"Ketchum?" Paul's eyes were wider than anybody's as he watched the young man's mother pull him into a crushing hug, followed by a vicious jab into the arm from his female travelling companions, one at a time and sorted from oldest to newest.

"Ow." Ash deadpanned as he saw three more-or-less matching glares.

"Ketchum, how dare you just disappear for a full year without as much as a call to anybody?" Misty, as could be expected, was the most vocal of the three.

"Sorry, sorry." Ash raised his arms in surrender, trying to placate the furious females. "I was just busy." And that, judging by the fire in their eyes, was the exact wrong thing to say.

"What!" Ash gulped.

"No, wait, what I mean to say was…"

"Enough!" Paul yelled, stepping in front of the group. "I allowed you to come with me, but right now you're stopping me from having my final battle."

"Well, nice to see you're still a jackass." Ash commented with a small grin, crossing his arms. "Have it your way. We'll just have to catch up after, everybody." He turned and started walking towards the raised platform. "James!"

"Yes, boss?"

"We have a challenger. Get over here." The former Team Rocket member ran over with his flags and got into position.


"Very well. This will be four consecutive one-on-one battles, no substitutions. The challenger can choose which Pokémon to face, if he wants."

"Your strongest." Paul said without missing a beat.

"Alright. Would you like to call yours first, or would you prefer I do?"


"Then I declare this, the first challenge for the Will Symbol of the Battle Peak, open. James?"

"This will be four consecutive one-on-on battles between the challenger, Paul of Veilstone City, and the Peak Lord of the Battle Peak, Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Challenger, are you ready?"

"Ready." Paul nodded.

"Then, Peak Lord, call your first Pokémon." Ash's arms were still crossed in front of him as he stared Paul down.

"As my first Pokémon I call Bulbasaur." The small quadruped dinosaur ran from outside the field and jumped in front of Ash. "Bulbasaur, Battle Stance." The Pokémon lowered himself a little and glared at his opponent.

"A Bulbasaur? I thought I asked for your strongest."

"Saur?" The little dinosaur seemed insulted.

"Humor me jackass." Ash grinned.

"Then Torterra, stand by for battle." The continent turtle appeared in a white flash. "Let's show them what a real Grass starter is like."

"Torr!" The turtle stomped his front legs in agreement.


"Hoo boy." Brock sighed from the small stands that were attached to the raised stadium.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Max asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Well, Bulbasaur will likely take that personally. He's normally the most reserved of the four Ash is planning to call. But if he's disrespected like that…"

"How do you know who Ash is gonna use?"

"There's really only one reason he'd start with Bulbasaur. And Paul did ask for the strongest. You know that old saying: 'Be careful what you wish for because it may end up kicking your ass'?"

"I can't say I've ever heard that particular version of it, honestly."


"Challenger has the first move." James called out. "Begin!"

"Torterra, begin with Leaf Storm." Torterra grunted and sent out a storm of leaves from the tree on his back.

"Endure it, Bulbasaur."

"Bulba!" The dinosaur grunted a bit, but it looked like the powerful Grass-type move had little effect.

"Now it's our turn. Get in close!" Bulbasaur ran with surprising speed until he got right in front of the much larger Sinnoh starter. "Sunny Day!" While he was running, Bulbasaur fired a small glowing orb from the bulb on his back. As the orb reached the skies the sun intensified, and the already-warm weather grew even hotter.

"Foolish, Ketchum."

"Well, that's just your opinion." Ash shrugged, Pikachu mirroring him. "Pikachu agrees."

"Pika." The little mouse nodded.

"Hn. Don't let it get any closer Torterra. Use Rock Smash."

"Up and over." Bulbasaur launched himself in the air, avoiding Torterra's paw glowing with energy, poised to strike him. Torterra's eyes widened and he tried to follow the smaller Grass starter.

"No, Torterra, don't look up!" But it was too late. The large turtle's eyes had already met the sun, and were blinded. Torterra roared in pain.

"Now, while it's blinded. Fire it."

"Fire what?" Not a second later a massive beam of bright white light engulfed Torterra from above, causing him to shriek out in pain.

"Torterra! Take advantage of the sun and use Synthesis."

"Leech Seed." Bulbasaur fired the seed immediately at his glowing opponent, sapping his strength. "Don't let up, Vine Whip." Two green vines shot out from Bulbasaur's back and smacked the turtle upside the head.

The glow subsided, showing a slightly-recovered Torterra, the Vine Whip having stopped some of the healing.

"I will win this." Paul grunted. "Torterra, use Rock Climb."

"Win?" Ashe watched the Torterra rise on the stone pillar. "Not this time."

"I beat you before."

"Yes, you did. Back when all I had with me were Pokémon I had trained for maybe a few months, against your years of training. But I've had Bulbasaur since the start of my journey, more than, what, six years now. You asked for my strongest, Paul." The turtle had charged down the stone pillar and was only inches away from Bulbasaur. The little dinosaur, true to his training, hadn't flinched, patiently waiting for his command. "You're getting it."


"It's over now." Brock shrugged.

"What makes you say that?" May was the first one to ask, although everyone was paying attention.

The rest of Ash's Pokémon, followed by Jessie and Meowth, had found their ways to the stands, some taking seats on them, others around.

"Because I know what move Ash is going to use."

"What move?"

"You have to understand, Ash's Pokémon are pretty unique." The surrounding Pokémon all gave sounds of agreement. "They can do things some others normally can't. Ash and I, well we have a theory."

"What move?" Dawn asked again.

"A theory you say?" Professor Oak rubbed his chin in thought.

"Yes. Actually we wanted to talk with you about that Professor. But there's time for that later."

"What move!" Max almost yelled.

"I was really surprised when I saw Bulbasaur use it the first time. It was almost impossible, but then again, Ash has a tendency to do that."

"Dammit Brock, you tell us what move he's using now!" Misty pulled the doctor's ear.

"Ow! Misty, let go!"


"Ready Bulbasaur?"


"Frenzy Plant!"


I had a rant in mind for this chapter, really. But I forgot what it was supposed to be. Guess that's what happens when you don't update a while. So instead of that, I'll do a bit of shameless self-promoting.