Author's notes: Yes a new set of drabbles, not a huge favourite with fanfic readers but I enjoy writing them so I hope some of you out there will enjoy them too.

Four years old

Patrick's sitting in the dirt, the sun beating down on his head watching his friend Pete finish setting up the dodgem ride. He's stomach beginning to tingle because he knows that once he's finished, Pete will let him on for the test ride. Dodgems are his favourite ride. Angela prefers the Merry- go- round, and he has to admit that he finds the decorated horses appealing, especially the green one with the red saddle, but he doesn't go on it every time as he doesn't want Angela to know, she'll blurt it out and the older kids will bully him.

Teresa stops mid-sentence as the door opens. She moves little Stan off her lap and jumps up as her daddy enters the room, he swoops her up and swings her around.

"How's my big girl, have you been a good girl for Grandma and looked after Stan?"

"Yes Daddy, I was reading him a book and I gave him breakfast"

He puts her down.

"You're such a good big sister. What would Daddy do without you?"

Teresa beams with joy at hearing her daddy's praise.

"Now help Stan put his coat on, you have a new baby brother to meet."