as well as under a lot of the paving stones as well as sensors that scan over 13 miles outside of konoha and a lot of the paving stones that have whole nests of Wakufu: Supai bakudan (wakfu: spy bombs) that can come out in the blink of an eye. but he does not want to scare away all of the citizens. which brings us to our current position.
naruto is on his way to the sandiames office to ask him where he could summon clockwork. naruto knocked on sarutobi's door, when he got inside and sarutobi he simply said "Noximillion" and several seals appeared and teleported the people in the room to a pocket dimension, this included the ambu which sarutobi dismissed to a side room then they talked "so what can i do you need nox" "I need you to tell me a location where I can summon clockwork from the cave without causing an international incident" "well i have the perfect place, suna should do nicely after all it is mostly an empty desert and the kazekage knows your secret so he should allow it why don't you ask him" "I'll summon him" as he said this, in the kazekage's office one of his Wakufu: Supai bakudan (wakfu: spy bombs) on the kazekage's desk turns on and signals the kazekage,then the kazekage turns to his son who is in the room to come closer and asks him "do you want to make a friend" gaara beamed and nodded and the kazekage said "Noximillion" and they vanished from the room and appeared next to naruto. the kazekage spoke to naruto "hello naruto I don't believe that you have met my son gaara" "hello naruto would you like to be my friend" "sure gaara can I talk to your dad then I will come and play with you" "sure" okay kazekage-sama clock work is finally complete but i need somewhere to summon it" "sure do you have a map of suna" "yes I do" "okay here would be a good spot I have no ambu patrols there for a month and there is a bandit camp that could serve as a perfect test for clockwork, the camp is fairly large about 3,000 people, no captives or slaves, I would also pay you for it, but of course you would have to go in nox mode so I can pay you without the council getting suspicious of me" "uh I have a question isn't the council only supposed to be only active during war time" "...yes that is true" said both the hokage and kazekage "when we get back i will disband the council" "good they were getting annoying i'll summon clockwork in one week at 12:30pm."