A/N: Well, anything in here that you recognize belongs to J. K. Rowling. I do, however own the characters Julianna, Grace, and Marie. Everything else belongs to J. K. Rowling. Now, let's begin. Below, I have listed the fonts that represent each character. I might add more in future chapters, but for now, this is it. Also, I know its unrealistic for them to pass notes so often, but for the purposes of this story, we'll make it work. I am also aware that teachers would not communicate with their students through notes, but for our purposes, they will. Now, here are the different characters for chapter one:

James Sirius Remus Peter Lily Julianna Grace Marie Severus -All teachers-

Friday, September 2nd Potions Class

James: Padfoot, what should I write my essay about?

Sirius: How am I to know?! I don't know what I'M going to write about!

Remus: Guys, stop passing notes. It's distracting to people who are trying to pay attention!

Peter: But YOU just passed a note Moony.

Remus: Hush, Wormtail. I'm trying to pay attention.

Sirius: Hey Moony after class is over, can you help do my essays with me?

James: Yeah, that would be good, but… we still don't know what we're writing about! :O

Remus: How about you write about plants? It is a herbology essay, after all. And to answer your question, Padfoot, I will help you, I will not, however, do it for you.

Lily: STOP! It is SO impolite to pass notes during a class! What if Professor Slughorn caught you?! It would serve you right!

James: Sorry, Lils. But, if he catches us, you're in as much trouble as we are. And that's not what we meant, Moony. But, has anyone else noticed Peter is sleeping?

Remus: You're right! He is!

Lily: So? You boys make such a big deal out of nothing. Just wake him up!

James: Okay…

Peter: Wha…? Ow! Prongs, stop poking me!

James: Sorry, but you fell asleep.

Peter: I'm aware that I fell asleep! And I was having such a lovely dream! It was about- oh, Lily, you're here! Hehe, never mind…

Lily: Ugh…

Sirius: I thought you didn't want us passing notes, Lils?

Lily: *Screams in frustration*

Julianna: LOL, that is so funny!

Grace: That is so not funny, Julianna! Did you even read who said that?!

Marie: Oh, come on Grace. Just because you don't like Sirius doesn't mean he's all that bad!

Sirius: Woah, there! The name is Padfoot. Pad. Foot. Padfoot.

Severus: ugh, you and your stupid nicknames.

James: Snivillous? What are you doing here? Get out!

Severus: fine… *exits*

Lily: James, that was very rude!

Grace: Get used to it. That's just the way they are.

James: Yeah Lils, that's the way we are!

Sirius: And you know you like it…

Lily: :( Haha very funny.

-Professor Slughorn: What are you doing?! Why are you passing notes in my class!? *Disappointed look*-

Remus: Hehe… sorry proffesor. *glares at everybody else*

-Professor Slughorn: It's quite alright. You guys are my favorite students, except maybe you, Mr. Potter. Carry on, carry on.-

James: Hey…

Lily: But… but…

Peter: You just said "butt". Twice. *Goes into a fit of unstoppable laughter*

Sirius: *ignores previous comment of Peter's* Lily, you just avoided several points being taken away, possibly even a detention. I wouldn't complain, if I were you.

Lily: But he can't do that!


James: Now… back to the subject… about those essays…

Lily: I am NOT helping you with your essay, James!

James: Moony…?

Remus: *wails* Why's it always me?

Peter: Because you're a nice friend…?


James: …

Padfoot, what should I write my essay about?

Remus: *bangs head with heavy book and yells with frustration*

Friday, September 2nd History of Magic

James: Guys, lets play a game! It's called, Make A Word That Describes The Person For Each Letter Of Their Name! And you MUST BE HONEST!

Sirius: … That's a LONG name for a game.

James: Okay, lets play. I'll do Moony, Moony will do Wormtail, Wormtail will do Padfoot, and Padfoot will do me!

Julianna: I want to play!

James: Um… Okay, then, Julianna will do Grace, Grace will do Marie, Marie will do Lily, and Lily will do Julianna.

Lily: Who says I WANT to play your stupid game?

James: Too bad. You have to. Now, I'll go first.



O's on everything



Remus: Yak? Siriusly?

James: Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else, and Padfoot did NOT help me, so stop saying he did!

Sirius: Yay! Its Moony's turn!

Peter: Please, be nice! PLEASE!

Remus: I'll try. Okay, then, here I go.






Always sleeps



Peter: Hey…

Remus: Sorry, but they said to be honest.

Sirius: Yay! Its Wormtails turn!

Wormtail: Perverted







Sirius: I take great pride in all those characteristics! Especially the second one! Oh yeah, I'm awesome! Oh yeah, I'm awesome! I'm awesome awesome awesome awesome!

James: Padfoot, its your turn.

Sirius: Oh, yeah. Okay.

Probably dreams about Lily

Really loves Lily

Obsessed with Lily

Never shuts up about Lily

Goes on and on about Lily

Sings about Lily

James: Hey… that's not true!

Sirius: Yes, it is.

Peter: Sorry, James, it is true.

James: Moony?

Remus: Sorry, James. I'm siding with them on this one.

James: You guys are mean…

Lily: I am just going to pretend this conversation never happened.

Sirius: Yay! Its Julianna's turn!

Julianna: Okay.

Great at magic

Really hates Sirius


Cool, but cold


Sirius: Yay! It's the mad woman's turn!

Grace: Excuse me?

Sirius: Um… I mean, Yay! It's Grace's turn.

Grace: That's better.






Sirius: Yay! It's Marie's turn.

Marie: Okay, here we go.



Loved by James


Sirius: Yay! It's Lily-Flower's turn!

Lily: Do I have to?

James: Yes. Now go.

Lily: Fine…





A good friend

Not annoying


Always kind

James: Now who should we do?

Sirius: Do Snivillous!

James: I'll do Snape. It's easier than Snivillous.


Not friends with Lily anymore



Extremely oily hair

Remus: Always? Why always?

James: I don't know. I thought of Snivillous, and the word Always just came to mind.

Peter: Where did the girls go?

Sirius: *looks around* Where did EVERYONE go?

Remus: You IDIOTS! Class is over!

James: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!

A/N: Okay, everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please review and tell me how I did. Constructive criticism is welcomed, as is encouragement. This is my first fanfic, and I really want to know how I did.