Anna's Sizzling Date With Fate

Disclaimer: Rated M, for adult spanking and sexual scenes. there is no cruelty or torture. I do not own Fifty shades Of Grey or its characters. There is no financial gain from the writing of this fictitious parody. I welcome dialogue energized by comments and will answer them. If this is not your cup of tea and you don't want to explore a relationship with adult spanking and varied sexual acts than please don't read.

Author's Note:

Readers, I happened to run across Fifty Shades Of Grey and began reading again my long lost dog eared copy. In this version of the story Kate while in the fashion industry is not her college roommate. The college newspaper sends a student who is into fashion and sulks at having to interview the ego-eccentric benefactor of the university. My goal in this first chapter is to explore what arouses Ana's interest and leave her vulnerable to the mysterious domineering Christian Grey. I also choose to describe Ana as a submissive and not a slave with no recourse. a subservient or servile relationship is more of a give and take and the BDSM is expected, accepted as a demonstration of Ana's love for Christian.

One also is left to wonder what the influence past parental spanking and its effect on the psyche when stimulated as an adult. In Ana's case it is a simple toy we all grew up playing with before the age of video games and were handed at birthday parties, the paddle-ball paddle. a toy which also made a nifty paddle for many of parents when the rubber band and ball inevitably broke.

Therefore it stands to reason that such a remembrance and focus on a toy used as a paddle could along deep seated feelings be something Ana would identify and submit too. Perhaps it is because the thin wooden paddle carried a focusing sting it did not bruise. In this case to curb her bratty sarcasm she exhibited with Mr. Grey which lead him to pursue her into a fifty shades of grey style relationship. It is my hope that through this story we can have a dialogue as the relationship between Christian and Ana blossoms.

Fate would have it that Anastasia was assigned to interview a captain of industry, one Mr. Christian Grey, a university benefactor. Ana drove from Vancouver down 'I- 5' to the gleaming blue tinted windows of the skyscrapers skyline of Seattle. As she parked her car and walked in the white sandstone lobby and over to the sandstone reception desk she was greeted by an immaculate pretty young blonde young lady. Like the glint of steel and glass she saw as she walked up to the twenty story building, frankly it intimidated her. Ana found the magnificent lobby floor also made of white sandstone and Mr. Grey's propensity for blondes humorous and quite telling, the judgmental college student thought sanctimoniously. These views and thoughts tinted her opinions as she got up and walked over to the doors of Mr. Grey's office.

Ana tripped in the doorway landing headfirst right inside the doorway. The comedy not lost on the office girls as her brown skirt flew up in back revealing her panty-clad bottom as she landed on all fours. Mr. Christian closed his door to the show.

"How unladylike to present yourself for an interview!"

"SPANK!, he gave Ana a hearty swat right across her delineated crack of sheer white lace panty-clad bottom.

Being a gentleman Christian helped her up as Ana rubbed her butt, more embarrassed she had klutzily fallen than from the *spank*!

An auspicious start to what turned out to be a telling interview.

Mr. Christian Grey was in for a surprise of his own as the interview moved from industry and employment philosophies, it was time to make the captain of industry, this self proclaimed master of the universe squirm in his seat.

"If you had to describe yourself as any actor from the past which best personifies your personality, who would you be?

"John Wayne". Christian said confidently and this caused Ana squirm her butt in her skirt.

"Why?" Ana pursed her lips tried to catch him off guard.

"And, what movie John Wayne movie comes to mind?" Ana quizzed him.

"I would say, "McLintock", Miss Steele, you see is a fine example of a couple utilizing spanking including a coal shovel paddle to get his point across!" Ana squirmed her butt again, but this time her panties became damp.

"Yeah, I was spanked as a child and I must admit it was more than the physical pain. The truth is for me it is the emotion from my attitude and or behavior.

"Ah, that is highly significant."

"Yeah, well i find it hard to admit that i miss those settling spankings and the embarrassment of having my panties down for the proceedings."

"And, you feel you could benefit from that today?"

"Yes sir, I d certainly do!"

"You know I have interns. Would you like to be one?"

"Why do you spank your interns?"

"That will be enough about my interns. Now about you, young lady"

"Perhaps it escaped your notice, but I am not a blonde!"

Ana snidely said with a brush of her long light brown hair out of her face.

"Don't be foolish I am offering you a coveted internship and look of your skirt you need it."

" I am not sure I would fit in here with your blonde Stepford Assistants!"

"My aren't we feisty, young lady! You need a real man to teach you not to turn down a position because of your sarcasm" he tersely stated.

"Don't get me riled up Mr. Grey."

"Look at you giving ultimatums. sounds to me that you could use and in desperate need of a spanking! He scolded Ana like an errant child. And, her face was aflame.

"A spanking , Mr. Grey I have not been spanked since I was an thirteen. and, as you can see I am not a teenager."

"Indeed you are not, but in your heart you need, no thirst for a real man. Miss Steele I make a living reading people and you want to feel the firm hand of a man in charge!"

The interview continued high atop Grey Enterprises in Seattle. That was the position Ana had found herself in now. Michelle had found out a secret and it could wreck the rich young lady as Ana pursed her lips with anticipation of the next move the handsome captain of industry would make.

In Christian's mind he saw a darling girl with a snug above knee skirt that was susceptible to being pulled into his submissive lair.

"So, you see yourself as a master of the universe?"

The college student, Ana acting as interviewer, Her tone was undeniably accusatory and snotty.

"Young lady, let's head to my elevator for a private talk." His tone authoritative and stern. His eyes burned into her and he grabbed one of her under cheek firmly through her skirt before they left the privacy of his office sanctum. Ana moaned and Christian by design remarkably gave her behind a pop, calculating she was coming along! Where there was smoke, there was fire!

Anna glowered inwardly, got up, swallowed nervously adding to the dampness from her twitching vagina in the crotch of her panties and followed Christian Grey out of his office and towards the bank of elevators. with a nod the same blonde as before jumped up as if she had been sitting with her butt in a hot skillet She dutifully pushed the button on the private elevator down on the end. Anastasia's heart pounded as the elevator arrived. Mr. Grey walked behind her and admired Ana's full round encased bottom in her tight-fitting brown skirt as he admired her visible panty line. Anastasia got in alone with the fascinating man she believed to be her captain and, so their capricious relation began.

"Bing." The elevator closed the outside world out and Christian moved towards Ana across the chrome walled elevator car.

Christian spun her around and as a reflex Ana put her hands on the rail of the elevator wall her fashionable brown skirt was flipped up onto her back and her panties down as the elevator jerked to a stop between floors. Spanks followed as Christian proceeded to give Ana, his sassy interviewer bare bottomed a fast, hard lesson with his paddle from his breast suit pocket which made it very clear where he stood in their agreed upon role- relationship.

There was a psychology and a cunning thought process as what to spank Ana within the privacy of the private elevator. It was quite simple because it was a good bet the toy they all grew up playing with before in an age of self play, the paddle-ball toy. While it gave hours of pleasure after the rubber band inevitably broke many parents used on errant children.

SPANK! The strength of the spank was firm using the thin wooden paddle-ball paddle and Ana's ass turned rather red quickly.

SPLAT! "I am a brat!"
SMACK! Ana whimpered
SPANK! "I will be good!"
CRACK!, went Christian's paddle with a purpose and Ana's bottom was really feeling it now! Her butt now close to bright red.

I carefully placed my hands on her still hot-to-the-touch butt cheeks, before wiping a tear away from Ana's face complete with the cutest pout. Our time together was coming to an end although she did have his loft address. The doors of the elevator remained open.

"You will go to your car get, sit on your sore bottom and call me when you get back to Vancouver. do you understand me young lady?"

"Yes sir." Anna answered through her soft sniffles.

"Keep your hands off your bottom and you will not seek healing for your bottom. Is that understood young lady.

"Yes sir, I understand.

Here is a lotion with the active ingredient of aloe, but you are not to use it until you arrive and Kate will do the nursing your butt honors. After all she was the reason you interviewed me with that smart mouth of yours.

I could barely hear him. I was bawling so badly, but I turned wiping my long brown hair out of my puffy red face in time to see Christian swatted my bottom considerably harder twice once on each very sore throbbing butt cheek.

The elevator began to move with a jarring jolt Ana and Christian felt in their knees.

Ana let out a cry and reached back to rub her poor paddled bottom, but before her hand-made it, Christian urged the pseudo-interviewer to hustle and pull up my panties and lower her skirt. She felt real panic as she felt the elevator doors were going to open any second.

Ana's POV:

Door open! Oh my No! What if someone is waiting to use the elevator down there!

My fingers fumbled with the waistband of the back of panties desperate to hitch them back up before.

The college student felt a searing that burned, a pain that focused her on her behavior as she reached in a frantic panic down to pull up her panties as the elevator slowed and she feared the doors would open at any second. And, that would mean her rear cheeks those two red beauties would be exposed.

Would there be time to recover her dignity?

Why had she agreed to the damn spanking on the elevator? The answer was clear, he had stopped his private elevator and she was very attracted to the master of the universe.

While Ana did not believe his reprimand for her sassy attitude qualified as a heinous act, but on the humiliation scale it was very upsetting he had just administered a spanking to her bared backside with the fright her bright bottom would be displayed.


The doors slid open her panties fluttered and so did her bum to the back of her knees.

Christian watched Ana's body language and eyes was in one word 'precious!' He liked making the clumsy college student be anxious and panic. Ana steeled herself for the humiliation of her red spanked bottom and panties now down around her ankles being see by the lobby goers. The doors parted and Ana panicked her knees nearly gave way as the elevator had come to a stop. Then, she realized the cold air on her bare bottom. Actually the basement breeze felt good on her bottom that burned and was painful.

Christian grinned wickedly, but when he looked at Ana he showed her an expression of compassion. Serving as her knight in shining armor pulling up her panties with a wince from Anna up on they went over her sore bottom and slipping down her skirt over her heated reddened flesh.

To Be Continued:

Readers, let me again reiterate my appreciation for comments, favorites, followers. Please continue your Story Alert and continuing comments "Dialogue" to show your interest for this story to continue.