For some reason this part just flowed from Natsu's POV. I usually stick with Lucy's, probably because I'm a girl so I know how girls think. But whatever! I think this will be my last chapter for this story. We'll see!

The main hall in the guild was decorated like... well like a baby shower. There were blue balloons and streamers- even a cake. Looks like Mira had decked out. But that wasn't the worst of it- oh no. That was just the beginning.

Natsu stared in horror around the room. There had to be hundreds if not thousands of pictures of him up on the walls, strung on strings, in huge portraits or banners, everywhere. But the worst thing, absolute worst thing, was the huge screen propped up against the wall. It was a slideshow. And currently it was about to play a video. One that he knew he didn't want to see.

Lucy giggled next to him and pointed at some of the pictures. "Look how adorable you were Natsu! Oh you were so cute!" Her happy smile made him feel a little bit better. If it made her happy then it was worth it right?

Cana smirked from behind her barrel, "Here's our big baby!" The guild cheered and hollered, and Natsu bravely took all the insults. He managed to not start a fight. Lucy guided him to all the pictures, pointing out her favorite moments, describing what had happened. Natsu got a kick out of Lucy shoving Gray onto Juvia forcibly. He chuckled over her memories, actually enjoying the story of him being turned into a baby.

Finally they settled down and Lucy convinced him to watch the video they had set up. The very first scene had both of them blushing. It was when he first transformed and had shoved his face into her boobs. Lucy whispered to him, "I was about to kill you because I thought you still remembered me! I totally thought it was a conscious decision on your part." Natsu laughed and casually slung his arm over her shoulders. The small act did not go unnoticed by his guild mates.

There were quite a lot of short clips or pictures of Natsu nuzzled into Lucy's breasts. Natsu sheepishly apologized, even though it wasn't really in his control. Lucy brushed it off, a baby usually did that anyways. They were warm and soft and everything a baby loved. Natsu was about to state that they were everything men loved too, but he thought against that. Natsu was thankful he didn't receive a Lucy kick for all the times he was hugged to her abundant chest, although he got lots of torment from his perverted nakama.

Gajeel was especially relentless, he loved to embarrass Natsu. He whispered things just in Natsu's hearing range, so only Natsu could hear his words. "Bet you wish you were still in that position eh Salamander? Actually I bet that's what you were doing back there in the lounge. Suckling like a babe." Natsu's face heated up, but he couldn't bash Gajeel's face in. Nobody else had heard what he'd said, and Lucy was keeping him there on the bench. He saw her giddy smile, and instantly the anger left his body. Nobody would get under his skin so easily, not if she was so happy next to him.

Romeo came up to Natsu. "Natsu-nii! I'm so upset that I missed this! Wendy and I were on a mission with Alzack and Bisca. I wish I would have been here to see it! You should get hit by the spell again." Natsu rolled his eyes as Lucy and Wendy giggled. "I ain't gettin hit with anymore spells! If you want to ogle over a baby go hold Emmy." The young pair giggled again before leaving them.

Natsu felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked over to Lucy, surprised at how close she was to his face. He flushed at the feeling of her breasts pressed against his arm. He swallowed. "L-Luce?" She smiled warmly at him. "I just wanted to say thank you Natsu. You jumped in front of the spell for me... and you're putting up with all this humiliation. But I- I was glad! I was happy that I could take care of you, even if only for a short day. I know I'm pretty useless, so it was nice that you were dependent on me for once." She smiled broadly at him, quickly placing a small peck on his cheek. Natsu froze. They had been pretty touchy today... was it because of what happened in the lounge?

"Luce... You aren't useless. No one thinks of you that way. But... I'm glad too. That you took care of me, I mean." Natsu kicked himself for not being able to tell her how dependent he was on her. She took care of him everyday, how did she not see that? He would do anything for her, put up with any humiliation- any kind of torture. He wished he could somehow tell her. But their conversation was interrupted.

Suddenly the guild doors burst open. Everyone turned their attention to the front doors. Gray and Juvia walked in hand-in-hand, smiling happily. Gray stood up on a table, pulling Juvia up with him and pressing her into his chest possessively. "Listen up losers! This girl is off limits! Cause she's MINE!" The guild went up in cheers and bellows. The old men were hooting out lewd comments, Cana as well. Mira and Lisanna were squealing over the romantic development, picturing their children. Erza stomped up to the new couple and glared. Gray gulped visibly as he faced her. She scowled deeper, "Gray. If you hurt Juvia I will have to hurt you in return." Gray simply nodded, cowering from her murderous aura. Then she cracked a smile. "However, I think you should make babies. They would be rather cute."

The guild burst into laughter and whoops again as the new couple flushed the color of Erza's hair in front of them. They stepped down from the table, people walking up to congratulate them in person.

Natsu was thankful that the attention wasn't on him anymore. He dragged Lucy over to his rival (and best friend although he would never admit it to anyone). He lightly punched Gray's shoulder. "So you finally manned up eh? Congrats man." He reached his hand out for a friendly shake, slightly surprised when Gray pulled him in for a thump on the back. Gray whispered in his ear, "You should man up too idiot." Natsu pulled out of the bro hug. He shook his head, but couldn't hide the wide smile and small blush on his cheeks. Maybe he would take Gray's advice. After this morning, there was no way they could keep up the simple facade of friendship- it was something more than that now.

He looked over to see Lucy and Juvia embracing, squealing like little girls. He could hear all the girly mush they were saying to each other. Geez. Girls. He paused and tuned in his hearing when he picked up his name in their whispered babble. "Juvia is so happy Gray-sama confessed to her. Juvia wonders if Natsu will confess to Lucy soon?" "J-Juvia! No way! H-He doesn't see me that way! He doesn't understand romance!" "Oh really? Juvia disagrees. Juvia can see the way Natsu is looking at Lucy right now."

Lucy pulled away from Juvia and turned around and met Natsu's eyes. She flushed bright red when she saw he indeed was staring at her intently. Natsu beamed at her. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her eyes were wide and confused as she glanced up at him- so cute. He leaned down and whispered into her ear, "I'll show you romance. You just wait." He was pleased to see Lucy's face flush dark red. He laughed and strolled away with her to the bar.

She had somewhat recovered by the time they sat down on the bar stools. Mira was bouncing a fussy Emmy on her hip, trying to take orders as well. She looked over at Lucy and pleaded, shoving Emmy into her arms immediately, "Lucy! Please take Emmy. I know you're good with babies!" Lucy blushed at the compliment and took the fussing child. Natsu and Lucy entertained Emmy as Mira dished out orders. Natsu entertained her with his fire, making sure it never burned her. Soon enough, Emmy was squealing with laughter along with both Natsu and Lucy.

Natsu took Emmy and sat her in his lap. He laughed along with Emmy at Lucy's ridiculous faces. Natsu's sensitive ears picked up the sound of a camera flashing. He turned to see Lisanna slipping something in her pocket. He narrowed his eyes- hadn't they taken enough pictures of him for the week? Lisanna smiled at him sweetly, with that devilish gleam just like her sister's. "Can I talk to you real quick Natsu?" Natsu shrugged and placed Emmy back into Lucy's arms. They shared a smile before he turned away.

"What's up Lis?" Lisanna had pulled him far away from Lucy's hearing range. "I just wanted to show you one conversation that wasn't on the big screen!" She pulled out her little camera, letting a clip play. It had Lucy holding him on her lap, fiddling with his tiny fingers. Lisanna was giggling and snapped a picture, explaining to Lucy that she might have a mini Natsu on her lap soon. Natsu blushed at the scene, catching every word and movement. There she said again, Natsu knows nothing of romance. Oh he was so going to prove to her how romantic he could be. The last thing he saw was the look of pure love on Lucy's face before the screen stopped moving.

Lisanna giggled, taking the camera back. "Just thought I'd show you that! I thought along the same lines when I saw you two playing with Emmy. Her blonde hair sort of looked like Lucy's, she could have passed as your kid! You know, Emmy is gonna need a playmate soon..." She wriggled her eyes at Natsu and whisked away. Natsu smiled widely as he walked back to Lucy. He couldn't help but take in her beauty. She was absolutely glowing. He watched as she nuzzled and kissed Emmy- things that she had done to him. He smile widened further. She would be a good mother. His smile stretched wider, hurting his cheeks. She would be the mother of his children...

Natsu decided to make his move. Forget taking it slow, they'd been best friends for years and he's always loved her. Time to prove it to her.

He swung his arm over Lucy's shoulders. His other arm snaking underneath hers and wrapping over her abdomen. He nuzzled into her neck, breathing her intoxicating scent. "N-Natsu?!" He smiled against her skin. This is definitely where he belonged. He brushed a light kiss on her neck before whispering into her ear, "You'll make a good mom Luce." He could feel the heat rushing to her face.

He laughed and swiped Emmy from her arms. He strolled away from her, leaving her speechless. He tossed Emmy up in the air, joining her in her laughs of delight. He couldn't wait until he could do this with his own children. He grinned happily as he thought of the future. He knew he would have a long life with Lucy by his side. He couldn't wait for all the happy times they would have, all the memories they would make. He raised his head to the sky, thinking to his father, "I found her, Dad. And I'm not letting go. I'm finally happy, even if you aren't here with me. I'll see you again someday, and I'll get to tell you all about her."

Natsu felt the love and approval of his father. Natsu was content, knowing he had a happy and exciting future ahead.

Sorry if it wasn't up to your standards. Too sappy? I get that, I kinda felt so too. But sappy is nice sometimes. If I did another chapter, it would be because you pervs wanted some smut! Or it would be like a time skip thing, 15 years later or something. We'll see! Tell me what you think!