Ned couldn't believe what the young girl had just told him, in the months after Robert's death the murderer had turned out to be a girl who was the mother of Robert's love child. They sat in the room in near complete silence, the only sound was the sobbing and tears coming from Mhaegen Waters. The solicitor didn't know whether to sit still in his seat or to try and calm his client down. They were all in shock, all this time and the murderer hadn't been a Lannister.

"You killed Mr Baratheon?" Ned asked.

Mhaegen nodded, sniffling as she did.

"And you say that Detective Constable Baelish is your 'boss' in a prostitution ring?" he asked.

"Yes Sir." she mumbled.

Ned rose from his seat, suspending the interview and leaving the room where he met a furious Bolton outside.

"We need to arrest Baelish." Ned said urgently.

"Too late for that, I got a call from DC Baelish ten minutes ago, he said with immediate effect he was retiring from the police force and was already on a plane at Heathrow. By the time my officers had gotten to the airport, it turned out to be a decoy. Baelish was in fact on a plane heading for South America but he boarded a plane at Gatwick airport." Bolton yelled.

Ned felt the urge to punch something, how could it be that Baelish was one step ahead of them? Of course, it turned out that the man who had been trying to help him work out who the murderer of his best friend was actually a bent copper who had been using the investigation as a means of trying to keep the real murderer hidden. Not to mention that he was illegally selling women from a block of flats in Mitcham for his own profit and then there was the poor women who had no choice but to sell their bodies in order to make money. What if some of them were like that girl sat, crying, in the interview room? A helpless young woman who was a single mother and needed to feed and clothe her daughter?

"What do we do now Sir?" Ned asked.

"I've got some officers from CID trying to track down Baelish. I'm also trying to get the police in South American cities to man the airports and I'm putting out a photo of Baelish on the most wanted list. In the meantime we have to stop this from getting to the press and we need to charge the girl for the murder of Robert Baratheon. I'll speak to a judge tomorrow and see if we can get her a plea deal. If she pleads guilty and agrees to help us convict Baelish then we'll try and get her a lighter sentence for her daughter's sake." Bolton instructed.

Ned sighed heavily, "She's just a teenaged girl with a baby." he muttered to himself.

"Be that as it may, we're in a very big mess Stark and you better hope to heaven that the Lannisters don't sue us for wrongful conviction of Jaime Lannister." Boltom growled.

With nothing else said, Ned watched as his boss walked up the staircase that led to the CID and he went back into the interview room. Mhaegen had calmed down slightly, she was no longer sobbing but her eyes were puffy and she looked exhausted. Ned sat back down, looking her in the eye and turned on the tape recorder.

"Miss Waters, based on your confession, you are hereby charged with the murder of Robert Baratheon that commenced on the eighteenth of may in the study of his home address. The gun, which you hid from the police in the investigation, has been taken in as evidence against you with your fingerprints matching those taken from the weapon during the forensic process. Do you understand?"

The girl said a meek 'yes' before wiping a stray tear that had escaped her eye.

"However, if you are willing to co-operate with us further, it has come to our attention that you have been working as an illegal prostitute for Detective Constable Petyr Baelish. On your information, we are launching a new investigation to prosecute DC Baelish. We may be able to get a judge to give you a lighter sentence when you go to trial for the murder of Robert Baratheon in return for you working with us to prosecute DC Baelish. Are you willing to accept this?" Ned asked.

The girl's eyes widened, "He'll kill me! He said if I ever told he'd make me watch as my daughter was murdered-"

"We can take your family into the witness protection program, we can protect them and you if you agee to help us."


"Miss Waters, you're looking at a life sentence which the minimum is fifteen years in this country. Your daughter would be off to sixth form by the time you got out and you'd have to miss out on everything, her first steps, her first day at school. Her first day at secondary school. If you co-operate with us, a judge can show you mercy."

The girl hesitated and looked at her solicitor who muttered something to her in her ear. When the solicitor was finished, she turned back round to look him in the eye.

"Alright, I'll help you. For Barra's sake." she replied.

Ned smiled as he shut off the tape, "This is just the beginning Miss Waters." he said quietly.

A/N: I would like to thank each and every one of you who have followed/favourited/reviewed this story since the beginning but sadly this story has now reached it's end but it's not the end in a sense. Some of you may want to know what will happen to Baelish now that his big secret is out so I've decided instead of rushing a chapter where Baelish gets arrested because as we all know, he's not just going to accept going to prison for being a bent copper and perverting the course of justice and being an accessory to murder, I'm going to write a sequel which will explore Baelish's escape and the aftermath of Robert's murder. I've already got the first chapter idea in my head and will be writing it shortly so please keep a look out for it. I will most likely post an Author's note after this chapter to inform you all of the story when it's up and published :)