Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. This disclaimer is property of HPfanficarchive.
19th January 1992
Harry, Raven, Susan and Hermione sat upon the bed of their shared accommodation. The moon was rising, all worried eyes were on Harry; he was hunched over, glaring at the wall ahead of them. The past few weeks had almost been like a pleasant break for the young hybrid, no longer tormented by the pounding hearts of his peers, no thoughts of tearing open a vein to sate his primal hunger but in the past few days he could feel the toxic substance within his blood dissolving, his movements more fluid and no longer sluggish, his strength returning and when it was silent he could hear a faint drumming of nearby heats. But now…
Harry's hands balled into fists atop of his lap, his eyes taken over with a golden hue, her fingernails sharpening into claws. It was like someone had opened the floodgates.
"Are you okay Harry?" Raven asked; her tone timid and filled with fear. Raven felt her own hands ball, she hadn't felt like this since the Dursleys and the early days that had followed.
"I'll be fine." Harry answered through gritted teeth.
Finally the duo felt the familiar sensation of the change overtake them.
Hermione watched on in fascination.
Once the transformation was finished Harry seemed to calm, the tension escaping his body. The large black wolf plodded over to Hermione and lightly nuzzled her stomach until the Ravenclaw girl proceeded to stroke his head, rubbing him behind his ear. The dark red furred wolf plodded over, pushing her muzzle into Susan's side, eliciting small giggles from the redhead who set about making a fuss over her as Hermione did Harry.
"They're so cute." Susan giggled, earning herself a playful nip from Raven.
The group remained in the room for some minutes, just hanging around and enjoying each other's company before Harry and Raven ran off down a newly opened passage to the Dark Forest, planning to spread the word of a safe haven to the creatures inhabiting it, Harry carrying an old tattered book in his large maw, waiting to be enchanted to act as a portkey. Leaving Susan and Hermione alone in the room.
Susan nervously looked towards Hermione, shifting back into her true form, allowing her scaly tail to surround Hermione, encasing her within her coils, giggling as the girl shivered within them, instinctively tightening her hold on her.
"I'm still not use to that." Hermione muttered as she eyed the scaly, muscular tail.
"You can touch it you know…just not the tip." Susan felt her cheeks burn at the last part.
"The tip?" Hermione questioned as she reached out and traced her fingers over the slimy tail, shivering at the touch much to Susan's amusement.
"Yeah…it's kind of…sensitive." Susan felt her blush spread.
A/N I am sorry for the wait but the story is not dead I just really didn't want to write this chapter, so opted for a brief one, hopefully the next chapter will be more interesting and have a longer word count.
By the way any volunteers for co-writing this with me, since I am at university I am finding myself busier and any help will be greatly appreciated.
And for those wanting more explicit material you can request such stuff on my third account – succubi-lover – check it out if you like and feel free to send requests.