21, Fluttering Thoughts

Disclaimer: Please see Chapter One.

Authoress Note: Christian has got himself a kettle of trouble and it continues to boil. Now, he must compartmentalize the parts of life and take care of business. Your participation is critical to the continuation of this story. Please review if you want to see how this will develop and reach a conclusion. Thank you

Chapter 21

Christian found the drive into the office in his Porsche boxer convertible exhilarating. However, the cat scratch fever he had left in his loft still fogged his business mind. He rationalized at least they were locked in separate parts of the spacious apartment.

The world of high finance centers around the Seattle Skyline is dominated by the gleaming Bank of America Building that towers over its nearby neighbor the JP Morgan Chase Building. Seattle, a center of commerce for The Northeast Area, but for one female entrepreneur she had found it also had its share of get rich, quick buck artist ready to swoop down and convince hapless good people to make unwise financial investments.

This was the case with thirty three year old entrepreneur of Seattle's most personable hospital. Christian sat down with her in a pub and listened to her sad story. The attractive shoulder length brown haired woman named Elena displayed a face lacking of the spirit of the season. It was an expression of trouble that had her squirming in her seat.

"What's wrong Elena?" Christian looked concerned as he could tell she was feeling angst.

"Christian, I have been very foolish, I'm afraid a naughty bottie." Elena said eyes downcast.

"What do you mean Elena? What have you gone and done?"

"It all started when we got the Seattle's Best Coffee Money about a year ago."

"Yes, I remember I advised you to put it in municipal bonds, due to the volatile risk nature of the market." Christian answered.

"Well, here's the thing, I was at a Seattle Seahawks Game sitting in one of the suites and the guy who owned the suite got to talking to me."

"Elena, I care greatly about you, but I have a meeting in an hour in Seattle Commons."

"Okay, Okay", trying to stir up her courage. I have been a naughty bottie." This man from Knight Capital convinced me after a visit to his sixtieth story suite of offices in the Hancock Building. It looked, so legate and he had me call actual people who had doubled their money with him in less than a year.

"Well it is good thing you couldn't give this charlatan in the gleaming building a cent, because your Hospital's Board is made up of some of the finest successful financial minds in Seattle.

"As I was saying Christian, swallowing hard I was quite the naughty bottie. I invested all of the Gillette Money $1,400,000 with this man and his Knight Capital."

"How, Elena are you telling me your board approved this investment?"

Elena's shoulders slumped and looked directly into Christian's eyes.

"I didn't do it for myself; it was to renovate the dorm the treasurer for the orphanage said."

"But, how Elena you can not authorize an investment over a couple thousand dollars?"

Elena with a tremor in her voice, "I took the funds out of the Orphanage Budget and did not buy the municipal bonds with Gillette Donation.

"Damn, Elena that was not smart and was very irresponsible."

"I know like I said I feel like a little girl who got her hand caught in the cookie jar."

Christian looked at his watch. "Elena I have got to go give me your file on Knight Capital and for the of Grey Industries Charities sake I will look into your naughty debacle.

Elena's face lit up bright red embarrassed she had been swindled and her tush cooked.

She handed over a folder and Christian noted to himself it was on the thin size.

"He said he already had the bank loans approved and this was just bridge money with absolutely no risk to start a luxury brand outlet mall right off the interstate outside Seattle."

"No, Elena say you didn't invest in the stadium revitalization!"

"Yes, I did. He promised I would double our money in eight months and my original $1,400,000 would remain in escrow."

"Is there anything else you can tell me?"

"His name is Mark. Come to think of it there was something I saw. I remember because it was a logo outlined in red that was round and looked like the intersection of two cheeks. It said Red Moon."

"Okay Elena I will get our team to research this guy and find out what this Red Moon logo you described seeing means."

"When the board finds out about this at our January meeting they will boil my tush!"

"Sit tight," Christian nodded and left the pub with the folder that contained the information for what he had just decided was their newest client.

Elena thought to herself, Oh spank me hard! She almost wished he would, she felt so guilty for losing the Hospital's money. What was Red Moon, oh how she wanted to confront her swindler?

When Elena got back to her office she researched Red Moon and discovered it was a spanking club, quite legitimate and they were having a party at The Sheraton Centre Tower this coming evening.

Mark the stockbroker, SOB would be there, so she decided to attend. She signed up on line and paid the $50 cover charge. The Red Moon suggested female attire of short skirts and full cut panties for the party. It was a spanking party, but she did take comfort in the rules, that no panties could be lowered in the Amazon Ballroom.

She had made up her mind she was going to confront Mark as he told her to call him and she couldn't get past his guards in the dome topped, JP Morgan Chase Building.

I Will Never Do Those Naughty Things Again"

Elena tearfully begged, her flaming bottom helping form her words
The same words that may have just as well come from a misbehaving schoolgirl.

The lady entrepreneur who served as treasurer sat her attractive, round shapely butt cheeks clad now in a tight pair of black slacks with a bikini size visible panty line. Elena continued to softly cry knowing sitting was a chore and her swollen butt was especially sore while she sat uncomfortably on it during the orphanage board meeting. Now it was her task and responsibility to tell an angry board of directors how she lost the money entrusted to her by investing it with Mark in a risky investment with a high Return on Investment or (ROI).

As Elena gingerly sat on her sore throbbing red bottom she looked at Christian and the lady doc knew the waves of pain would not be the only thing crashing tonight.

The throes of her midnight tryst would rival the throbbing in her bottom in the comforting arms of her younger beau.

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