AN: well this is another story and it's very different form my others so anyways getting of track. Okay so this is Metroid fanfic that will have OCs if you want to add your own PM me the information and I would decide if he/she could be added ok back to the story at hand.

Disclaimer: I do not, and I repeat I do not own the Metroid franchise all rights belong to retro and Nintendo.

Message received

Calling all bounty hunters this is the galactic federation. We have a bounty for you if accept please go to the coordinates that has automatically been put into your messaging board. The job is that a mineral that we deemed, "phazon" this mineral has a mind of its own and it would take control of its host. This is a very dangerous predicament and we ask you to come and help us put down this dangerous corruption. Then in return we would give you an antidote for this disease and you would earn a large assortment of dollars. But be warned if one has too much exposer to this mineral it would give you another illness called, "phazon madness" so if you agree please come to the coordinates to get a deeper insight or the situation at hand.

From the galactic federation

The one who was reading this message was a large figure with full out armor and weapons. As the armored figure read the message his mechanical eyes narrowed his eyes at it, as if he was in disbelief at the message. He then turn off the hologram and stood up and walked over to another seat and sat down in front of glass cockpit that showed hundreds of stars. When he sat down another hologram turned on displaying an enormous galaxy when it came up it zoomed up to a planet that was filled with greenery.

When it zoomed in a group of space frigates it put a marker over top of the group and highlighted red

As it did the figure pressed the marker and then the room lit up with light and it started to vibrate as a voice came out of nowhere saying, "coordinates received "as this was said by the feminine voice the cockpit shifted.

It zooms out even more to show a sleek space ship that was military green with neon green lights going all around the ship giving it a cool design, but not making it any less menacing. Then on the side of the ship it showed a name in red paint that made it look like blood say, "Welcome to your worst nightmare." As you see this the ship changed shape with the thrusters glowing with raw power and shot off leaving a trail of the power before it showed nothing that anything ever existed in the place it was a moment ago.

AN: so how did you like this please inform me by reviewing or PM-ing me and as always please follow/favorite