Bonnie never cried. Not since she was a little girl, anyway. Bonnie was always the level headed one. Always determined and steadfast in her resolve. She was kind, but brutality honest. Caroline was too. In a lot of ways, their personalities were very similar. Unlike Elena who always seemed to have her head in the clouds. Caroline was optimistic too. She just had realistic expectations to balance her hopes out. While Elena... Elena always sugar coated everything. Well Elena hadn't sugar coated anything about an hour ago, and honestly, it left Caroline at a bit of a loss.

When she opened the door to see Bonnie pawing through her grimiore, face tear stained and looking as though the weight of the world rested on her shoulders; whilst Elena almost levelled her with a glare, Caroline had a somewhat out of body experience. Being an empath mean't that she could perceive the emotions of everyone around her. Everyone had an aura around them, so to speak, the flavour of their ever changing feelings, which Caroline had grown accustomed to associating them with. The emotions in the room ran high right now, and it unbalanced her, causing her to rock back on her heels. This is why she hated confrontation, especially fighting with them. Caroline was so attuned to Bonnie and Elena's emotions, that she could feel what they were feeling right now... from hurt, to anger, to disappointment. Bonnie's feeling of disappointment in herself was what caused Caroline to physically ache.

She took an unintentional step back, her hand automatically over her heart, as the wave of emotion hit her. She stopped herself short, shaking her head to try to clear it, before determinedly taking a few steps inside the room, to open the window. Peering out, Caroline could finally breathe.

"Care?" Bonnie asked softly, a worried expression on her face, as Caroline turned around to face her. "Are you okay?" she asked, sounding so concerned, that Caroline's anger and outrage over her friend sharing her secret, dissolved into nothingness.

Caroline nodded, offering Bonnie a small smile. "What cha doing?" she asked, motioning to the grimiore that was open on the bed.

Bonnie hesitated, before sharing a look with Elena.

Great. So now they were keeping secrets from her, like she was the bad guy. Caroline scoffed.

Bonnie and Elena's heads snapped back to her, in an almost comical fashion.

"What? Do you have some deep dark secret you're too afraid I'll spill?" Caroline stated bitterly.

Bonnie frowned, but Caroline could see just a hint of anger shown in her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous," Bonnie muttered. And this was the Bonnie that Caroline knew and loved. Caroline started to feel a bit steadier... a bit more in control of herself.

"Well what was that look about?" Caroline asked, looking pointedly at the two of them.

Bonnie sighed, before sharing another look with Elena.

"Seriously?" Caroline said, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. She was just about to walk out, when Bonnie interrupted her train of thought.

"I need to spell the room first," she stated, matter of factly. Her voice clear and even, obviously unconcerned that the others in the house would hear her intention.

Caroline knew what Bonnie mean't. Bonnie was going to spell the room so that the others outside the room wouldn't be able to listen in, not even with their vampire and hybrid hearing. But the look Bonnie gave Caroline said more than that. The message Bonnie conveyed was clear...

"This is about us. Not them. This is about you. You. Not Klaus. You."

After a mere second's indecision, Caroline nodded.

"So basically, we know nothing," Damon said, taking a decanter of their finest scotch from the scotch bar.

Klaus saw Kol's eyes narrow at the elder Salvatore, and was surprised he hadn't flashed over and grabbed the decanter away from him. He smirked. "Not, nothing, entirely," Klaus said, making his way over to the liquor cabinet and taking out an even finer drink in the form of a well aged bottle of bourbon. He poured a glass for himself and his little brother, offering it to him, before taking his seat.

Their was a beat of heavy silence as the message was made clear.

"We may be on the same side for now, but all is not forgiven."

"Well we do know Caroline's dirty little secret," Damon continued, as if their silent exchange hadn't happened. He had moved to stand by the fireplace. "We know that's the reason why Caroline's not the leader of her pack," he stated, "and, maybe even the real reason why the Lockwoods decided to go their separate ways.

So the curfew was really just an excuse for the council members to sneak off and discuss the two of you," Damon said, glancing at Klaus, before motioning upstairs. "But it still doesn't explain the accident," he said, sharing a look with the Ripper.

"The witch said that..." Rebekah started.

"But Bonnie doesn't know who's really responsible for the accident," Stefan said, cutting her off.

Rebekah narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to protest, but Stefan continued before she could get a chance to.

"I know it seems like the council decided to set the whole thing up," Stefan said, "but trust me when I say that Caroline's parents would never have a hand on her being hurt," he said determinedly. "If you're saying that Bill Forbes put up an act when he was looking for her... then you're wrong. Caroline's parents might not be happy about her extra little perks. Or that she wasn't the one to tell them about it. They might even hate the fact that Klaus is her mate. But they'd never hurt her... physically or otherwise."

"I gotta agree with Stef," Damon said, nodding. "I doubt the Gilberts had anything to do with it either," he said, earning a scoff from Rebekah.

"Of course you'd try to save your little she- wolf's parents," Rebekah said, irritation colouring her tone. "You're either with us, or against us Damon," she ground out angrily. "Right now, everyone out there is the enemy, and if you're trying to protect them, then you're the enemy too.

I say we get to the bottom of this the old fashioned way," Rebekah said, a slow predatory smile spreading on her face.

Kol grinned, clapping his hands together. "And this is why Bekah's my favourite. She's the fun one."

"What my sister is trying to say," Elijah cut in, obviously his noble intention to diffuse the tension.

Klaus rolled his eyes.

"... is that we are only hoping to discover the truth of what happened that night, now that we know the why of the matter," he explained, ever the calm one. "It simply won't do to strike potentially guilty parties off the list, simply because you want to."

"I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of picking them off one by one, draining the vervain out of them, and simply compelling the truth," Klaus spoke up, for the first time. "Which had been my original intention," he said, looking between Elijah and Rebekah. "But I had been told that I hadn't the right to decide what to do," he explained, somewhat apologetically.

"Wow," Damon said, half disbelievingly. "Barbie's getting a say in things," he mused. "I thought the big bad was in charge."

"Perks of being the big bad's mate," Klaus replied, nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink.

But although he said it in an off handed manner, everyone in the room felt the weight of what he had said. Caroline was Klaus's mate. They were equals.

Klaus felt Elijah's gaze resting on him, far longer than the others, and he made the spit second decision to meet his big brother's gaze. Elijah's eyes shown with something Klaus hadn't seen in quite some time...


One of Elijah's rare smile's accompanied it.

Elijah's expressions directed at Klaus had been quite favourable since Caroline had come into his life, Klaus realised.

"I think it's either the Lockwoods or an unknown party," Damon ventured, breaking the moment. Once he had regained their attention, he continued. "Let's say they all had the knowledge of what Caroline could do, for quite some time. But it was never a problem really. The council probably saw it as a strength... an advantage they would have over any threat. Then walks in Klaus..."

Klaus couldn't stop the low growl that escaped him.

"Come on now," Damon said looking at him seriously. "You know it's true. It only became a problem when they realised that you might be able to control her too."

"Bonnie was right," Stefan added. "You two together are unstoppable."

"So they needed to take one of you out of the equation," Damon said, smiling, obviously pleased with himself. "They tried to take out the weaker link... when little did they know." He tutted.

"But the men who had tortured them spoke only of hurting her, not killing her," Rebekah said, disagreeing.

"Perhaps that was the initial agreement," Elijah explained, his tone making it clear that he had made a few deductions. "You say that her parents would not intentionally hurt her. So the reality could very well be that they unintentionally did. Allowing her to be kidnapped, in the interests of scaring her, confusing her, and making her seemly unfit to lead her pack. Thus getting her out of the way. But the events that unfolded that night, with regard to her torture went far beyond what they had ever anticipated to happen."

Then turning to Klaus, "If Caroline's parents are truly regretful over what happened to their daughter, I wonder why they would be unwilling to help, or why they would allow the men who subjected Caroline to such mistreatment to slip out of their hands so easily..." he mused. "I'm beginning to think an unknown party is in play. For what could be a greater threat than telling the truth?"

Erase everyone's memory.

That's the spell that Bonnie wanted to do.

Bonnie didn't even know how to do the spell, though she had heard of it's existence on one of their many travels. It was a simple enough concept... to simply make everyone forget. But they all knew how truly complicated something like that could be.

For instance, what were the consequences?

Would everyone, at the exact moment the spell was performed, suddenly forget why they hated her?

Or would Caroline wake up in her bed, the morning of her birthday party, and the events would be significantly altered once that knowledge was erased from their minds?

Or perhaps, would the spell affect the very moment that Bonnie had discovered Caroline's secret?

What exactly would happen? How would it play it out? How would it affect Bonnie's relationship with her grandmother? Caroline's relationship with her mother and father...


How would the spell affect Caroline's relationship with Nik?

She wouldn't be here, with him, in his house. No, she wouldn't need to. The secrets they shared, the bond that was forged, out of shared necessity, would no longer exist, because Caroline would have no need for it. She would happily be at home, or with her pack.

There were too many eventualities to consider. Each one being even scarier than the last.

The endless possibilities suffocated her, and those were just the outcomes.

What were the actual fundamentals to performing such a spell? Memory loss, or time travel... either way the spell would be altering something so significant. Time itself, or someone's mind. Quite a few minds, in fact.

Did Bonnie have the power to perform such a spell? And even if she could, Caroline didn't think the powers to be, that Bonnie had spoken so begrudgingly about in the past, would be pleased that Bonnie was helping her.

It was a lot to think about. So when Bonnie and Elena had explained their plan, looking at her expectantly, Caroline had told them just that.

It was a lot to think about, and Caroline had to decide if the best thing to do would truly be that... to make everyone forget?


"Hey," she hesitated, standing at the threshold. As soon as she had opened the door, all talking ceased at once. Honestly, it jarred her a bit. She hadn't been paying much attention to their conversation on her way over, because she was so deep in thought, but the fact that they had stopped talking so suddenly mean't that they hadn't heard her either. So engrossed in whatever conversation they were having piqued Caroline's curiosity.

"Well don't all stop on my account," she mumbled dejectedly.

Nik frowned, slowly making his way to her, as one would approach a wounded animal. "Are you all right sweetheart?" he asked, softly, looking at her intently.

"Yes," she breathed, as he came to a stop infront of her. "I was wondering if we could chat, actually," she said, throwing a cautious glance at the others inside the room. "In private," she said in a small voice. "Maybe we can take a walk," she added, feeling the awkward tension starting to creep up on her and wanting nothing more than to get away.

"Of course, love," Nik said, offering her a smile.

"Stefan will accompany you," he commanded, without taking her eyes off her, and it took her a moment too long to realise that he wasn't speaking to her.

Caroline frowned, but before she could ask what that was about, Nik's arm was around her waist and he was leading her out.

They walked in silence, deep into the forest at the back of the Mikaelson mansion, and stopped only when the house was no longer in view. Caroline looked around, knowing that Nik's hybrids were near enough, even if she couldn't see them. They would never leave Nik or her unprotected. But when she had asked to speak to him in private, she had hoped true privacy would be given. She huffed, walking over to a fallen tree trunk and taking a seat.

"You trust your hybrids," Caroline half asked, half stated, looking at him curiously.

Nik offered her a secret smile. "Every single one of them are under my command by their own free will," he explained, "I saw that each of them break their sire bond and choose to become a member of my pack, willingly. One of the many conditions of accepting me as their alpha is that they were compelled to keep my secrets. By extension, they shall keep yours as well."

"So they just allowed you to compel them?" Caroline asked, sounding a bit disbelieving.

"My hybrids and I share a special relationship, sweetheart. Unlike the werewolves, vampires and witches under my command. You see, they can appreciate just what it means to belong to a superior, elite race, so to speak. They understand how truly lucky they are to be amongst the chosen few. Agreeing to a few of my terms are nothing compared to that. Besides, it is a mutually beneficial agreement I assure you."

Caroline frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" She scoffed. "What advantages could they possibly have being your slaves?"

Nik's eyes narrowed infinitesimally, but there wasn't any anger shown there. He was looking at her as though she were a puzzle he was trying awfully hard to figure out.

She sighed. "What I mean is, I just can't understand why they're always around," she explained, shrugging. "Don't they have families? Homes? Jobs?"

As realisation dawned on him, Nik smiled. "None of them have the type of jobs you're alluding to. They all work for me," Nik supplied helpfully. "But most of them are engaged in other activities as well. The younger ones are attending school, or taking courses at least. A few of them are married... they have families... children... grand children. My pack has been with me throughout the centuries, Caroline... one generation after another. Some hybrids hold medical degrees, others belong to charities and travel the world helping people."

Nik chuckled lightly. "They live just as they are expected to live... freely. Understandably, because my family and I travel often, there are a few required to always stay by my side. Others join us at my command. However, they most certainly aren't slaves, and I think they'd be rather insulted that you have that low opinion of them. They're all well taken care of... financially I mean."

At Nik's explanation, Caroline felt silly making assumptions. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." she mumbled, looking down in embarrassment.

"There's no need to apologise love," Nik said softly. "I'm well aware that the hybrid species remains somewhat of a mystery to the world, so I expect you to have many questions. I welcome them, in fact."

At that Caroline looked up, giving him a grateful smile. It was nice to know that with everything else going on, he wanted them to get to know each other.

Nik took this a welcome sign. He approached her carefully, coming to stand before her. He lifted his hand, to gently brush the back of his hand across her cheek. "I do so enjoy your curiosity," he murmured.

Caroline blushed, giggling breathlessly.

Then a though occurred to her. "What you said in your studio last night... well early this morning," she began tentatively. "About it being easier if you had claimed me..."

At Nik's expression, she faltered.

"Caroline," he began, apologetically.

After a second's indecision, she decided to continue, cutting him off. "Do you wish I wasn't an alpha female? I mean, you're disappointed right? After all these years of waiting for your mate... you get me," she said, pointing to herself. "I'm sorry it couldn't be easy, Nik. You have no idea how much I wish things could be different," she said sadly.

"Sweetheart that isn't what I mean't at all," was Nik's hasty reply, capturing her gaze, ensuring that she could see his honesty shown clearly in his expression. "I was referring specifically to the fact that perhaps decisions would be easier made if I was the only alpha in our relationship."

He stopped, looking for the words to express what he really wanted to say. He wanted to be honest, but not above hurting her feelings. "I..." he hesitated, "if you hadn't been an alpha, then your pack would have been a non issue. I would have simply taken you away, or dealt with the problems at your behest. It gives me no joy to relinquish my control and to not do as I please. However, I never wish you make you feel helpless... or incapable," he explained, Rebekah's words echoing in his mind.

"I want to give you the world Caroline, but if it is in your power to take it yourself, and it is, then I shall stand by your side and watch you do so. I shall support you, give you strength and encouragement. I yearn to be whatever you need me to be, love... but I..." Nik stopped, a frown marring his features. After a moment he looked away.

Caroline slipped her hand into his, smiling when he intertwined their fingers.

Nik smiled shyly. "This is all very new to me," he said softly. He chuckled lightly, shaking his head. Then his expression sobered. "I am the way I am. It is the way I have always been. I will never be good. I can only try to be good to you... I want to try," he said, his voice almost fervent.

"You are," Caroline breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. His confession had touched her very soul. She could feel his honesty, his sheer determination to make her happy. To try... and wasn't that better than anything she could have ever hoped for? A thousand year old immortal creature... the most powerful creature in the world, wanting to try to make her- her- happy. It took her breath away.

"You are nothing I had ever expected," Caroline said, finding her voice.

As a dark expression crossed his features, she hastily continued. "And I am so glad. I'm so glad that you're my mate," she said, giggling when she realised what she just said. It was true. She had rarely thought about her mate, before. When she did, it was with ill thoughts bordering on contempt. She had yearned to meet him, defeat him, and scoffed at the idea of ever having to submit to anyone.

Then Nik, the Original Hybrid showed up, and suddenly the rhythm of her heart beat synchronised with his and she hadn't even realised that a part of her had been missing all along.

And she knew that no matter the consequences, she could never agree to Bonnie's suggestion. Caroline would never want to make him forget.

She opened her mouth to bring up the topic that was the initial subject for bringing him out here, when two hybrids suddenly appeared by Nik's side. Caroline startled, gasping. She hadn't seen or heard them approach. They simply appeared out of seemingly thin air.

"Coming from the west end. Two men," one of the hybrids said so softly, that Caroline had to lean closer to hear. "Both armed."

"With marks," the other hybrid said, his eyes keenly surveying the area around them. "I think," he said, shaking his head.

"Better to be safe," the first hybrid said, his head snapping to the left, obviously having heard something.

"Come," Nik commanded, proffering his hand.

As soon as Caroline's hand was in his, he flashed them back inside the mansion. Caroline immediately took a seat, her equilibrium shot because of the less than a second it took Klaus to bring her back inside. When she looked around, she realised that they were back inside Elijah's study, where everyone, with the exception of Elijah, Stefan and Bonnie, were waiting.

"Hunters," Nik almost snarled, earning an almost panicked expression from Rebekah.

"As in the Brotherhood of the five?" Kol asked offhandedly.

When Nik nodded, Kol frowned.

Caroline shared a confused look with Elena, feeling unsure for a moment. She was grateful when Damon was the one to ask, "who the hell are the brotherhood of the five?"