Jenny wore her catsuit and held a whip. Vastra's hands were tied to the bed with satin ribbon.

Jenny cracked the whip. "What species am I?"

"Human mistress"
"Not ape?"
"Well, technically . . ."
Whip cracked menacingly.
"No mistress"
"Untie her boy!" Strax barges in.
"She has been a naughty Lizard"
"What has gotten into you boy? Untie her or I shall. "
Strax moved to untie Vastra, who sighed "Doctor?"
Jenny's demeanor changed instantly. She untied Vastra. "Doctor was the safe-word ma'am. Are you alright?"
"Yes dear, but perhaps we should wait until Strax is in Glasgow to spice up our marriage."

Drabble response to counter the film. Abuse is never erotic. if it's not clear, Jenny's flicking the whip to make noise in the air, not making contact with flesh.