When the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth, seeing that the guard sleepeth, shall come back through the Door of Night out of the Timeless Void.

He was leaping headfirst into a chasm that led to the heart of the Earth, a pit full of fire, remembering the wrongs he had done, all the Kinslayings he had taken part in. It was all for nothing, for the Silmarils he had sworn a binding oath to retrieve were beyond his reach forever, just when he thought they lay within his grasp.

I straightened in my seat abruptly with a startled gasp, where I had been researching Pestilence, one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. My brother Dean looked up sharply. "What is it?" I shook my head, unable to speak. The vision I just had felt different from visions I had previously. This felt ... personal, as if I had lived it. I decided to tell him of the jumbled images and sensations I had seen and felt, hoping he could help me make sense of it. However, he couldn't make any sense of it. We decided to give Bobby a call.

Uncounted ages ago

Maedhros woke in the Halls of Mandos, stunned, still feeling the terror of falling. More painful was the memory of all the people he had harmed in his futile mission. The full horror of what he had done came back to him. He buried his face in his arms and wept bitterly. But he was not left alone for long. A messenger of Manwe came to him to bring him before the judgment of the Valar. He entered the hall feeling extremely nervous, yet knowing he would submit to whatever the Valar had in store for him. The hall was filled with many elves. Two in particular drew his attention, his friend Fingon and his brother Maglor. He could not meet their eyes and his gaze dropped to the floor. He was soon called to stand within the circle of the Valar, for his fate to be decided.

Maedhros spoke up and declared, "I will submit to any Doom you place on me." Nienna then softly bade Maedhros to look into her eyes. She saw great pain within him, and a tremendous bloodguilt. When she looked deeper, though, she glimpsed unmet potential, and the person he could have been. She looked to Mandos and nodded. "He is suitable." Maedhros looked up at that in surprise.

Mandos saw his confusion and began to speak of the Dagor Dagorath. He revealed a prophecy of the battle to end all battles, thousands of years in the future, when the Great Enemy of the world, Morgoth, would break through the Doors of Night and reenter Arda. Iluvatar had shown him a glimpse of hope. He had seen two Atani who would, against all odds, defy Morgoth and win victory in that dark time. One of the Atani bore Maedhros' visage so he knew he somehow would play a role in that battle. How, he did not know. But Iluvatar had warned him that Maedhros must willingly accept that role.

Maedhros hesitated upon hearing Mandos' prophecy. The Valar, seeing this, granted him time to consider, for it was no small matter that he had to make a decision about. Upon leaving the chamber of judgment, he came upon Fingon and Maglor, also residing in the Halls of Mandos. Fingon said nothing, but embraced him fiercely in joy. Maglor looked at him curiously and asked what the Valar had decided. Maedhros, still considering what the Doomsman had told him, explained about the prophecy Iluvatar had shown, and his potential role.