What Relationships Bring

Yo~~ I'm back with the next part of this thing and, really, I just couldn't wait to finish it~ Therefore, enjoy Rin and Haruka's mind-blowingly domestic Valentines~


Matsuoka Rin couldn't be bothered to wipe the satisfied smirk off of his face, even if he was clocking in nearly two hours late for work.

Most, if not all of the reason lied in his wonderful-oh so wonderful- lover Haruka Nanase who had given him the one of the greatest wake up calls known to man.

The early morning blowjob.

Honestly, if he had known that he was going to wake up to a completely mused Haru who was in nothing but his domestically adorable blue apron on his thighs working his way up slowly and methodically, then he would've set the camera up the night before!

Anyway, after that magic alarm, he was treated to an amazingly hearty breakfast that consisted completely of his favourites, chocolate chip pancakes, meat buns, sausages and toast and even minced beef sandwiches. Rin was just about ready to cry since he knew just how much Haru hated cooking meats due to the insane amount of time it took for the beef to thaw as well as the meticulous amount of attention that he had to pay to ensure that he had gotten it just the way that the redhead liked. When Rin had queried about the rather romantic gestures Haru had simply turned away too do the dishes saying that he'd explain it later.

It was then that Rin had realised that it was already nearly seven and that if he didn't hightail it then he would be late to work. Incidentally, Haru had to work as well, especially since a lot of people would be coming in to order a variety of things ranging from pastries to chocolates and everything in between.

So, grudgingly, after giving his lover an extremely brief thank you massage, he stripped and headed into the shower to clean up.

Haru had unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you were talking to, finished doing the dishes and had taken off his apron to take a nice, soothing bath, forgetting briefly that his boyfriend was also taking a shower.

This led to the two of them sharing the bathroom, which inevitably leads to Rin going down on Haru as a thank you for that morning.

Which led to a mind-blowingly amazing quickie which was more than enough to keep Rin smug as shit for the rest of the day.

Hell, here he was clocking in at exactly ten in the morning and he couldn't be bothered to care since he knew that his captain, Mikoshiba Momotarou wouldn't be coming in for the day since he had requested a day off to spend with his wife and their first kid. It sorta helped that his wife happened to be his baby sister but that was unnecessary details.

After clocking in and checking to make sure that the head of Dispatch was out, the first thing he was greeted with was a face full of a violently scowling Sousuke. He had chuckled, "Well good morning there, Nancy, one would think that Mako would've at least done something for-"

The glare that he had gotten as soon as he had mentioned Makoto was enough to make him keep quiet for the rest of the day about him, he had forgotten for a moment that the firefighter was out of bounds by, what, five city borders?

That didn't necessarily mean that he wasn't going to tease his idiot of a best friend, especially since he knew that Makoto was actually in town and helping Haru down at the pastry shop. He didn't care much about what the two were planning but he had a pretty good idea about what he needed to get done anyway, he already had his Valentines present after all.

He spent about an hour just talking to Sousuke about the fact that he had like, the best lover of all times, which didn't fail to rile Sousuke's coils even further. Around twelve they were called to take out a small robbery that was taking place at K&K's, the jewellery store that sold the really nice engagement rings, he was happy for the distraction too, at least Sousuke didn't look like he wanted to punch his face in anymore. They were interrogating the guilty party, a blonde named Nezumi, when his phone had rung which meant that he was leaving Sousuke to complete the interrogation.

Haru's stoic voice had filtered through the phone announcing that he was going to bring him lunch, to which he most definitely didn't complain. When he walked back through the interrogation room's doors, he saw that Sousuke was doing a pretty good job of killing off his brain cells in the corner of the room and when he asked Nezumi, the blonde simply replied that he had told him the reason for attempting to rob the store (which he really wasn't, he had just forgotten to take his ski-mask off, he swears he was going to pay for the ring) which happened to be that he was buying a ring for his girlfriend of nearly five years.

Five years…. The same amount of time that Sousuke and Makoto had been together.

Rin couldn't help it, he laughed. Pretty loudly too, which earned him a couple glares from Sousuke but he didn't care, it was as if the teal-eyed man was destined to have a terrible Valentine's Day, talk about a curse.

As announced, promptly at two in the afternoon, Haru walked through the doors of the station, causing everyone to go into an uproar (and by everyone he means that female officers) about who the sexy raven in the apron and hat was. When Haru had walked onto the Dispatch floor, Sousuke's groan rang out loudly in Rin's ear, as well as his mumbled 'Kill me now.'

Haru was completely decorated from head to toe in red and pink roses and was holding a bouquet of roses along with a lunch bag with the aforementioned lunch.

Rin's blush was basically glowing, but Sousuke had pinched his cheeks, telling him to keep it in his pants.

The rest of the day was basically nothing more than him eating Haru's food (Sousuke had gotten a separate box of food, it was in the lunch bag therefore the shark was certain that it was from Mako-even if Sousuke didn't know), while awaiting his return home.

When Rin had gotten home at around nine, he wasn't expecting that Haru wouldn't have gotten off at work. Since he works at his pastry shop until half one and then he works at the restaurant from two to eight, he was usually home at quarter to nine. Then Rin remembered that it was Valentine's which meant that there was a good chance that he wasn't going to see Haru until the next morning, which made him groan, since he didn't even get to give Haru his Valentine's present.

Dinner was pretty silent, the raven had made Bistro chicken and potato wedges, which he had heated up after reading the note that was taped to the Ziploc bowl, 'Sorry about dinner, don't wait up for me-Haru'

He had taken a bath and sat down on their shared queen sized bed, wearing a pair of thick rectangular black framed glasses and observing a small black velvet box. He was so set on proposing today too.

He had tried to stay up until Haru came home, but after three o clock passed, he just sort of drifted away, lying back on Haru's side of the bed and breathing in his natural scent of chlorine, flour and something tangy.

Haru didn't come home until six and luckily Rin was up, his alarm had seen to that. The raven was pretty much dead on his feet, ambling around tiredly until he had reached the bedroom. Rin had guided him to the bed, murmuring softly in his ears while helping him take off his white chef's uniform and laying him belly down on their bed before getting the apricot oil and methodically massaging the kinks out of Haru's back, the raven basically asleep at that point.

He had called Murasakibara, telling the purple haired owner that Haru was going to be late for work due to him working an unexpected graveyard shift the night before, to which the man had replied that the shop was closed for re-stocking today.

Rin had gotten ready for work as usual, leaving on time but not before scribbling a quick note and sticking it to a box that stood quietly on the nightstand.

At twelve 'o'clock midday a rather…ruffled Haru had rushed onto the Dispatch floor, short of breath and chest heaving with his bangs stuck to his forehead with sweat, but none-the-less he immediately grabbed Rin and showered him with kisses, saying yes over and over again.




Marry me?-Rin


Can we have a moment of silence for the newly engaged couple?




Done? Done. Anyway, this ends my little Valentine's Day thing( three days after Valentine's) thank you for the support I've been getting~

Perhaps I'll continue writing SouMako and HaruRin since I absolutely love those pairings (does it matter that I haven't watched Eternal Summer?) and I would love to continue writing for them~!

Anyway, this went in a completely different direction than planned, but I think that it's alright so I hoped you enjoyed these saps having a sappy Valentine's Day~
