Author's notes: I'm finally posting the last chapter. I want sincerely thank JaneDoe51, Mossi.b, Tiacelya, Ag, and MartyMac49 for their reviews of the previous chapter and especially thank those who have supported me through every chapter of this drabble series. I've found it fascinating to write and to compare Jane and Lisbon's growing up years side by side. I hope this last chapter meets with your approval.

19yrs Old

Patrick's never felt like this before as he watches the desolate miles pass by, there's been nothing but bleak scenery for hours, taking him away from his past. . He feels a squeeze of his hand and he turns towards his future. His beautiful wife to be, his best friend, his soul. Tomorrow they buy a ring and go to the registry office, Sam explained everything he needs to do. Then they'll really be together, finally living their plans, loving each other forever and ever. He smiles understanding exactly how he feels: Free... Free to live his life how he wants.

Teresa wipes furiously at the tears in her eyes as his dejected figure recedes in her rear view mirror. It takes everything she has in her, not to turn the car around. She tells herself that she can do this, she has a plan, she has steps she needs to take to fulfil her dreams. They can't come true here, or with him. Here would mean a home and babies, she would become lost in the demands of others. She has to get away, miles from here, miles from them, miles from him. It hurts but it's the first step.