So after the many requests, I finally decided to do it.

Part of this was to challenge myself, but after the great reactions from the last chapter with R/M/S I decided to give it another go.

I really wanted to convey how well this relationship works, the genuine affection they all have for eachother.

I realize I could have done that without sex, and I will for sure, but well...lots of people wanted it and I wanted to see if I could pull it off.

So! Warnings, this chapter is pure smut and fluff.

Hope everyone likes it!

Miranda sighed as she burrowed deeper into the soft bed. It was a well guarded secret that the former Cerberus agent actually loved sleeping in, lounging in bed for as long as possible. It was a rare thing, to be able to do so, thus she enjoyed it whenever she could. Thankfully today was such a day.

Her half-asleep mind took a moment to register the lack of extra bodies on the bed. She felt herself frown slightly. Since her lazy mornings were so rare, she was not used to waking up alone anymore. It had taken her so long to get used to not sleeping alone, now she didn't think she could go back.

Cracking an eye open she glanced over her shoulder, confirming she was alone. She looked over to the clock on the night stand, blinking several times to try and focus her eyes enough to actually read the numbers.

Ah, that explained it. Revan and Shepard must still be sparing. Miranda had joined them a few times, but for the most part, it remined an activity just for the two of them. Revan and Miranda had their many science projects to bond over.

Miranda and Shepard had also formed a surprising bond over model building, the two of them could get lost for hours carefully assembling the various objects, chatting all the while. Both of them had been surprised to find Revan held a shocking lack of patience for the models. Apparently, the warrior could build robots from scratch, a smile on her face, but models frustrated her. When Shepard had confronted her about it finally, the warrior rolled her eyes and replied.

'They don't fuckin do anythin. Can't be bothered.'

So, each of them had their own things they could bond in pairs over, but also had a great many things they all did together. So, Miranda felt no jealousy she hadn't been woken to join the other two women. She knew they would return soon, bringing her breakfast. They knew how much she loved to sleep in and were always careful about not waking her.

Miranda sighed in contentment, settling back into the covers. She was just about to slip back into blissful sleep, when the door opened. She heard the sound of soft laughter and hushed voices.

She cracked an eye open, seeing both women stopping infront of the dresser. Neither had noticed she was awake. Revan bent over, likely to retrieve fresh cloths. Miranda opened both her eyes now, taking in the forms of the two women.

Their skin glistened with sweat, muscles taught from their workout. Shepard's damp hair clung to her face. Miranda saw the predatory glint in her eyes as they raked over Revan's form. The redhead was quick to step behind the warrior, wrapping both arms around her waist and pressing a kiss between her shoulders.

Revan hummed in contentment, clothes in hand as she straightened. She didn't turn as Shepard visibly tightened her hold, one hand cupping the warrior's firm ass. Revan's breath hitched quietly, but in the silent room, it was the only noise.

"You're so fucking hot," Shepard murmured, pressing more kisses to the warrior's back. One hand continued to palm the warrior's ass, while the other began stroking her stomach. Miranda felt herself smirk, that was one of Revan's greatest weak spots.

Revan moaned, her head falling back, body arching into Shepard's. "We…we should go to the bathroom." Her breathing was surprisingly ragged. Shepard must have been scrapping her nails along the warrior's abs with good force.

"But that's so far," Shepard whined, pressing ever wetter kisses to the warrior's taut muscles.

"We'll wake up Miranda." Despite her words, Revan's free hand came back to run through the redhead's sweaty locks.

Miranda would have been perfectly content to continue to watch undiscovered. Part of her wondered how long it would take them to notice she was awake. They would likely have been alerted when her restraint broke and she did something about the wetness she could already feel building between her thighs. As it was, she was worried they would leave and deprive her of such a wonderful show.

"Don't leave on my account," she was surprised at how hoarse her own voice sounded. Perhaps she was more turned on then she realized.

Both women looked at her, but their positions only shifted slightly. Shepard grinned wickedly.

"Enjoying yourself Ms. Lawson?"

"Oh yes," Miranda smirked in return. "Do continue."

Revan opened her mouth, barely getting out a syllable before it was cut off by a moan as Shepard scratched down her stomach hard enough to leave marks behind.

"I suppose we should apologize for waking you up." Shepard bit into Revan's shoulder. The hand on the warrior's ass moved up to cup a breast while creating another set of marks down that firm stomach.

"Fuck," Revan groaned, her eyes drifting shut.

Miranda decided not to mention she had already been awake. Instead she gave them both a serious look. "I expect to be compensated."

"And what is it you'd like Miranda?" Shepard's hand had left Revan's stomach, drifting lower to tease with the hem of her sweatpants.

Miranda felt a thrill shoot through her. It had been an interesting learning experience between the three of them. It took time, patience, and communication to learn just what everyone liked, or disliked.

Luckily, they had found themselves highly compatible together. Shepard was, unsurprisingly, rather dominant in bed, only occasionally relinquishing full control. Miranda herself often preferred a more submissive role.

This was the only place in the world she felt safe, felt like she could let go. She trusted Revan and Shepard more than anyone. The relief she felt, being able to offer herself to them with no fear, no hesitation. It was something she hadn't even realized about herself until they had all entered the relationship.

Revan, surprisingly, could switch rather easily between either role. Often, she decided based upon what Shepard or Miranda wanted. But there was the occasion when Revan needed something, and her girlfriends were happy to provide it.

Despite her usually submissive nature, Miranda felt excitement at what Shepard was offering. It was such a show of trust, of acceptance. She could ask for what she wanted, what she needed, and she would not be judged, would not be manipulated, would not have it used against her in a cruel way. She would receiving understanding and love.

Therefore, Miranda didn't hesitate to speak her mind. There was something she would very much like to see.

"Feel how wet she is."

Miranda knew by Revan's expression, by how her eyes were scrunched shut, and the angry marks down her stomach that the warrior would already be wet. All three women groaned in unison as Shepard's hand disappeared into black sweats.

"Shepard," Miranda voice was low, raw with desire. She squeezed her thighs together, knowing it wouldn't do enough, but she was desperate. "Tell me,"

"Fuck," Shepard moaned, understanding Miranda's request. "She's so wet."

"Did Revan win today?"

"Yeah," Shepard's voice was a ragged whisper. It was indicative of just how consumed she was by her lust, she didn't even pout a little over losing.

"Then reward her."

The sound Revan made when Shepard set to work was nothing short of exquisite. Her moan was ragged, raw, nothing held back. The sight of Shepard's hand moving beneath Revan's sweats was delicious. Revan craned her neck backwards, pulling Shepard into a passionate kiss.

Miranda's hand twitched where it was resting on her stomach. She desperately wanted to relieve the ever increasing need between her legs, but she tried to hold out. Her other hand fisted into the covers, her breathing becoming more rapid as she watched her girlfriends kiss with lustful abandon.

Shepard's hand picked up it's pace, while her other hand pushed up Revan's sports bra, revealing tanned globes of flesh, dark nipples firm with arousal. She palmed one, then the other before finally settling on the right, it was slightly more sensitive.

Revan broke off their kiss, a guttural moan leaving her lips. Shepard's mouth was now free to kiss, suck, and bite along the warrior's exposed throat. The only sounds in the room was of Miranda's heavy breathing, Shepard's mouth as it worked all over Revan's throat, and the warrior's moans and expletives, which at this point had all become Mandalorian.

Miranda gripped the covers so tightly it had started to hurt, but she refused to let go. Not yet. She had to stop biting her lip, sure that she would break skin any second.

Revan came with a low moan. Every muscle on her body tensed, her sweat slicked body glistened in the artificial light. She slowly came back down, her head falling back into Shepard's shoulder, chest heaving with heavy breaths.

Shepard's hand slowed its work, coaxing Revan down from her orgasm. Miranda could hear the redhead muttering to the warrior in Mandalorian. By now both of them were fluent in Revan's language.

Shepard pulled her hand from Revan, bringing her slick fingers to her mouth and sucking them clean, moaning as she did. Miranda's resolve almost cracked, the hand on her stomach moved down, resting over her aching pussy. Fuck, she was so wet.

Forest green eyes darted over to Miranda, the redhead smirked around the fingers still in her mouth.

"You okay over there Miranda?" Shepard's voice was thick with lust, bust still managed to have a teasing tone.

Miranda just nodded, unable to find her voice. She managed to speak when Shepard took a step towards her. "Wait!" Her voice was hoarse, raw with desire. She knew at this point she was just torturing herself, but she couldn't resist.

"Revan," her eyes darted over to the warrior, who had fully recovered, at some point she had fully removed her bra. Miranda struggled for a moment to find her voice, to speak her desires.

"It's okay," Revan's voice was soft, reassuring. "Tell us what ya need cyar'ika."

Revan looked at her with the same patience and acceptance that was in her voice. A glance at Shepard showed the exact same look. Miranda felt her sudden nerves calm slightly. Her lust replaced for a moment with that warm, breathtaking feeling of overwhelming love.

The feeling lasted for a moment, before being replaced. Miranda's thoughts ran rampant, all the things she wanted to see. She felt her lust return, hitting her harder than a Krogan.

"I want you to fuck Shepard," she breathed, unable to stop her hand from pressing into her drenched pussy at the mere thought, at saying it aloud. Her underwear was officially ruined.

Revan smirked that rare smirk of hers, the one only Miranda and Shepard got to see. Miranda almost came at that moment.

The warrior spun, pressing Shepard into the wall in a quick movement that had the redhead gasping. Shepard's hands grasped frantically at Revan's back as each attempted to dominate the other's mouth.

Revan's hands made quick work of Shepard's tanktop and bra, leaning down to capture a rosy nipple in her mouth. Shepard moaned loudly, her hands fisting into Revan's braided hair. Shepard had the most sensitive breasts between the three of them.

Revan lavished the redhead's breasts with attention from both her mouth and hands. Shepard grabbed one of Revan's hands and shoved it down her sweats.

"Fuck me!" The redhead's demand began as a growl but ended in a plea.

"Wait!" Miranda's voice was frantic, she knew, but she was trying so hard to control her damn hand, she didn't have it in her to control her voice too.

Both women paused their actions. Shepard looked over Revan's shoulder, her face was flushed and her breaths came in quick, heavy pants. Even from the bed, Miranda could see her pupils blown wide, her scars glowed even brighter. Her look was frantic. Revan wasn't any more composed.

"Use your mouth."

A gleam entered Revan's eyes while Shepard's breathing became even faster. They all knew what this meant. Revan was so much taller than both women that if they were standing it was almost impossible for Revan to provide the use of her wonderful tongue where they needed it most. The warrior's solution was…wonderful.

Revan dropped to her knees, tugging Shepard's sweats and underwear down with the swift movement. The warrior took a moment to press sloppy, wet kisses along the redhead's toned stomach.

"Fuck, Revan," Shepard groaned, her head slamming into the wall. She seemed torn between frustration and arousal.

Revan seemed to take pity on her. In a single smooth movement, she had both the redhead's legs hooked over her shoulders and rose to her full height. Shepard's head was nearly touching the ceiling, her body pressed against the wall. Both thighs were clamped around Revan's head, heels digging into her back, hands gripping now half braided hair for dear life.

Miranda groaned at the sight. Revan's muscles were bulging with the effort of holding Shepard up. They were never sure if Revan used her powers to help keep them in the air, especially Shepard, whose cybernetic implants made her rather heavy. They had never timed it, but Revan never failed to bring them to orgasm while holding them up.

Miranda didn't both restraining herself anymore. The sight was far too much. Her hand plunged into her shorts, slipping through her slick folds.

Shepard cried out as Revan began her work. Miranda's eyes never left her girlfriends. Already Shepard was thrashing in the warrior's grip, she wouldn't last long. Neither would Miranda.

The former Cerberus operative forced herself to slow down, pushing two fingers inside herself slowly. She groaned as she clenched around her fingers. Fuck, she needed to come so badly.

Shepard's whole body was trembling, her chest and face a brilliant crimson. Between her moans, Miranda could hear Revan licking and sucking with deadly precision.

"Fuck yes!" Shepard cried, both her hands leaving their grip on black locks to press firmly into the roof, her back arching off the wall. "Yes, fuck right there." Shepard's eyes were screwed shut and she panted. "Fuck, don't stop."

Miranda moved her fingers faster, curling them right where she needed most. She relinquished the blankets in her other hand and pushed her baggy tanktop up, exposing her breasts to the slightly frigid air. She hissed in pleasure as she began roughly groping her breast.

She could feel herself getting closer, but she couldn't hold back any longer. She pumped her fingers faster, feeling her arousal dripping onto the sheets. A slight twist of her wrist and the heel of her palm slapped against her clit with every thrust.

Miranda moaned, she was only seconds away. Her eyes roved over Revan's back, at the stunning display of muscles. Her eyes took in the tattoo's she had memorized by now, she could trace them with her eyes closed.

Then she looked up. Shepard's incredibly toned stomach was clenched tight, her breasts heaved with every breath. Shepard's mouth was open as she panted. Her eyes were gazing at Miranda with unbridled lust.

The second their eyes met, it pushed them both over the edge. Miranda arched off the bed, her walls clenching around her fingers so tightly it almost hurt. Shepard clawed frantically at the roof, futilely seeking some purchase as her whole body shook violently in orgasm. Their eyes never separated.

Shepard's breathing slowed as she was obviously coaxed down by Revan before being lowered back to the floor. The redhead immediately grabbed the warrior and pulled her down into a heated kiss that made them both moan.

Miranda's movements had picked up again at the sight. She could already feel another orgasm building.

Revan and Shepard turned, their eyes roving over her body with undisguised desire that made Miranda shiver. Both woman crossed to the bed and in some kind of silent communication, moved in sync.

Shepard crawled between Miranda's legs, tugging both shorts and underwear off in a single move. Revan settled in beside her, pulling her into a deep kiss, tongue delving deep into her mouth.

Miranda moaned at the feeling, at the taste of Shepard on the warrior's tongue. She felt Shepard gently, but firmly grab her wrist and remove her hand from between her legs.

Miranda whined at the loss of contact. A heartbeat later she had to break away from her kiss as a ragged moan tore from her throat at the feeling of Shepard's tongue running down her pussy.

"Shepard," Miranda's voice was little more than a whisper.

Revan began tweaking Miranda's nipple between her thumb and index finger. She arched into the touch. She needed more. Unconsciously she raised both her hands above her head. Revan understood in an instant, shifting to bring her other hand to firmly pin the smaller woman's wrists in her powerful grip. Shepard also wrapped her arms firmly around Miranda's leg's holding them still.

"Fuck, Revan," Miranda's throat was already raw as she cried out the warrior's name. She loved the feeling of being pinned, that balance of knowing she was at her girlfriends mercy, but at any second could call for it to stop and it would.

Miranda was so close. Her legs were trembling as Shepard's tongue plunged inside her, working in tandem with two fingers. Revan's hand abandoned her breast and moved down, two fingers pressing firmly into her clit and swirling quickly.

Miranda's eyes screwed shut, the multitude of feelings was overwhelming in the most delicious way. She felt Revan nip at her ear, tightening the hold around her wrist ever so slightly as a rough, smoky voice whispered in her ear.

"Come for us cyar'ika."

Miranda was sure she would have bucked herself off the bed were it not for her girlfriends pinning her down. Her whole body shook with a release more powerful than any she could remember. She had no idea what spilled from her mouth. It could have been anything from screams, to names, to words in any of the four languages she spoke. All she knew for sure, is that when her mind began working again, her throat was raw.

She blinked past her still foggy mind, bringing Revan into focus. The warrior released her wrists and Miranda linked her arms behind her girlfriends' neck, pulling her into a lazy kiss. She could feel the sweat already cooling on her body.

A pair of lips pressed a single, parting kiss to her thigh before Shepard crawled up to Miranda's other side. She detached her lips from Revan and looked to the redhead, who didn't hesitate to kiss her fiercely. Miranda groaned at the taste of herself on Shepard's wonderful lips and her devilish tongue.

"So," Shepard said as she pulled back, a large grin on her glistening lips. "Are we gonna start every day like this now?"

"I could be persuaded," Revan chuckled, pulling Shepard in for a quick kiss.

The three of them laughed together, basking in the afterglow. Miranda could still scarcely believe how lucky she was, but she was determined to hold onto what she had. She sighed in happy contentment, relishing the feeling of both women pressing into her.

The moment was interrupted by a loud gurgle coming from Shepard's stomach. The redhead immediately turned a brilliant shade of red that matched her hair. Miranda and Revan laughed at her expression.

"Oh fuck off," Shepard grumbled, shoving Revan in the shoulder and running her toe along the bottom of Miranda's foot, causing her to shriek and devolve into a fit of giggles.

Shepard joined in the laughter, looking amused with herself now. "The beast needs to be fed." Her hand immediately shot towards her face, index finger resting on her nose. "Dibs out!"

By pure reflex, Miranda immediately copied the motion. She couldn't stop the giggle that bubbled up at the ridiculousness that Shepard had instilled in her. They both looked over to see a disgruntled Revan, which just caused more laughter.

"Whatever," the warrior rolled her eyes before pushing herself from the bed.

"You are still wearing the most clothes," Shepard said with a grin. "So this is your punishment for depriving us of such a wonderful view."

Revan just shook her head as she pulled on her discarded bra, an amused look on her face.

"She's right," Miranda chimed in, biting her bottom lip as she looked over the warrior. "I can't think of a better sight in the galaxy."

Even with her darker complexion, Revan's blush was still visible. She quickly looked away to hide it, grabbing her robe from where it hung and shrugging it on.

"I'll be back."

"We love you!" Shepard sing-songed.

"Love you too." Despite facing away from them, Miranda heard the smile in the warrior's voice.

When she was out the door, Shepard flopped down on the bed, turning over to look at Miranda with a brilliant smile.

"What?" Miranda couldn't help her return smile, it was impossible not to smile when Shepard looked at her like that.

"Love you too," Shepard's voice matched the sunshine that was her smile.

"I love you too," her voice filled with the warmth that infused her entire body, her mind, her vey soul. In eachother, they had all finally found where they belonged.