Ever wondered if the mane 6 were humans?...wait, Equestria girls explained that already, nevermind. Ahem, ever wondered if Sonic and Tails were human?...other than already reading tons of other fanfics and making thousands of fanart. Anyways...ever wondered if they were all in one singular worl-…...Goddammit, I know, know, fanfics and stuff, whatever, this is another crossover although there's already billions of other Sonic & Mlp crossovers, Deal with it!

AHHEEM! This is a crossover that isn't gonna be some whole, oh sonic gets sucked into another dimesion or whatever. Sonic, Tails, and possibly and few others already live in the same world/dimension as the Mlp characters. Yes, there human, yes Sonic is fast and stuff, yes, Twilight has magic and stuff, yes, Tails is super smart and stuff, yes, Celestia is a princess and stuff, yes, Fluttershy and RainbowDash have wings and stuff, yes, spike is useless and stuff, you get the jiff of it. Thing to note is that they aren't gonna have tails or horse ears or alienatic skin color like in equestria girls,everyone is either pale, white, tan, orange, or even black, WHo knows?! It's got nothing to do with high school, there, you happy?...What's that, you want ages? Sure, why not? Sonic is gonna be 17 while the mane 6 are all 16, Tails will be 14 (I know, wiki says he's 8, just bare with me), Spike is uh…...10….I guess….who care? That should do it for the main characters, now lets ge-Oh sorry, my bad, I forgot the setting. Yeah it takes place in Mobius, Emerald city and whatev- Ugh, what now? ….Oh the elements of harmony, yeah I'll keep that a secret for now. Just note there will be a bit inspiration by other fanfics, which in this case, people would say I'm stealing ideas…...You know what, screw it I'll say it! Sonic is secretly the 7th element known as courage but he hasn't met the mane 6 yet, although the mane 6 already met each other and know about the elements before they meet you people are wasting my time; I haven't even gotten to start yet! Ya know what, this will just be a little informative induction chapter, meaning this'll explain what the hell you are reading and the next chapter is the real thing. So look forward to what I have in store. In a few hours, there will definitely be a chapter 1. For realsies! Now go away, I have a story to write.