1. February 9

Meet me at the Tea Shoppe on Baker Street in Bibury. 2 pm –Roxy

Eggsy checked the address again before walking into the quaint little tea shop. It was all brick interior and large windows that let in warm sunlight.

I was standing behind the counter when a young, handsome man walked over to me and looked up at the chalkboard hanging on the wall.

I looked up from my book and asked "Can I help you?"

"What's good?"

"The pub down the street." I said seriously before chuckling. "Our pastries are our only redeeming feature."

"Trust me, a pint sounds wonderful, but I'm meeting a friend here and she prefers tea."

"The closest I can get you is a slice of rum cake?"

"Trying to get me drunk?"

I blushed. "No, I just thought that-that was the closest thing I could get you to a pint." Just then the door opened and Roxy stepped in.

I cleared my throat as Eggsy turned to look at Roxy. "You ever been here before? What's good?"

"I hear their ice tea is good."

"Yeah, we'll get two of those then." Eggys said to me with a soft smile.

I nodded as I clicked a few buttons on the cash register. "You're total is $3.50." (because I don't have the pounds money symbol)

Eggsy handed me a $5 bill and walked over to sit with Roxy at a cozy table.

"Well this is a change of scenery." Eggsy noted as he lounged back in his wooden chair. He was wearing fitted jeans, a black shirt and his regular black and gold credit card jacket.

"That jacket is atrocious." Roxy laughed.

"What, I like it." Eggsy said looking down at it.

"No, no, it's very…you."

"Very me?"

"Yeah, It's not the standard Kingsman wear. It's not a suit jacket or a tie. It's not posh or anything designer. It's simply-you."

"What are you trying to butter me up for? What we doing here? Took me an hour to come out here to this quiet town."

Roxy leaned in and lowered her voice. "The girl behind the counter? Merlin wants to recruit her for a Kingsman. We are here to observe her. "

"Sounds fun." Eggsy said sarcastically right as I walked over to their table.

"Here ya go, enjoy." I said, placing their drinks in front of them before walking back to the counter and opening my book again.

I noticed that the two strangers stayed in the shop for another 30 minutes before leaving. They must be new to town I thought.

2. February 11

I was going to observe (Y/N) today but I got stuck doing something for Merlin. Think you could do today?-Roxy


The girl we are observing- Roxy

Oh yea, tea shoppe girl. Gottcha.-Eggsy

You owe me a pint for this-Eggsy

Eggsy made the hour drive before walking into the empty Tea Shoppe. I was behind the counter, reading a book again when I looked up and saw the handsome fellow from a couple days ago enter the shoppe.

"Hey, welcome back. Pub down the street closed?" I joked.

Eggsy smiled. "It didn't dawn on me till after I left that I never tried one of your legendary pastries."

"Well lets fix that then. What would you like?"

"I would like," He looked down at the glass counter, observing all the pastries. "2 things. I'd like two lemon cookies and to know what book you've got your nose in."

"My nose isn't in it, my nose is where it should be. On my face." I retorted before laughing as I put on gloves to grab the lemon cookies. "But it's the Hobbit."

"You like adventure?" He asked as he watched me put the two cookies in a small white bag with the cute tea shoppe symbol on it.

I slid the cookies in the bag to him before clicking the cash register. "$2 flat. And yes. My life is full of pastries and work and school, but sadly lacks in adventure."

He handed me two dollars before grabbing the small bag. "I didn't hear any mention of love. You got a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend?"

I smiled as I shook my head. "Neither."

"You aren't going to ask me the same question back?"

"I just assumed the girl you were in with couple of days ago was, you know."

He shook his head. "No, just a colleague."

"What do you do?"

"If I tell you, I'd have to kill you." He smirked.

"You're a stripper aren't you?" I smirked back, waggling your eyebrows.

This made him burst with laughter, and before he could respond, his phone beeped. He checked his phone before sighing. He looked up at me.

"You have to go?" I asked, trying to hide your sadness.

"Yeah. I can't tell you my job, but I can tell you my name. It's Eggsy."

"Eggsy. Nice to finally meet you." I smiled goofily as I stuck out my hand to shake his. "I'm (Y/N)."

"Thanks for the lemon cookies."

"Thanks for the company." I said as he walked toward the door. The moment his hand touched the doorknob, I called out. "Eggsy wait. I don't know when I will next see you, but Happy Valentines Day." I shrugged, trying to be casual. I kept trying to tell myself that I said that because it is polite to wish people a good holiday, and not just because I wanted an excuse to keep talking to him.

He smiled his beautiful smile, his blue eyes twinkling as he said "You'll see me soon." before walking out the shoppe.

3. February 14

When u going to observe (Y/N)?- Eggsy

Wow. Calling her by her first name and not tea shoppe girl? You must be in love. And maybe tomorrow, why?-Roxy

Want me to go with you?-Eggsy

I'm just going to scope out her house. Think I'll be okay on my own. Thanks though.-Roxy

Eggsy sighed. Well that was not the answer he was looking for. He sat around his house for hours watching the telly before finally getting up. He grabbed his gold and black credit card jacket and jumped in his car to make the hour long journey to tea shoppe girl. To you.

I was just pulling the red velvet cupcakes from the oven when I heard the bell over the front door ding. I carried the tray out to the front and set them on the counter, taking off my oven mitts as Eggsy sauntered to the counter.

"Eggsy. How's it going?" I smiled.

"I'm pretty surprised actually. You weren't out here reading."

"I was in the back making cupcakes. We usually have a bunch of kids come in today to decorate them for Valentines Day."

"What time they usually come in?"

I looked up at the clock when the door dinged open and a bunch of squeals filled the room. I laughed and turned to Eggsy to say "About now." as a bunch of kids ran over to the counter, their parents by their side.

"Are you guys ready to decorate?"

"YESSSSSSSS!" They all screamed happily.

I handed each kid a cupcake before setting out the decoration. "Everybody has to put the cream cheese frosting on the cupcake before you can put the decorations on. This is the heart shaped sprinkles. These are regular sprinkles. This is gold glitter and these are gummy bears. And I think that's everything."

Eggsy observed me for a while as you helped kids decorate before he made his way through the crowd to me. "Think I'll head out. Can I get a cupcake for the road?"

"Absolutely. But you have to decorate it first." I said as I handed him one.

"Do I have to?"

I nodded with a smile.

He sighed, trying to hide his smile. "Then pass the sprinkles."

I passed him the sprinkles and watched him sprinkle some over the cupcake. "Better?"

"Not yet." I bit my lip before leaning over the counter and giving his cheek a quick peck. "Happy Valentines Day."

A light blush covered his cheeks as he cleared his throat."How much do I owe you for the cupcake?"

"On me."

"Thanks (Y/N). See you soon."

"I hope so." I whispered as I watched him leave.

Right before Eggsy got to his car, his phone beeped.

Code 3. Meet at headquarters. -Merlin

"Shit." Eggsy said as he jumped in his car and sped through the streets.

An hour so later, Eggsy barged into the large mansion and turned down the hallway to enter the large conference room. Roxy and Merlin looked up at him. "What's going on?"

"Someone has been stealing all of Britians great artworks and been illegally selling them." Merlin informed.

"Do we know who?"

"Liam Morgan. From what we know of him, he comes from a simple family. Mother's a teacher, dad's an engineer, no siblings. He is working under the ringleader, DeMarco. DeMarco does none of the sales, just sits back and plans it all out. So far, his face has never been seen, so we have no idea what he looks like. It seems though, that Liam is doing all DeMarcos sales in Italy at a flea market right now." Roxy informed as a picture of Liam came up on one of the paintings hanging on the wall.

"So pack your bags. You're going to Italy." Merlin informed.

[one flight later, Roxy and Eggsy arrived in Italy and took a taxi to the flea market.]

They step out of the taxi and pay before walking into the large white building.
"Do you know exactly what booth he is?" Eggsy asked, feeling his gun in the waste band of his pants, his fake mustache tickling his upper lip.

"From our Italian source, booth 77." Roxy said, her dark brown wig making her look so different.

"That's a nice color on you." Eggsy points out as they change directions and soon find themselves standing outside booth 77. "Be careful." Eggsy warns as they calmly walk in to the empty booth.

"May I help you?" A young Italian man asks.

"Yes, we are looking for some art." Roxy asks calmly.

"As you can see, we don't sell art." He points around to all the soccer t-shirts and funny hats.

"That's not what we've heard." Eggsy says.

The man glares at them before pulling a lever under his desk. The next second, the floor beneath Roxy and Eggsy's feet disappears and they were falling.

The cold air rushed past them as they fell before landing on a cold, hard cement floor. Roxy was the first to jump back up, then Eggsy, as they both pulled out their guns before seeing they were surrounded.

"Tell me you're last name and what piece it was you wanted." Someone said. Someone with a familiar face.

"You're Liam." Roxy points out.

"And you are?" Liam asked, holding his notebook full of sales.

Instead of responding with words, the Kingsman responded how they always do: with fighting.

Eggsy shot the guy in front of him before quickly ducking, running and sliding across the floor before tackling someone else, rolling over him and using his body as a shield as the others fired at him. Eggsy looked over to see Roxy being dragged on the floor before she shoved a grenade in their then snuck up behind Eggsy and began dragging him. Eggsy elbowed the man hard in the ribs before grabbing the back of his neck and yanking the mans head down to collide with his knee. The moment Eggsy was loose, he slipped away before jumping on someone else's back, making them fall to the ground. The guy rolled on top of Eggsy and punched him right across the cheekbone before Eggsy clicked his shoes together and the knife stuck out the tip. He viciously kicked out and stabbed the guy in the middle of the chest before kicking him off.

Eggsy looked over at Roxy to see her tying up Liam. "Call Merlin."

Eggsy called Merlin, they snuck Liam out of the building back to an abandoned shelter that was Italy's secret service outpost. And there they waited for Merlin, who arrived in a private helicopter many hours later.

After arriving back in England at the Kingsman's headquarters, Eggsy dragged Liam into a cell.

"Let him simmer in nerves. We'll crack him in the morning." Merlin said, dismissing Roxy and Eggsy.

As they were walking away to sleep in the room were the new recruits usually stayed, Roxy reached forward and grabbed Eggsy's jaw. "He got you pretty good huh?"

"It's nothing."

"You're girlfriends going to be worried." Roxy teased.


"(Y/N) Don't think I didn't know you visit her...a lot."

"She's not my girlfriend, don't be ridiculous." Eggsy tried hiding his smile

"Then what was the kiss?"

"It was on the cheek!"

"She kissed you! Oh my god, tell me!" Roxy squealed.

"Ugh, can't believe I fell for that. Goodnight Roxy." Eggsy laughed before taking off his shoes and jacket and climbed into one of the bed.

The next morning, they woke up bright and early before going to interrogate Liam.

"We have already looked through your notebook. Full names with the paintings they bought. We are tracking the paintings down right now and all your friends will be going to jail. But what we don't understand is why are doing this? Why work for DeMarco? Did he over you money?" Roxy said as she walked around Liam, who was tied to the chair.

"Says here you were great at computers in high school. Same in Uni. Actually so great, you hacked into the schools system to change grades. Is that why you did this?" Eggsy said as he scrolled down on his Ipad. "Because you can. Maybe cause you were bored."

Liam shook his head and struggled with his words. "C-c-can't ta-l-lk a-about I-it."

"Why not?" Roxy asked.

Thoughts of Valentine flashed before Eggsy's eyes. "Roxy, I don't think he can physically talk about it. Scan him over for some type of chip. I bet that's what's restraining him."

And that's exactly what they did. They give him a quick body scan to find a small chip implanted at the top of his vertebrae. They put Liam to sleep before very slowly extracting the chip. And then they waited.

A few hours later, they found out the truth. Liam was an innocent. One day, he was just going to his job at Google, when a van pulled up to him and grabbed him. They told him if he didn't do as they said, they would kill his family. Then they inserted the chip in his spine so that even if he escaped, he wouldn't be able to talk about what he was helping them do. They had used Liam because he was great with computers and was able to hack into the museums cameras and shut them off long enough to steal the art.

"Are there actually a lot of people interested in art?" Eggsy asked.

"Apparently." Roxy says as the door opened and Merlin stepped in.

"Thank you for you're cooperation. We have located your family and moved them to safety. We are going to send you to them soon. You two- a word." Merlin said before walking out.

Roxy and Eggsy followed him out to the hallway.

"Good job you two. Take the rest of the day off. And don't forget, we need to have the recruits by next week."

They both nodded. "But don't forget, we need a plan Merlin." Eggsy said as Merlin walked away.

"Tell me tomorrow, when you're all rested." Merlin said.

"Want to grab a pint? I owe you one." Roxy said.

At the word pint, Eggsy thought of (Y/N). "Yeah I could go for one." he said. In the back of his mind, he told himself to visit (Y/N) soon.

4. February 27

I were just sprinkling some sugar over the fresh jelly rolls when the door dinged and I saw Eggsy walk in to the nearly empty store. Only one other person was in the store, sitting calmly in his cream suit with his gold pocket watch, reading something on his Ipad.

"Eggsy, I am so sorry I kissed you on the cheek, that probably freaked you out and that's why you stopped coming for a while. I just wanted to say I am really sorry-What the hell happened to your face?"

Eggsy laughed. "No it wasn't you. I had to go away for my job. It's been really chaotic."

"And for your face?"

"What's wrong with my face?" Eggsy smirked.

"Nothing, it's as handsome as ever, you know minus the huge bruise. Are you okay?"

"I ran into a door. Really embarrassing. Would rather not talk about it."

"Maybe a jelly roll will help? They're fresh."

"Yeah two please. Meeting my friend here again."

"Ah, your collegue." I smiled as I grabbed two and put them on two different porcelain plates. "$3.50"

He handed me a 4, and I handed him change right as the door dinged open to reveal Roxy.

"Take a seat Rox, I'll be over in a second." Eggsy said before he turned back to me. "And the kiss, it didn't freak me out. It was nice." He gave a subtle wink before carrying the two plates over to Roxy.

The man in the cream suit waited until they finished their jelly rolls before he spoke up. "A bunch of priceless art when missing from England this passed two months. Liam was in charge of it, but now he and his family have gone into hiding. You think because you Roxy, wore a wig, and you Eggsy, or should I say your real name, Gary Unwin, wore a fake mustache. You think you can come in and ruin my business and I wouldn't do anything about it. You are extremely wrong."

"Shit, DeMarco." Roxy said as she stands up and pulls out her gun the same time as Eggsy. At that moment, five buff Italian men walked in with AK-47's and began shooting bullets in all directions. Eggsy flipped over the table and ducked, before sticking his arm around the table and firing his gun, hitting one guy in the leg. Roxy used that distraction to shoot another in the head, but they were two slow. Two guys snuck around and grabbed Roxy by the hair while the other grabbed Eggsy around the neck.

I tried calling the police but someone had cut the wire. Instead I grabbed a cutting knife and ran around the counter, jumping on the man whose hand was around Eggsy's neck, and put him in a choke hold. He swung me around before flipping me over onto a table, shattering the table. The same guy then tried to stomp my face with his boot. At the last second, I blocked his boot, gritting my teeth in pain as I tried pushing against his boot with your forearms. Suddenly, Eggsy slide on his knees towards me and shot the guy multiple times in the chest, causing him to fall back.

"Go! Get out of here (Y/N)!" Eggsy yelled.

"I'm not leaving you!" I yelled right before someone smashed a chair over my head. Eggsy yelled but someone punched him across the face. I groaned as my head was buzzing and screaming with pain/ I just wanted to sleep when someone grabbed me by the back of the neck and threw me against the wall. I saw it was the guy in the cream suit-DeMarco was his name? I groaned in pain as he bent down and pried the knife from my pale hand.

"This is your only chance to get out the way princess. I'm a fair villain."

"Fuck-you." I struggled to say.

"Fair warning." He shrugged before he stabbed me in the gut with my knife.

I gasped at the sharp feeling. The last thing I saw before everything went black was men in tailored suits barging into the shoppe, covering their bodies with umbrellas.

5. February 28

I woke up in a strange grey room on a bed with someone holding my hand and a dull pain in my stomach. I looked down first at my clothed stomach, pulling up my white shirt that I don't remember wearing. I noticed my stomach had a large pad of white cloth taped to it to stop the bleeding. Then I looked over to see Eggsy, sitting in a chair next to my bed, sleeping while still holding my hand.

I felt bad for waking him, but I needed answers. "Eggsy." I said out loud, when he didn't stir, I let go his hand and touched his face, saying a little louder. "Eggsy."

He woke up with a jolt. "(Y/N)? You're awake! How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice dripping with concern.

"Confused. What the hell happened?"

"That, I can explain." Merlin said as he walked into the makeshift hospital room they had at the Kingsman headquarters. "I'm Merlin. Eggsy, Roxy and I,"

"The other girl at the tea shoppe with me." Eggsy clarified who Roxy was.

"We are part of an independent, international intelligence agency, operating at the highest level of discretion."

"And what exactly does that mean?" I ask.

"We are a secret service known as Kingsman, and we would you like to become one. Interested?"

To be continued...

My life is complete! After all the wait, I FINALLY saw Kingsman: Secret Service and it was pretty freaking awesome! So I was looking for some fanfiction on the movie, and there was only one. Then I looked for quizzes like "Could you be a Kingsman." And didn't find any. So I just made this. Hope you like it. Characters might be ooc, but hey I tried. If this does well enough, I was planning to make another chapter that will talk about your training and about the bad guy DeMarco. Don't worry, it's not just art. I'll give you a hint: it will link into the cure for immortality. Happy belated Valentines Day and please review :) Kingsman does not belong to me sadly.