Suitably Warm

Viper hated the cold. Mostly because his body could not stand it.

It was a much guarded secret of his, like hell he'd let those so called bastards that also made up the strongest seven in the world. Knowing them… AGH he'd get laughed as so quickly.

This difficulty with the cold started when he lived with the Dursley's. Because they didn't care for him his immune system was nonexistent and thus every fall and winter once the weather turned around and turned cold, he'd be prone to sickness… every… single… day.

Ever since he went to live with his clan he had been getting better. But the damage was still there. He got sick easier than everyone else. And he'd be damned if he let any of them know that.

But the thing was he was sick now. Sure they didn't have any missions coming up soon but everyone still tended to converge together in the mansion they were allotted to live in during breakfast at the least. And he wasn't there. He was in bed. Shaking cold. Sick.

"ARGH." He couldn't help but groan. Hopefully no one decided to come into his room. He was not in his cloak, but thankfully his bangs were long enough to cover his eyes and he wasn't so sick to let down his illusion on his hair.

"Tch… I hate being sick. There is no use for this at all." Sighing he tried to close his eyes for blissful sleep but it didn't come.

"WHY NOT." He screeched, punching the duvet on his king sized bed.

"Viper?" An accented voice called out as Viper heard knocking.

"F-Fon…" He asked, coughing slightly. He heard some shuffling from outside his door.

"I'm coming in." Viper couldn't even find the energy to refuse. He sighed and slowly made his way to sitting up.

When Fon opened the door and saw the other pale and sweating he was concerned. After all the other looked really ill. He faintly noticed that the other was not wearing their cloak, but rather a huge light purple sweater (home made from the looks of it).

"Fon, what are you doing here?" The other asked faintly. Fon frowned in concern.

"We didn't see you at breakfast today, I was concerned. You usually don't miss meals."

Viper frowned a little. "Mou… I'm just a little cold; there is no need to worry."

"Of course I'd worry Viper. We are friends aren't we?"

Friends? Viper supposed so, but he wouldn't tell the Chinese man that. Shivering from the cold, he pulled his blanket close.

"Are you cold Viper?" Fon asked in concern. Viper just looked away. The Chinese man just smiled with a small sigh. "Well, it can't be helped then, scoot over."

"What?!" No he did NOT screech. Fon just grinned as he made his way over to the other and forced his way into the bed.

"You..! You insufferable!" And before Viper could start spitting out Gaelic curses he calmed down and he practically melted into the others heat.


Fon chuckled. "Warm now?"

"…. Hmph…"

Fon just laughed in response.

AN: welcome to my new one shot series based of the world of 'Poison to the Heart'. For now no pairings (though there will be hints here and there fff) I'm going to set up a poll on my page later or tomorrow for the pairing to see what the others may want.

please review.