New She-Hulk in Town

Chapter 1 Normal and New

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. this is just a story for fun.

It was a seemly normal day at the Gamma Base. The Agents of S.M.A.S.H were doing their usually thing. Hulk and She-Hulk were in the training room, Skaar was playing fetch with Devil, Red was in his workshop building new guns, and A-Bomb was checking his web show.

A-Bomb sat in front of a computer with one of the camera drones hovering next to him. So far the web show had increased the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. approval rating and popularity, but a majority of the world still saw them as monsters. A-Bomb sighed and then glanced at an old picture of himself, before his little gamma ray exposure. Then a brilliant idea came to mind. A-Bomb raced off to gather the others.

Soon they were all assembled in the kitchen.

"Guys I finally figured out how get the world to stop seeing us as monsters!" Declared A-Bomb.

"What's the big idea this time Rick? Get normal jobs?" Asked She-Hulk jokingly.

"No, we have to show the world that were normal people underneath all these gamma muscles. We need to de hulk for a little bit and show everybody that were regular people." Said A-Bomb.

The Agents looked at one another, except for Skaar who just looked confused.

"Jones that's the dumbest plan I've ever heard! You want us to de hulk ourselves on your web show and tell about ever super villain that were vulnerable and easy pickings!" Shouted Red.

"Red makes a good point Rick." Said Jen.

"Oh come on guys, we'd be doing it in the base, not out in the open. We have alarms and defenses here to alert us if any big bad super villain comes our way. Besides it'll help our image and if we do get attacked, it just takes you guys less then a minute to change back." Said Rick.

Red and Jen looked at one another then at Hulk. Finally Hulk spoke.

"Alright Rick, will do it, but it'll just be me, Jen, and Red. We haven't figured out how to change you back to your human form and we have no idea what would happen to Skaar if we tried to suck the gamma out of him. Besides I feel a bit better if we had at least two hulks around to defend the base." Said Hulk.

"Cool with me. Will do it tomorrow." Said Rick.

The next day the Agents prepared for the big event. At Vista Verde a tour bus was driving out towards the Gamma Base. The bus stopped so the the tourist could get out and take pictures. A teenage girl wearing jeans, a jacked, and a large baseball hat got out and headed towards the base. She walked up to a keypad and tapped a few keys. A hidden door opened and the teen walked inside.

In the base the three hulks were ready to de hulk. Hulk was wearing a large white tank top along with his shorts, while Red and Jen were wearing there regular clothes. A camera drone hovered before them. The hulks took a deep breath and started shrinking and changing colors. Skaar freaked out.

"Hulks get tiny and change colors!"

"Relax Skarr, there ok." Said Rick.

The transformation only took a few seconds. Hulk was now Bruce Banner and his clothes fit loosely on him, Red had white hair and a mustache, and Jen had a mane of blond hair.

"There you have it folks the hulks are just regular people underneath their gamma muscles." Said Rick.

"Well this certainly wasn't what I was expecting."

Everybody turned to see a teenage girl with a baseball cap covering her face standing a few yards away.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Asked Jen.

"I used some old codes." Said the girl as she lifted her hat up showing her face.

"Betty! What are you doing here?" Said Ross.

"I came to see you guys and join your team." Said Betty.

"Red, who is this girl?" Asked Rick.

"That's Betty, my daughter." Said Red.

"I thought the only thing you were married to was the military." Said Rick.

"I did have a life outside the military Jones!" Said Red with annoyance.

"So can I join you guys. I'm pretty sure I'm qualified." Said Betty.

"What makes you think that?" Asked Jen as she eyed Betty.

"Cause I can do this." Said Betty as her skin turned bright red and she started growing.

Everybody starred in awe as Betty grew to the size She-Hulk normally stood. Betty ripped off her jacket revealing a black outfit similar to Jen's outfit.

"You can call me Red She-Hulk." Said the newly transformed Betty.

"Whoa! I did not see this coming!" Said Rick.

Red stared at Betty wide eyed. Bruce just stared at the new hulk in awe and glanced over at Red. Clearly the former general was surprised as everybody else. Jen just starred at Betty with a little bit annoyance.

There was a new She-Hulk in town.

To be continued.