Author's Note: Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing a romance BL mini-novel. I do hope you'd like my stories. Please do leave a comment or reviews! Enjoy reading! Anyway, I do not own these gorgeous boys. They are from Takanaga Sensei!– AC09

PROLOGUE: I Don't Want to See a World without You

It was raining hard that night. Souichi was worried about Morinaga that he almost blurted out that he doesn't want him to leave their home tonight. However, due to his absolute idiocy and shyness, he didn't tell Tetsuhiro straight forward.

"Oy. Morinaga. Don't you think it's a bit chilly tonight? Are you sure you're going to work in this bad weather?" Souchi asked with a concern on his face.

"I'm happy that Sempai is worried about me but I have to do my job today. And Dr. Matsunaga called me a while ago. He needs me in the lab."

"Id-diot! Who's worried about you! Hmp. Suit yourself. But don't go clinging on me when you get sick, huh!" Souichi shouted as his face flushed.

"Thank you for the concern Sempai. I love you too."

Morinaga grinned hard and made his usual weird face. Souchi blushed even harder as he muttered, "Idiot! Who told you that I love you?"

Upon hearing that the younger guy laughed hard and said, "Sempai, you just did. Thank you for telling me that you love me Sou-i-chi," Tetsuhiro teased him.

"M-moron! Hurry up and leave or I'll plummet your face for saying so damn embarrassing things!"

"Okay. Okay. Don't worry Sempai. You'd have me for a day tomorrow before I return to Hamada for another week of training."

"Hurry and leave! You'll be late if you don't leave now."

"Okay. I'm going now Sempai. Be sure to lock all the doors."

"Ki o tsukete."

Just when Tetsuhiro was about to leave the apartment, he turned around and approached Souchi and kissed him lightly on his lips. Souichi was shocked but he didn't protest when Morinaga did that. He was furiously blushing like a tomato.

"Ittekimasu Sempai. Thank you for that goodbye kiss now. I love you!" Tetsuhiro said as he left the apartment.

Souichi was dumbfounded. He cannot understand what his kouhai was thinking. He's so confused yet he's somehow happy because Morinaga always made him feel wanted and loved. Souichi unknowingly touched his lips that brushed Morinaga's lips a while ago. He felt warm inside. His thoughts faded when his cellphone rang and on the other line, is the person who makes his heart beat so hard right now.

"Uhm. Sempai! I'm sorry to disturb you but…"

"Mo-ri-naga. What is it now?!"

"Uhm. I've forgotten my documents at home. And if it's not much to ask from you…"

"Oh. Hang on," Souchi noticed the brown envelope that Morinaga forgot to bring.

"S-sempai. I'm sorry, I guess I'd just go home and get it myself."

"Oi! It's not much of a hassle. I-diot. Where are you? I'm gonna bring your documents."

"R-really sempai? Thank you very much. I'm at the Marimo Convenience Store. Near the intersection. I'd be waiting for you."

"Alright. Just wait for me there."

"Okay sempai. I love you."

"I-diot!" He shouted at Morinaga before he shut of his phone. He didn't know why but his heart pounded hardly as he recalled Morinaga's words just a while ago. 'I love you.' Those words rang in his mind repeatedly. It's as if Morinaga has already wormed his way in his heart and his head at the same time…

"That idiot. He's really full of himself sometimes," Souchi muttered.

Souchi can't help but smile when he remembers that good-for-nothing-idiot kouhai of his. He might not admit it upfront but Morinaga is really important to him.

It was raining hard outside. It's as if the sky lost someone dear to her and she couldn't stop but grieve for her loss. Souchi ran as fast as he could in order to give Morinaga his files. Even though he didn't show his concern for Morinaga upfront, he do care about his job and he doesn't want Morinaga's superiors to have any bad impression of him.

Souchi panted and stopped running as soon as he saw Morinaga. He called his attention by shouting his name.

"Oy! I-diot Mo-ri-na-ga!"

Morinaga had his back turned from Souchi and when he heard his Sempai's voice, he immediately came running towards him, oblivious to his surroundings. And all of a sudden, a car came out of nowhere and hit him hard…

All he could ever remember is his light headed feeling that's as if he's flying and fading away at the same time. He could see his Sempai running towards him with tears in his eyes while shouting "Morinaga! Morinaga! Morinaga! Anyone! Please help us!"

"Is this how am I going to die?" Morinaga thought.

"Idiot! Morinaga. Why did you not look first before you cross the street! Damn you. Why do you have to be so stupid and hurt yourself in the process? Damn you Morinaga! I'm never going to forgive you if anything happens to you!" Souchi shouted as his tears fell.

"Sempaii… I'm sorry. . . I l-love you. . ."Morinaga uttered weakly as he tried to lift his right hand to touch his Sempai's face for the last time.

"Don't force yourself idiot! If you really love me, you're not going to leave me, right?!" Souichi cried harder as he cradled Morinaga in his arms.

"If I'm going to die right now, I just hope that I'd be able to hear that he loves me as well… Oh good Lord, please," Morinaga thought as tears fell from his eyes.

"Oy! Morinaga! Don't close your eyes. I'm not allowing you to leave me after you made me fall heels over you! Damn you Tetsuhiro! You don't have any right to leave me!" Souchi cried.

"It seems that he finally told me that he loves me. I could rest now…" Tetsuhiro thought and he finally drifted into the blackness of the night.