"Will you hurry up?" Wes growled. I threw him a dirty look, but I picked up the pace. "Hand me the crowbar." He glanced at me and sighed, his hands running over his face. "I'm sorry Jen. I'm just really worried. Here, I'll let you pick the car."
I smiled at my twin as I glanced around the motel parking lot. There weren't many vehicles in the lot, just three. A beat up truck, a rustic Cadillac and then the black impala. "The Impala," I decided. "It's a beaut." My brother nodded in approval as we made our way towards the car. Wes took the crow bar and gently unlocked the car until we heard a gun clicking.
"Freeze." A deep voice growled. I looked over my shoulders to see two men towering over us. "Sammy grab the girl, I'll get the boy." I reached back and kicked the larger guy in the shin and took off running. I turned back for a second to see Wes wasn't too far behind. The problem is, we didn't realize that the two men could catch up to us with no problems. Within seconds, Wes and I were thrown onto the bed and the other two sat across from us.
"Who are you?" The older guy demanded.
Not a word, Jen. Wes begged.
He's scaring me, Wes. I don't know about this.
As long as they don't separate us, it's fine. Just don't get their attention. Let them rag on me. If it's the last thing I do, we'll get out of here.
Wes, we're nine years old and we just tried to break in their car. And we tried running, or were you not here five minutes ago.
Just let me think, okay? Just don't say anything.
"Hello?" The older guy growled. "I would like some answers here."
"You first." Wes challenged. "How about you tell me who you are." Wes had a brave face on, but I knew he was just as scared as I felt.
"Fine. I'm Dean. This is Sam." He crossed his arms and bent down to Wes's level. "Your turn."
"I'm Wes. This is Jen."
"You got a last name there, Cher?" Dean asked, clearly losing his patience. Wes glared in response, not answering his question.
"You know what. You're done talking." Dean turned his focus to me. "Who are your parents, and I want a last name. Don't bother looking to him either."
Just tell them the truth, Jen. We're not going to win this fight.
"My name is Jen Winchester. My father is John Winchester. The truth is, my brother and I are looking for him. We're in trouble."