A/N: Wow, would you look at that, a fast update for once. Quarantine boredom got me to pump out this chapter in one day. Because I wrote it so fast, it may not be quite as good as some previous ones, but believe me when I say I had a lot of fun writing this, and I have a lot of super interesting stuff planned for future chapters. That being said, here it is, I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 26th Divination

Julianna: Where's Remus?

Sirius: He's not feeling well today. He'll be back soon.

Grace: He's sick again?

James: He just has some health issues. Weak immune system, you know?

Lily: Right…

James: Time to think about something else! Who's ready for a prophecy?!

Grace: Oh no…

Peter: Do Julianna's future!

Julianna: Oh boy.

James: Julianna, are you ready to hear your future? The plan for you that is written in the stars?

Julianna: I suppose.

James: In your future, I see a large shape. It's shaped like a circle. With a square around it. It probably represents a door, with a hole in it. You will try to lock people out of your life, but they will find a break in your defenses and make their way into your life. But alas, perhaps you were right to try to keep them away… they will cause great suffering to you. Everything you have will be lost.

Peter: That's depressing.

James: I'm not done yet. Everything you have will be lost, and you will find yourself reaching for anything that becomes available. You begin travelling with a circus, and you develop a friendship with one of the elephants. Together, you and the elephant will escape. He will lead you to a kingdom, where you will be found by a family of 12, and taken in as one of them. From that moment on, you will know great happiness, and you think that everything you lost in the past was worth losing to gain everything that you have now.

Julianna: My best friend is an elephant?

Marie: Hey, at least you didn't die.

Sirius: Do Grace's!

James: Grace, are you ready to hear your future, the plan for you that is written in the stars?

Grace: No.

James: Too bad, you don't get a choice. I know the future can be scary, but it's time for you to see it.

Grace: Oh brother…

James: In your future, I see… a hitman.

Sirius: …

Grace: … Are you saying that I'm gonna be assassinated?

James: No. The hitman… was hired by you. To kill someone, perhaps even someone in this very room.

Grace: Okay?

James: Anyways, aside from the hitman, I see a storm in your future Grace. Lots of darkness. Lots of pain. Loneliness. Maybe a pet, something to give you comfort in these hours, but you isolated yourself from all human contact. You watch everyone else start families and be happy, but you remain in solitude, wanting to stay separated from everyone around you. No husband. No kids. No grandchildren. No one to inspire, and no one to be inspired by. A life with no obligations, but a life with no joy either. Every day will pass the same way. Just you and possibly your pet, alone.

Marie: That's depressing.

Julianna: Don't listen to him, Grace. You'll have a family someday.

Peter: Don't worry Grace, just because no one loves you now doesn't mean they won't someday.

Sirius: *kicks Peter* Wormtail! You can't say that!

Peter: No, I didn't mean it that way!

Lily: How did you mean it then?

Peter: Ummmmm…. uhhhh…

James: SO, Grace, have you gotten any new pets recently? A puppy, perhaps?

Grace: Uh, I had a goldfish a few years ago but I forgot to feed it.

Sirius: Goldfish do not spark joy.

Grace: What?

James: Also that wasn't recent.

Grace: Well, that's the only pet I've ever had.

Peter: Hmm…

James: Hmm…

Sirius: Hmm…

Lily: What are you boys up to?

Sirius: Oh, nothing, Lily-flower, nothing at all.

Peter: …

Grace: …

Peter: …

Grace: …

Peter: Have you hired any hitmen, recently, Grace?

Grace: What? Is this because of that stupid "prophecy" James made? Because you are taking it way too seriously.

Sirius: Don't mind him, what he means to ask is if you've had any recent deaths in the family.

Grace: Excuse me?

Julianna: Wow, you can't just ask that. That's so insensitive.

Grace: For your information, everyone in my family is perfectly alive and well.

Lily: Where are all these questions coming from?

Marie: Yeah, what do you want with Grace?

James: We're just trying to get to know her better, that's all.

Marie: Well you're being really weird about it.

Lily: Yeah, extremely weird.

Grace: They're weird about everything, what do you expect?

Sirius: Hey, I'm not worried about anything!

Julianna: They said weird, not worried.

Sirius: Ohh that makes a lot more sense in context.

Marie: *giggles* You're too funny, Sirius.

Sirius: Alright.

Grace: …

Julianna: …

Lily: …

Peter: …

James: …

Sirius: …

Marie: …

Sirius: …

Marie: …

Sirius: …

Marie: …

Sirius: What?

Marie: Nothing. It's nothing.

Sirius: Okay :) Glad everything is good.

Marie: …

Peter: Oh dear.

James: Well, that wasn't awkward at all. Now, let's all talk about that bird sitting on the window sill outside.

Lily: It's quite yellow.

Julianna: Indeed. The absolute yellowist.

Peter: …

Julianna: It is so completely yellow. Nothing else matters right now, just how yellow that bird is. What were we even talking about before we saw the yellow bird? I couldn't even tell you.

Lily: Erm… Julianna, are you alright?


Grace: It's okay Julianna. Just take deep breaths.

Sirius: What was awkward?

Marie: Are you serious?

Sirius: As it just so happens, I am Sirius

Marie: …

James: Well, I'd say it's time we wrap this note up. The yellow bird isn't that interesting anyways.

Wednesday, October 26th Charms

Julianna: What was that all about this morning, Marie?

Grace: Yeah, what's going on with you and Sirius?

Marie: I don't know, he's just been acting really weird today. I'm worried that something is wrong.

Lily: I'm sure everything is going to be fine, Marie. I wouldn't worry about it.

Marie: Yeah, you're probably right.

Julianna: Next question, why were they interrogating Grace like that?

Grace: I would love to know the answer to that one. I don't buy that "we just want to get to know her" crap. They're up to something, I can tell.

Lily: You're right. They're always up to something.

Grace: Well, hopefully they'll leave me out of whatever they're getting into.

Julianna: I'm worried about Remus, guys.

Lily: I'm sure it's nothing, Julianna. I wouldn't concern yourself with it.

Julianna: But something must be wrong. He's always sick, like, at least once a month. Do you think he's okay?

Lily: I'm sure he is.

Marie: He probably has some sort of chronic illness or something.

Lily: Either way, it's none of our business. If Remus wanted to tell us about it, he would.

Grace: Lily's right, we shouldn't worry about it.

Marie: Oh, that reminds me, Grace, how did you do on your potions essay?

Julianna: How did that remind you of that?

Marie: I don't know, it just did.

Grace: What potions essay?

Lily: …

Marie: …

Julianna: …

Grace: …

Lily: The extra credit potions essay you were doing?

Grace: Uhhh…

Julianna: Because you knew Sirius was going to mess up your potion?

Grace: …

Marie: The one you were working on the other night when we wanted to hang out?

Grace: OH! Yeah, it was… fine. It was really easy.

Marie: If it was so easy, then why did it take you so long?

Grace: Well, I mean, it was time consuming, because I wanted it to be really good, but, um… it wasn't, like, super difficult or anything.

Lily: What was it about, exactly?

Grace: … potions.

Lily: But what specifically?

Grace: Oh, you know, just typical potion stuff.

Marie: …?

Grace: About… the potion we're working on. Currently. Just an essay about that. Nothing too interesting.

Lily: I see…

Julianna: Well, it must have been at least a little interesting, you didn't even come back to the Common Room until almost midnight.

Grace: I… fell asleep working on it.

Marie: Hmm…

Grace: Anyways… uhh… full moon tonight, pretty cool, huh?

Julianna: …

Marie: …

Lily: O-kay, enough about the stages of the moon. What do you say we stop passing notes and pay attention? That could be pretty fun, eh?

Grace: …

Julianna: …

Marie: …

Lily: …

Marie: No.

Lily: Well, it was worth a try.

Julianna: Why is everyone being so awkward today?

Marie: I don't know, but it's getting really weird.

Lily: Some people have just been acting really weird in general lately. *glances at Grace*

Grace: Ha. Ha. Yeah. Today's just… a weird day for everyone, I guess.

Marie: So, what's the deal with you and James, Lily?

Lily: Excuse me?

Marie: I've noticed he hasn't been obsessively talking about you lately.

Grace: Yeah, let's talk about that. What's up with that, Lily?

Lily: I- I don't know. He probably just finally got the message that it isn't going to happen.

Julianna: Oh.

Lily: Because it's not. I'm not going to go out with him.

Marie: You've said. Many times.

Lily: I don't like him, so you can just drop the issue. There is nothing going on between us. And there never will be. I don't want anything to happen.

Grace: No on ever said you liked him…

Lily: Good. Because I don't. At all.

Marie: I see…

Julianna: Okay, Lily, we get the idea. You DON'T like James.

Lily: … Good. I'm glad we're all on the same page.

Grace: And we're still being awkward, I see.

Lily: We wouldn't have to deal with the awkwardness if we were actually paying attention, you know.

Marie: Yeah, but that would be BORING.

Lily: …

Grace: …

Julianna: …

Marie: …

Grace: Some just please say something that isn't awkward.

Julianna: Do you guys think Remus likes me?

Grace: …

Marie: …

Lily: …

Julianna: …

Grace: What about that wasn't awkward, Julianna?

Julianna: I don't know, no one was saying anything, and it was the first thing that came to my mind.

Lily: I don't know, Julianna, he's not a very open person. It's kind of hard to say.

Julianna: I mean, it's not like it matters either way. It's just that when we were studying together the other day… I was getting some mixed signals from him.

Marie: What kind of mixed signals?

Julianna: I don't know, it was just something about the way he was talking to me. Just like, his tone. He sounded… I don't know, I can't really describe it. But it was something.

Lily: I really don't know. Maybe it was something, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Julianna: What? No! I'm not getting my hopes up. Like I said, I don't really care. It was just a random thought that occured to me randomly.

Marie: Of course.

Julianna: Enough about me, Grace, why don't you have a boyfriend?

Grace: What? A boyfriend? Me? That's completely ridiculous. I have no interest in dating right now. I am perfectly happy doing exactly what I have been doing. I do not need anyone new in my life.

Marie: Are you sure? It could be fun, and I'm sure I could find someone to set you up with if-

Grace: Nope! That is completely unnecessary. Set Lily up with someone instead. Not me.

Lily: Woah, why me? I don't want to be set up with anyone either.

Marie: Come ON guys. I'm the only one of us that's in a relationship right now. It's our last year, we should try to have a little fun.

Lily: We don't need relationships to have fun, Marie.

Grace: Like I said, I am perfectly happy as is.

Julianna: Me too. I also don't need a boyfriend.

Marie: Maybe you don't NEED one, but wouldn't you LIKE one?

Julianna: Well…

Grace: I'm good. Really.

Lily: Me too. If I find someone, great. If not, I'm not in any hurry.

Marie: Ughhh fineeee.

Lily: Come on guys, we really do need to pay attention. We've done enough note passing for one day.

A/N: There it was. A chapter full of awkwardness. I don't know what you guys thought of it, but like I said, I really had a good time writing it. Leave a review if you liked it! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll try to update again really soon.