Disclaimer: I don't own Guild Wars 2 or any of the characters mentioned in the story. Everything belongs to ArenaNet. I'm writing for fun.
- Bombs?
- Yes, bombs! Little cute bombs! But they're enough to blow up half of the city!
Scarlet laughed maniacally, which made Marjory frown.
What was this weird sylvari thinking? So far none of her actions made sense. She raised panic in the city, but didn't kill many. Just a few casualties. So it didn't seem like she just wanted to kill people for the sake of killing. There had to be something more to it. But bombs hidden all over the city – why did she do that? Regardless, if they were not taken care of, Scarlet's kill count would skyrocket.
"However you can disarm them!" – Scarlet continued suddenly. – "Play a game with me!"
"A game?" – Kasmeer was surprised. – "Are those some toy bombs or what?"
"Quiet, Kassie" – Marjory hushed her assistant.
"Your blond friend is so smart, I see!"
Scarlet continued to mock them. It was infuriating.
"What are your conditions?"
"Truth or dare!"
Marjory took a moment to think about it.
"How can we be sure that you're not lying?"
"It's a risk, my darling! Either you play with me or the palace goes BOOM! Won't you feel sorry for it? So, I ask you again – truth or dare?"
The detective tried to consider possible outcomes. It was too risky to believe Scarlet. She could just ask a question about something strategically important as "truth" and still blow up the palace. On the other hand, "dare" would most likely be a trap as well. They had little choice. And maybe Scarlet's request would shed some light on her true intentions.
"Dare!" – Marjory said firmly.
Scarlet giggled and smiled with the most horrifying smile the lady detective had ever seen in her life, then gave out a piece of paper.
"I'll disarm the bombs if you do what is written here!"
Marjory and Kasmeer checked the note. Both looked extremely shocked. Kasmeer blushed.
"You have one hour!" – Scarlet announced and disappeared in a smokescreen.
The next morning there was quite a commotion in the palace. During the night somebody has taken advantage of the lack of guards, as they were being scattered across the town in search of bombs. Somebody has written – with bright white permanent paint – across the front gate leading to the Queen's hall - "FUCK! JENNAH IS STUPID!"
The guards were trying to drive away the giggling and whispering crowd, while people kept gathering there.
Far away from the palace, in a tiny bar called "Dead End", hidden in the streets of Eastern Commons, the famous detective Marjory Delaqua and her assistant Kasmeer Meade were getting drunk with firewater.
"Don't be so upset, Jory!" – Kasmeer discreetly moved a mug with alcohol further away from her friend.
"I swear… Scarlet will pay for this!"
"Sure, she would. Just please stop drinking, you've had enough. No one should find out what you did!"
It was the only time when Marjory trusted a criminal - the first and the last one.
And what happened to the bombs? There weren't any bombs in fact. There was only Scarlet's mad laughter in the distance and another one of her notes – "Happy Fool's Day, morons!"