Vacation's Over

Author's Note: Another alternate parentage story this time it's the Boss from the Saints row series and is crossed over with Harry Potter, The Wolf Among Us, and X-Men movies so enjoy it while you can set in Sr2 then up to Gat out of hell.

Disclaimer: I do not own Saints Row, X-Men, Harry Potter, or Wolf among us they belong to their rightful owners.

Warnings: Contains Good Fenrir, minor slash, werewolf boss, strong boss, mutant boss, smart Boss, intelligent boss, past mpreg, Op Boss, Wizard Boss and Fable Boss.

Summary: Born from a human being is easy but born from a Werewolf, a fable, and two feral mutants is fucking hard the boss's life starts to take a drastic change when he learns about his parentage he also tends to be more moody than ever that even the Third street saints and the rival gangs are too scared to anger him.

Stillwater Penitentiary

"You'll never guess who's awake" Barney spoke after his co worker Fred turned off the tv once The Anna Show went off.

"You're shitting me," Fred said.

"Come see for yourself" the security guard stated as him and Fred started to make their way to the infirmary.

"How long has it been?" The man asked.

"Years… I stopped keeping track a while ago" Barney replied.

"I can't believe it's been that long" Fred said.

"Time flies when you're watching someone breathe through a tube" Barney commented. As the two passed the exercise yard where one of the inmates shanked a young man wearing a purple skullcap.

"How's the family?" The security guard prompted.

"My wife is cheating on me with an Ultor exec, and uh my daughter sits in her room listening to Aisha albums all day" the 2nd security officer responded.

"For a dead woman she sure releases a lot of records" the man known as Fred stated.

"No shit" Barney said as the two men continued to the hospital ward.

"God that was a hell of a year… Alderman Richard Hughes, Mayor Winslow, Aisha, Chief Munroe…" Fred trailed off.

"All murdered by that asshole who's been sitting in intensive care on taxpayers money" Fred's co worker finished for him.

"Troy said he wouldn't pull the pug" the man pointed out.

"Lord knows why" Barney said.

"Anyone call the Chief?" Fred asked.

"Couldn't get through… the press has been mobbing him with phone calls" the security guard answered .

"Oh about the-" the blonde haired man was cut off mid sentence.

"Yep" the guard replied.

"I forgot that was today" Fred said.

"You should pay more attention" Barney told him as they reached the hospital ward and entered.

"Fuck off…" the 2nd guard told his co worker before turning his attention to the doctor and the figure on the stretcher.

"How's the patient?" He asked.

"Seeing as they're still breathing after being caught in a massive explosion… I'd say``pretty good" the Doctor answered just as a female nurse came rushing in with the inmate Barney and Fred passed by earlier as they were making their way here.

"Coming through!" The said nurse exclaimed as the inmate from the exercise yard laid on the stretcher.

"What happened?" The black haired Doctor questioned.

"Shanking…" the woman replied simply.

"Put him over there! Sorry about that" the Doctor said and apologized as the nurse pushed the other stretcher to the spot her boss want the inmate to go to before leaving.

"Have they said anything yet?" Barney spoke.

"Not yet, but I'm about to take the bandages off…" the man said.

To be continued…