Jace POV

"She's what?!" Jocelyn screeched loudly into his ear. Her and Luke had finally heard one of the many voice-mails Jace had left them and had come running into the hospital room frantically, eyes wide and scared. They had asked if everything was okay and he said to them exactly what the doctor had said to him, excluding the baby part. He left that until they were both sitting down and calm. He had muttered the words quietly, praying that they hadn't heard him. Then when Luke asked him to repeat himself, he said it more surely and confidently, which was a mistake. They both stared at him for a long time before speaking again.

"Please tell me you're joking, Jace." Luke said, gently placing his hands on his wife's shoulders to keep her from turning into a bull and ramming Jace into the wall. Her face was red and her nostrils were flaring. Right now she was scarier than any demon Jace had faced before.

"I can't." He said quietly, looking at the ground. He was standing at the far end of the room, across from Clary's bed. He had moved from the chair he had been sitting in for a solid 28 hours so Jocelyn could sit next to her daughter. Out of the corner of his eye, Jace saw a white object flying towards him and quickly ducked.

"Jocelyn!" Luke scolded her. But she didn't seem to her him as she walked towards Jace slowly and calmly. He gulped in fear, knowing that she was doing this on purpose to freak him out.

"You got my daughter pregnant." she said slowly, looking him dead in the eyes. He nodded. "How long has this been going on?" She asked, her voice carrying all the anger that had left her face moments ago. At first, Jace was confused at what she meant, then his eyes widened with understanding. She meant how long they had been having sex. Oh God this was awkward.

"About a year and a half." He said quietly, not looking her directly in the eye. He focused his gaze on a spot just above her head on the wall behind her.v

"And did-" Jocelyn started but was interrupted by Luke.

"Jocelyn," His voice was soft and gentle. He was sitting in the chair that Jocelyn had now evacuated and was staring at the redhead in the bed.

"Not now Luke." she said curtly, "Did you guys use protection?" Jace opened his mouth to answer when he was cut off by a hoarse voice from across the room.

"Mom, you're scaring him." All heads turned towards the source of the voice, who was currently trying to push herself up from the bed but with no success. Jocelyn rushed to her daughters aid immediately, but Jace couldn't find it in him to move his feet. It was like he was standing in quicksand, each second pulling him deeper and deeper into the bleach stained floor.

"Clary, honey, you should lie down and rest." Jocelyn was now trying to get her to lie back down in the bed, shoving gently at her shoulders. Clary looked at her mother through her hair with a stern look and removed her hands from her shoulders. A flash of hurt went through Jocelyn's eyes.

"I've had enough rest, Mom." Her green eyes quickly flashed over to Jace, who was till frozen to the spot and unable to do anything but stare, "Can you give us a minute," she paused, "Or ten."

"Sure, sweetie." Jocelyn and Luke both got up from their chairs, kissed their daughter on the forehead and moved towards the door. Before walking out of the room, Jocelyn shot him a deathly glare that made Jace visibly swallow. She stalked out of the room without another word but Luke stopped in the doorway and glanced warily back at the couple.

"Do you guys want some coffee?" The pair nodded quietly as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Jace and Clary sat in silence for a long time, staring at each other, neither one of them daring to break the quiet stillness of the room. They very rarely had awkward silences like this one and it was eating him alive. He could see the bruises developing across her face and neck, a large cut went from the corner of her eye and receding into her hair.

"Can you sit down or something?" she suddenly blurted out, " You're freaking me out." He chuckled halfheartedly as he moved toward the chair beside her bed. The leather squeaked underneath him as he sat down. He took a deep breath to say something, though he didn't know quite what he was going to say yet, when Clary interrupted him, speaking very quickly.

"Look, I know your probably freaking out right now and you have a right to and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but I didn't know how you would react to it and Kaelie-"

"Kaelie?" It was his turn to interrupt her now. Her words came out in a rush that Jace just barely was able to catch the faerie's name in the bundle of panicked words. "What does she have to do with anything?" Clary sat there for a moment before answering.

"I-uh-When I took the tests I was in the bathroom at Taki's and she came in and uh-" She uncomfortably shifted on the bed, which looked very awkward considering the giant cast that clung to her leg like a big white leech, "She started saying all this stuff like how it would ruin everything and how you, uh-" She was refusing to meet his eyes now, focusing on her hands that were fiddling with the bed sheet. She turned her face away so he couldn't look at her anymore before continuing, "She said you would leave."

Her voice was so quiet that Jace had barely heard what she had said. There was something so heartbreaking about the way she said it, choking on her words and not being able to look him in the eyes. Jace moved from the chair and sat down on the edge of her bed, grabbing her chin and turning her face slowly to face his. He wiped away the fallen tears with his thumb and rested his hand on her smooth and flushed cheek. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes. They stayed like that for a few minutes, not saying a word but this time the silence wasn't awkward. Okay, it was a little awkward but not nearly as awkward as it was earlier. Jace moved forward and pressed his lips against hers.

"That is never going to happen." He whispered to her, leaning his forehead against hers. Her green eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

"Promise?" she whispered back, he could feel her lips form the words against his own mouth. Jace kissed her softly before answering.
