Author's note: This is sorta of a side story that takes place in Crimson Stars. Though, I suggest reading Crystallization first just to get to know the OCs I created in there. Also, there will be major and minor character deaths later in the story. For now, this story is rated T, but depending on how bad the deaths may be, this story ratings may be changed to rated M. Anyway, enjoy the story while you can. This will start out in Crystal's POV.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh 5Ds. Heck, I don't even own the cover image up there (which looks really awesome whoever made it btw). I do own most of my OCs though.

Chapter 1

Encounter the Time Stranger

"Ugh. I'm so tired." I groaned as my back hit the bed. Everything was pretty hectic today. Crow and Jack were arguing this morning over the bills. Miyu kept badgering me at school. Heitmann yelling at us in class for no apparent reason. Work was pretty slow today. More explosions occurred while testing the engine. Tons of homework to deal with. I think all of this is getting on my nerves now, and I'm on the verge of losing it!

Need…some…rest, I thought. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

I woke up a while later, only to felt something or someone poking me on my head. I fluttered my eyes opened and looked up, only to see a tiny girl with dark brown eyes and light blonde hair tied into curly pigtails, wearing a red dress with a silver ring in front. Another odd thing about here was that she was wearing gloves that look like paws…cat paws I think…and cat ears. There was also a white tail with a pink ribbon and a golden bell attached at the end behind her.

"Ah! She's awake!" I heard her yelled. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes a little.

"Ngh…where am I?" I muttered drowsily. Weird. I'm pretty sure I was lying on my bed just a while ago. Right now, I'm like in a bright, white room, completely empty except for me and the tiny girl in front of me.

"Oh. It looks like she's up just in time!" Another voice said. I looked up and saw a women around my age with shoulder length crimson hair and light brown eyes. She had on a blue jacket over a simple white dress and a pair of white boots to go along with it. I tilted my head at her in question.

"Who are you?" I asked. She frowned in response.

"What? You don't remember me?" The red hair asked in disappointment.

"No, I don't think so." I replied.

She continued to frown. "But…But we met each other at the park, remember?"

I thought back at her remarks, and before I can answered, a flashback occurred me.

Few hours ago…

I was heading back to the Poppo Time Garage from work today when all of the sudden, I saw a girl wandering around the Neo Domino park area, looking frantic.

"Oh no! Where is it?! I know I had it here somewhere!" she cried as she was searching on the ground. Can't help but feel that she was in trouble, I walked up to her.

"Excuse me." I said to her, "Is something wrong?"

She noticed me in front of her, tears in her eyes, "Ahh…I just lost something important!"


"It's true. I know I had it around me just a few minutes ago. But now it's gone! I've must've drop it somewhere!"

I tried to clam her down, "Hey. Just relax. Maybe I can help you out. What is it that you lost?"

"Um…" she spoke after she stopped crying, "It was a silver necklace with a ruby stone and golden rings attached to it."

Okay. That shouldn't be too hard to find. "Alright. I'll help ya!"

It was like fifteen minutes later of searching that I happen to noticed a red glint among the grassy area. I went over and saw a ruby necklace that the girl was talking about, no doubt it.

"I found it!" I shouted, picking it up. I gave it to the red hair girl and her eyes gleamed in excitement.

"Yay, you found it!" she cheered. "Thank you so much! I don't know how to thank you."

"It was nothing," I waved it off and smiled. "That necklace looks pretty by the way. No wonder it's important to you."

"Thanks." She said, "But actually, there's more to it than its appearance."

I blinked in confusion, wondering what she meant by that, but I shrugged it off. "Well…I have to go now. Just don't lose it again." I waved at her and head back home to see my four foster brothers.

Back in present time…

"AHHH!" I screamed while pointing at her in realization, "You're the girl I met at the park today!"

The red head giggled, "Teehee! You finally remember. But come to think of it, I don't think we got a chance to learn each other's name."
I slowly stood up and faced her, "I'm Crystal."

"Nice to meet you, Crystal!" The red head greeted, "My name is Kyoko. That small girl who was poking you while you're sleeping earlier here is named Chocola."

"Hello!" The small girl, now known as Chocola, greeted. Come to think of it, I just realize this girl is really short…so short that she's only at the height of my knees. "Here! This is for you!"

All of a sudden, a tray appeared on Chocola's hand with a glass of dark brown, swirly liquid with whip cream and a cherry on top and she held it out in front of me, "This is Chocola's Special Chocolate Milkshake! I was thinking that you might be thirsty after waking up like that, so I made this for you."

I paused for a moment. "Uh…"

"Don't worry. It's not poison." Chocola said, noticing the uneasiness on my face, "There's no way I'll do any like that to a nice person like you."

I hesitantly took the glass from her, "In that case, I'll take it. Thanks…I guess." I took a sip from the straw, and slurped the delicious, chocolaty substance. My eyes widened and think it's started to gleam like a child, "Wow, this is really good!"

"Thanks. Glad you like it!" Chocola gave out a cute smile.

I slurped some more of that delicious milkshake while I took a glanced at the red head. "Is she's your sister or something like that?"

"No, not really." Kyoko answered, scratching the back of her head, "Chocola is more like a pet of some sort."

I choked and did a spit take from my shake, accidentally spraying it all over Kyoko's face. I muttered an apology while helping her whip off the mess with a tissue.


"Ah…haha, not that kind of 'pet' you're thinking of," Kyoko reassured, "The thing is…Chocola is not even human."

I looked at her in disbelief. "Then, what is she?"

Kyoko paused a bit while tapping her chin, "Um…I rather not tell. Because either way, you won't believe me."

Drat. I want to know what she is. "Anyway, back to the serious topic, where am I exactly? Because obviously, this can't be my room."

"Certainly right about that," Kyoko agreed excitedly, "But I'll explain more about this place I just brought you here."

I blinked in confusion, "Wait…you brought me here?"

The crimson hair nodded. "Yep. And you probably want to know why, don't you?" I nodded. "Well my friend, I'll tell you. See, my father, Chronos, sent me on the mission to find you, as one of the five Crimson Star Guardians, to give you the vision of any historical or alternative past that you desire."

I stared at her. "Hold on a sec. Chronos? As in the one in Greek Mythology who can control time? Are you a demigod by any chance?"

"Well…I don't know about the demigod part, but I guess you could say I am," Kyoko replied, "But the Chronos that you were talking about…yes, that's the same person who is my father!"

There was a stunned silence before I hung my head and leaned against the nearest wall as possible, "I probably sound like Jack by saying this, but I think I'm in a dream."

"Are you saying you don't believe me?!" Kyoko overhead me.

"It's not the matter of fact whether I believe you or not," I replied, "It's more of the fact on questioning your sanity."

"How dare you say that Kyoko is insane?!" I heard Chocola growled, "Believe it or not, Kyoko is a Time Stranger who inherited the ability to travel to time from her father. She can also find ways to change the past, but that ability is forbidden to oath, and that must never happened unless it's absolutely necessary."

"What Chocola said is correct," Kyoko said, "But, I am allow to show you the vision of what can happened if the past can change."

"You mean, like parallel universe or alternative dimension?" I asked. Well, I know these two words kinda mean the same thing, but still.

"That's right," The crimson hair winked, "But if you still don't believe me what I said, then why don't you tell me what certain event you wish to know if it's possible to change the past?"

I hummed in thought. I guess I'll play along for now. There is one event that still kept me in wonder if it never happened, and how would it affect me and my friends. I took in a deep breath and face the so called 'Time Stranger'.

"In that case, show me the time of how everyone's lives change if the Zero Reverse never happened."

Kyoko grinned and nodded approvingly. "Alright. Your wish, is my command!"

She pulled out a necklace that I recognized that she nearly lost at the park few hours ago, and started chanting in a language I cannot recognized. Then, the necklace transformed itself into a wooden staff with a red jewel on top. Then, she chanted again, causing everything to flash in white.

Author's note: This is about it for now. R&R?