CHAPTER 2: Even the Tyrant has His Own Weakness

Author's Note: Hi everyone! I'm very sorry for my stupid attitude. I haven't updated this since March and I know I have a shitty way of dealing with shits in my life. Again, I apologize for that. Anyway, I hope you would continue to read my works. PS. Chapters 1 and 2 took place before the accident. PS. Sorry if my Sou-chan is so OC. :D

'Shit. This can't be definitely happening. This is definitely the worst! It's as if we're the main characters in a movie, and all of a sudden, the lights went out and what happens afterwards… *gulps* Shit. I can't even bring myself to imagine it… But what if… What if there's a ghost or a killer lurking behind the shadows? No way in hell! It is not possible that there would be a killer or a ghost that would tie us up and mutilate our body parts and burn this whole place in order for us not to be recognized by our loved ones. Fucking piece of shit! Why did I ever watch that stupid movie?! It's starting to affect me! There's no friggin' way that those exists and if they do… I would plummet their sorry asses!' Souichi shuddered at his gruesome thoughts.

'But wait… Why don't I feel convinced that I could fend for myself? Damn that Baka-hiro! It's all his stupid idiotic fault for making me watch that g-!' Souichi cursed inside his mind but he was immediately interrupted by the loud roar of the thunder.

"Hieee!" Souichi gasped as he heard the thunder roared louder. He immediately lost all of his composure and Morinaga was taken aback by his reaction. He knew that his kouhai would eventually laugh his newly discovered weakness. But he doesn't give a fuck about it at the moment. He's damn scared and that's all he care about now. He started to wrap his arms around his knees in order to prevent them from shaking any further.

Morinaga is very attentive as always and he noticed Souichi's somewhat strange behavior. He could see that his sempai is as pale as a while sheet. It's as if all the blood of his sempai was drained. He is genuinely worried. However, he knew that Souichi wouldn't like it if he doesn't leave him be. His sempai would definitely think that he is making fun of his sempai's weakness. After giving worried glances to Souichi, he finally had the courage to ask what's wrong with him.

"Sempai… Are you all right? What's the matter?" Morinaga asked with a worried look on his face.

"T-there i-is n-nothing t-to worry about Baka-hiro," his sempai replied, trying way too hard to mask his own fear.

"Are you sure Sempai?" Morinaga asked again.

"Hmm… Y-yeah..." Souichi replied weakly.

"Then, is it okay for me to get the flashlight now? It's kind of dark here and I think you want to rest now, right?"


"Hmm. Okay, Sempai. I'd just be going."

With that, Morinaga got up from their couch and started looking for their flashlight. He looked under the cupboards, the usual place where he keeps the candles and the matches. Upon lighting a candle, he was able to see a bit better than a while ago. He continued looking for their flashlight in the usual places that he could keep it. However, it is not there.

"Hmm. Where did I keep it? Did I use it last time? Ah. Maybe I have used it and placed it somewhere else. But the sad thing is I couldn't possibly remember where I left it. Tsk," Morinaga muttered under his breath as his eyes slowly drifted towards Souichi's huddling figure.

"Hmm. I wonder what's wrong with Sempai. I just wanted to make sure that he's okay. *Sigh* However, I never imagined that he would be afraid of horror movies. It was really cute and when I kissed him a while ago… It never tasted so sweet. Heh," Morinaga grinned.

Morinaga finally displayed a bright smile with those realizations and continued searching for their missing flashlight. After a few minutes of searching without any good results, Morinaga finally remembered that he kept the flashlight in his room. He chuckled with that discovery. He never thought that he has already become senile. Clutching the candle at his right hand, Morinaga stepped out of their kitchen.

Just when Morinaga's about to go up, someone yanked his shirt which caused him to lose his balance when he tripped over something and all he could ever remember are the light of his candle was extinguished and that he's already lying on his back on the floor pinned down by his beloved sempai.

Souichi never noticed that his idiot kouhai already left his side. He was only brought back to reality when he saw that there's no one sitting beside him anymore. Fear rushed into his veins. He really hated ghost stories or anything related to that because of his previous experience with his dad and Mr. Boogeyman when he was still young. Whenever Souichi thinks about Mr. Boogeyman, he gets sudden chills and all the hair on his arms started standing. After that, he vowed never to watch horror movies anymore. But tonight was a different night, it was Morinaga's turn to pick a movie. Since his kouhai loved horror movies more than anything else, he felt obliged to watch. He felt compelled to do so because he doesn't want him to find out his weakness. He'd literally die of shame.

But Souichi had enough of all this spooky and chilly situation and he wasn't able to contain it inside anymore. He decided to get up and he immediately ran towards Morinaga. He had never been this horrified. His mind gave him grotesque images of him and his kouhai being mutilated parts by parts. Due to his sudden movements, he was able to use his strength towards Morinaga by pulling his shirt. Hence, his kouhai got out of balance and tripped. He never even remembered how they got into that position. He just snapped back to reality when he realized that he's on top of his kouhai.

"Itaiii. Sempai, are you okay?" Tetsuhiro asked him worriedly as he started rubbing the bump on his head.

Souchi couldn't speak. It's as if his voice was gobbled up by the darkness. When Morinaga stared intently at him and realized that he's not going to speak. He's quite shaking and Morinaga can't help but hate seeing his beloved acting this way. He tried teasing his sempai so that he would definitely snap back to reality.

"Ne, sempai. You're really pinning me down, huh. How daring," Tetsuhiro teased him.

"Baka-hiro," Souichi blushed furiously and buried his face on Morinaga's chest.

Morinaga was definitely surprised of his sempai's reaction so he took advantage and tried wrapping his arms around his sempai's body, enclosing him into a full embrace. Souichi blushed even harder with Morinaga's gesture but he didn't protest. In fact, he acted as if he liked what Morinaga is doing with him. Morinaga's right hand gently brushed Souichi's hair, giving him a calming effect.

Souichi stopped shivering and started to calm down, making his breaths even. He couldn't stop wondering why he felt so safe and secured in his kouhai's arms. He knows that he's definitely not gay but whatever his kouhai is doing now, makes him want to give in. All of his reasons were flushed out of his system when he started giving Morinaga a very gentle kiss.

Morinaga was shocked at his sempai's actions. He couldn't believe that his sempai, his only beloved, would initiate a very chaste kiss. He thought that his sempai would stop kissing him after they parted their lips but he was wrong. His sempai kissed him again and because of his shock, he started opening his mouth. Morinaga was surprised with Souichi's provocative behavior. His sempai started exploring the depths of his mouth. Morinaga stifled a moan. Their kiss deepened as their tongues started battling for dominance. They only got the opportunity to break their kiss when they both needed air to breathe.

"" Souichi panted as they broke their kiss.

"Yes, sempai?" Tetsuhiro sounded confused.

Souichi blushed even harder. He could feel the blush reddening his cheeks. He definitely wanted his kouhai now but there is no way in hell that he's going to tell him that. He had to calm down before his little soldier becomes fully aware of the situation. As if all his prayers were answered when the lights finally went on. He snapped back to reality and he immediately ran towards his room due to his embarrassment to face his kouhai.

Tetsuhiro couldn't believe what just happened a while ago. His sempai kissed him out of his own accord and it wasn't just a simple kiss. It's as if he wanted more. He never imagined that there would come a day that his beloved would want him too. His heart is pounding loudly, as if it's going to jump out of his mouth. He wanted to ask what happened but he didn't do so since he doesn't want to force his sempai to tell him what he truly feels. He wanted to hear it from his lover's own mouth. Feeling slightly discouraged, Tetsuhiro decided to clean up the mess that they have scattered when they were still watching the movie.

"*Sigh*. I know that it doesn't work that way. But, I really would like to find out how you truly feel. I know that it is not right to demand affection from you. However, the more I receive, the more I become greedy," Tetsuhiro muttered with a loud sigh.

"It seems that I really love you more than I could ever possibly imagine."

It has been an hour since the incident when he pinned down his kouhai accidentally and started kissing him passionately. Souichi couldn't stop thinking about what he did and why he did it. He cannot fathom why on earth he would do such thing. He just had no reason to do so. He knows that his kouhai now is probably grinning like an idiot and would probably ask him stupid questions afterwards.

'Shit. Why did I act that way? Fuck. It was not of my character to be that aggressive. Usually, Baka-hiro initiates our kisses. But when I pinned him down accidentally, I felt this sudden rush of need. It's as if that some switch flipped inside me. What should I say if he asks about it? Fuck. I feel like I'm beginning to want him. What?! This cannot be. I definitely don't want to do it with him! We just did that a while ago and I fucking screamed like a woman. Damn it!'

Souchi blushes at that thought. He could remember Morinaga's skillful hands caressing his torso, down to his thighs. The kisses that he and his kouhai shared that made his knees weak. Thinking about their love making made Souichi half-hard. He cursed at himself for not being able to restrain himself.

"Fuck. I'm so messed up. When he goes up, I'm definitely going to punch him in the face!" Souchi smiles triumphantly at that thought.

Morinaga finished cleaning their mess and he decided that he would now turn in to his bed. After all, it's almost midnight and he still has to go to work for S Pharmaceuticals tomorrow. It would definitely be a long week again and he wouldn't be able to see his beloved sempai. Morinaga sighed at that thought. He really loves Souichi and one day he would definitely want to be with him.

"Hmm. I should check up on Sempai. Not because I want to do something with him but I just want to make sure that he's all right. After all, he seems pretty shaken a while ago," Morinaga muttered and turned off the lights as he ascended the stairs.

Morinaga knocked gently on Souichi's door. As much as he would love to go inside his sempai's room, he always knock first because he respects Souichi's privacy. After all, a loyal dog wouldn't do something that would make his master displeased.

"Sempai? Are you still awake?" Morinaga called outside the door.

Morinaga called for his attention but Souichi's way too embarrassed to see his kouhai right now, so he tried to sleep. However, when he closed his eyes, he saw the very grotesque and disturbing image of the mutilated lady making 'oooooooooooooooooooo' sounds while descending from the stairs using her hands.

"Fuck. Why do I have to remember the face of that fucking monster? Shit. At this rate, I wouldn't be able to sleep. I don't even want to sleep alone now. BUT I HAVE TO SLEEP BESIDE THAT MONGREL? HELL NO! But the lady might come out of the closet. Fucking bastard! He shouldn't have made me watch that freakishly creepy movie," Souichi winced as he imagined the gruesome ghost in the movie.

"However, that idiot is warm. It must be nice to have someone that you could cuddle up with… Waiitt?! Did I actually think of that shitty scenario? You've got to be kidding me! No way in hell that I would allow him to think of me as his mistress. What the hell?! Ugh! That's it! I'm going to sleep!"

Since Souichi didn't answer Morinaga's call for him, Morinaga decided to go back to his room and call it a night. He thought that maybe he shouldn't be worried now because his sempai might actually drifted to dreamland. So he changed into his pajamas and rest his head on his pillows, thinking that he could finally sleep after a long day.

"Goodnight sempai," Morinaga muttered while drifting off to sleep.

It has been an hour since Souichi attempted to sleep. However, even with his constant twists and turns in his bed. He couldn't seem to close his eyes. It all came back to him, the boogeyman that he was so afraid off, the frigging monster underneath his bed and the lady inside the closet.

"Fuck! That's it! I don't care anymore but I really have to sleep. And we would just sleep together," Souichi exclaimed exhaustedly and stomped out of his room, bringing his blanket and pillow.

Souichi hurriedly ran towards Morinaga's room for his fear that he might be followed by the horrible lady. He didn't even bother to knock at Morinaga's room. He just turned the knob of his kouhai's door and closed the door after getting inside. Souichi saw that Morinaga was just occupying half of his bed. He decided to take this opportunity and laid beside his kouhai.

"Shitty bastard. It's all your fault. You have to take responsibility of this. You idiot!" Souichi cursed as he turned his head towards Morinaga's back, he closed their gap by moving towards his kouhai. He didn't feel secured until he rested his head at Morinaga's back and his left arm pulled Morinaga into an embrace.

"Nnn. Sempai?" Morinaga managed to say while being half awake.


"Are you alright?"

"You shit prick. How am I supposed to be alright? I cannot sleep. Take responsibility, you idiot!"

"Of-f c-course I will! I'm sorry for what happened a while ago. I didn't know you hated those kind of films."

"Nnn. It's okay. Just go to sleep."



"Can I turn around so that I could face you?" Morinaga asked sweetly that it made Souichi's face flustered.

"I-idiot. Yes… y-you m-may…"

"Won't you be mad?"

"Don't make me repeat myself you dummy," Souichi muttered while trying to control his blushing face. Morinaga took advantage of it so he turned around and he ended up facing his beloved.

"I love you sempai. Good night," Morinaga said as he reached for Souichi's lips and gave him a light peck.

"I know… Goodnight."

…to be continued.