Chapter One

Parent- a father or mother; be or act as a mother or father to (someone)

It was around 4 in the afternoon when Tommy arrived to his parents house a nervous wreck. He will be introducing his parents to little Nel, and he was hoping they would love her the way he did. He only spent one or two days with the precious child, she was a complete sweetheart something he knew his mother would love. They always told him that he needed to start a family soon, and adopting Nel was the first step to starting the family he has always wanted.

Tommy parked his car in his parents driveway.

"I can't wait to meet your parents mister Tommy," Nel commented removing herself from the seatbelt and climbing into Tommy's lap. "I don't remember much about my parents, but I knew they were nice people, and if you're nice I have reasons to believe your parents are wonderfully nice."

"Yeah," Tommy mutters softly looking down at the child in his lap with sad honey brown eyes. He felt terrible, he found out from her that her parents were murdered, that's hard to swallow at a young age.

He opens the car door, and puts Nel in his arm as he stepped out shutting his door and locking his car putting the alarm on. He smiles down at Nel who was sitting comfortably in his arms, and walks towards his parents front door. He promised his parents that'll he'll visit them at least once a weekly and today so happened to be his monthly visit. He knocks loudly on the door waiting for one of his parents to answer the door.

The door opened to reveal his younger brother Dil, "hey big bro!" A huge grin was on his lips as he stared at his brother, his big green eyes soon landing on the child in his arms. "And who is this little cutie?"

"I'm Nel," the child said, innocent crimson eyes staring at the brother with excitement.

Dil holds out his hand towards her, "it's nice to meet you Nel, I'm Tommy's amazingly awesome little brother Dil."

Nel stares at his pale hand, she hesitates a bit before reaching out to grab his hand. A small smile tugged on her lips from the warmth of his hand, it felt safe, "it's nice to meet you mister Dil."

"She's adorable," Dil gushed over her cuteness. He soon stepped aside allowing the two inside the house shutting the door behind them. "Are you staying for dinner?"

Tommy puts Nel down on the floor and glances around his childhood home, it was the same as always it wasn't like he was complaining. He glances over towards his brother with a slight shrug, "I don't know, why is mom making dinner? As a matter of fact, why are you even here?"

"Mom is holding a Sunday dinner, she invited the old gang," Dil answered running his fingers through his curls. Over the years Dil had grew into a very handsome guy, his usually messy curl were tamed and reaching the nape of his neck. Long lashes adored his eyes, while his jade green eyes sparked with curiosity. "So, are you going to explain why you have a child? Don't tell me you had a secret child this entire time! Though she doesn't look anything like Rachel."

Tommy flinched at the mention of the name, Rachel his dead girlfriend. It still brought him so much pain to hear that name, it felt like he just lost her yesterday even though it's been a year and a half. His eyes shifted over towards the little girl shyly hugging his leg, due to being shy.

He shook his head and walks towards the kitchen, "she's my adopted daughter."

"Adopted daughter?" Dil mumbled shocked following his brother to the kitchen.

When Tommy stepped foot into the kitchen the smell of food hit his nose, like a stack of bricks, it smelt heavenly. He walks over towards his mother, and rest his chin on her shoulder; causing her to jump in surprise. He simply gave her a grin and kissed her cheek moving away.

"It's smells so good in here," he comments taking a deep breath. "Why didn't you tell me you were having Sunday dinner."

Didi places the cover on her pot, and puts the wooden spoon down on the counter. "I knew you was coming, that's why I planned it for Sunday," she answers turning around to get a better look at her son. She smiles at him, and soon looks surprised. "Tommy? Why is there a child hugging your leg?"

Nel peered out from behind Tommy's leg, looking at the lady that was talking, she was really beautiful in her opinion. The lady has curl fade orange hair that seemed to be turning gray with the same color green eyes as Tommy's brother.

"Oh, I almost forgot I want to introduce you to someone," Tommy said taking the child's hand and moving her in front of himself. "This is Nel, my adopted daughter, not officially though, I have to sign papers."

Nel shyly looks down at her hands, glancing up at Didi every second.

"She's adorable," Didi said happily, she walks over towards her and caressed her hair. "I'm happy, you're deciding to start a family, though a child is a lot of work, are you ready for that?"

Tommy was slightly caught off guard by that question, his mother was right taking care of a child was a lot of responsibility. And was he actually ready for that, was he ready to take care of another human being. His honey eyes glance over towards Nel, and he already knew the answer.

"I'm ready," he answer truthfully.

He's been ready to start a family, with his ex girlfriend Rachel. She dead before they could even try, they had plans of starting a family and that dreamed was crushed when that stupid semi truck ran that red light. After that Tommy spiraled into depression and started to lock away the people that cared about him, he was in a dark place at the time. And maybe him finding Nel was faith giving him another chance at having a family.

"Who exactly is coming to this Sunday dinner," Tommy asked taking a seat at the kitchen table, he smiles softly as Nel climbed in his lap getting comfortable.

Dil grabs a grape from the fruit salad and glances over towards his brother, "everyone expect Angelica, she can't make it because she's in Hawaii on a honeymoon with her husband."

Tommy nods his head playing with Nel's soft teal locks, he was wondering if this was her natural hair color or did someone dye it.

Nel yawns a bit, she didn't get much sleep last night. She leans into Tommy's chest and closed her eyes drifting off to the sleeping, being able to do so because of Tommy playing with her hair.

Nel's Dream

"Mommy, please wake up," Nel kneels beside her mother's dead body shaking her, this can't be real life he mother couldn't be dead. "Don't leave me, I'm scared," tears began to roll down her cheeks, she pulls her hands away from her mother's body and looks down seeing blood that stained her little hands.

She stood up quickly her mother wasn't waking up, this couldn't be happening to her. She wipes her bloody hand on her white dress and ran out of the cabin, only to run into someone and fall back onto her bottom. She glances up to find a male standing over her with dark brown eyes, and a star polygon tattooed above his left eye. He had blood all over his hands, and clothing.

" killed my mommy and daddy," she trembles in fear backing away from the man, still on her bottom. She was scared to make a run for it because he might kill her as well.

The man just stared down at the little girl with a wicked smirk on his lips, "yes I did kill them, the sounds of their screams were music to my ears."

Nel's eyes widen in fear, this monster killed her parents and enjoyed it. This sick people left her all alone, he brother was staying at their uncles for a month or two to continue with training. She stands up onto her feet and started to take off running deeper into the forest.

"Run little princess, but I'll be able to find you," the males sniffs the air, the smell of salty tears and blood filled his nose. He started to run after Nel, with the intent to kill the little child.

She just continue to ran through the forest ducking tree branches and jumping over the legs, she lived most of her time in the woods. She knew the entire place like that back of her hand. Through she could barely see with the fresh tears gathering in her eyes.

The guy was still hot on her trail just following the sent of her salty tears, playing with his prey was so much fun, and even more exciting when he capture them. He wondered if her blood tasted sweet and savory. That's the best kind of blood. He licks his lips just at the thought, he just could wait anymore he had to capture her.

"Enough playing around brat!" The man said with a small growl. He spots the girl leaning against a tree trying to catch her breath, he smirks walking over towards her his nails growing into claws. "I gotcha!" He swings his claws at her.

"Ahhhh!" She screams.

Back To Reality

Tommy holds a sleeping Nel in his arms with a small smile, she's be sleeping for a bout twenty minutes already and people started to pile into his mother home. He picks her up and brings her to the guest room laying her down to sleep, he knew she was tired and predicted she'd fall asleep soon. He places a gentle kiss on her forehead and walks down to the living room where everyone was at catching up on life.

"Tommy," Kimi said from her place on the couch, she pats the spot beside himself with a smile. "Come talk, we haven't talked in a bout a year."

Tommy smiles and takes the seat beside Kimi with a warm smile, "how have you been? Any plans to move back here?"

He had missed spending time with Kimi, she had become a blogger and moved to Japan three years ago, it was closer to her little sister who she wanted to spend more time with, and she went to learn Japanese. They use to be so close as child, even having crushes on each other when they were in middle school, but then Rachel came along swiping him completely off his feet.

"I've been healthy," Kimi answers his question, unwrapping a jolly rancher and popping it into her mouth. "I do plan on moving back, in a few weeks I've been looking for the perfect apartment."

"Really? I know a few places that are renting out a single bedroom apartments," Tommy said taking his phone out his pocket, he started to search through his contacts for the numbers for apartment buildings.

Kimi nods her head, "I'm actually looking for a two bed room apartment, I plan to make one my office, I would need one since I do work at home." She rubs the back of her neck.

Kimi has always had the biggest crush on Tommy, even when he started to date Rachel. It pained her to see the one she loved in the arms of another woman, she tried to move on from him but that's easier said than down. It wasn't like a she could easily stop loving someone after ten years. She envied Rachel.

"They have two bedroom apartments for rent too, I'm looking to rent one out soon," he replies with a smile, he finds the number and writes it down handing it to Kimi. "Maybe we can even be neighbors wouldn't that be cool?"

"Cool..? That'll be awesome!" She said excitedly. Just the thought of them living next to each other made her heart race. Just imagining how close they'll get, close enough to maybe he'll start noticing her and maybe even start having feelings for her again.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Tommy asked casually.

Kimi felt heat rushing to her cheeks, "I don't have a boyfriend, nobody interested me in Japan, plus I was more focused on my work."

Tommy was about to answers until he had a scream coming from upstairs, he jumps up from the couch and runs upstairs to the room where Nel was sleeping in. He swings the door open to find her sitting up with tears rushing down her cheeks. Did she have a nightmare?

Nel's breath was shallow, she glanced over towards Tommy. "Mister Tommy, I had a terrible dream," she wipes the tears away from her eyes.

Tommy let out a soft breath and walks over towards the bed sitting down at the edge, he pulls Nel onto his lap and moves her hair behind her eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

She hides her face into his chest, shaking her head. She didn't want to talk about it, it was more of a memory than a scary dream. It was what happened when she found her parents dead that day, there was so much blood, too much blood. Her small body started to tremble just at the thought, her parents were never coming back.

She pulls away from his chest and glances up at him, "it was about them."

He immediately knew who she was talking about when she said them, "I'm so sorry." He didn't know what he could do for her, he carries her in his arms and walks downstairs to where everyone was now gather at the bottom of the stairs with worried expression.

"She had a nightmare," he simply replied walking past them and going into the kitchen to make Nel a plate because she was probably hungry.

Everyone seemed to follow suit, making their plates and sitting down at the table having conversation. Kimi talked about her time in Japan and all the traveling that she's been doing for her blog. Lillian talked about how her husband was busy at work that's why he couldn't join them for Sunday dinner. Phil talked about opening his very own restaurant soon, and wanted them to come to the grand opening. Chuckie talked about how he plans on opening chain stores of the Java Lava around the world. And lastly talked about his science break through of discovering that aliens were real, and he was going on and on about this girl he met at his college.

Nel was just staring down at her plate. Tommy noticed that since she woke up she's been quiet and a little distance and he was worried about her. It must've been painful to dream about her dead parents.

He remembered how a few day after the death of his girlfriend he started to have dreams about her, and that had him restless for weeks. He was didn't want to go to sleep to only have dreams about her death. It was painful and he really couldn't handle the pain, he only stopped having dreams about her four and a half months later.

He reaches over to the child and ruffles her hair with a small smile, "I think it's time to welcome Nel into the family, what do you guys think?"

"Yeah!" They shouted happily.

"This is so exciting" Lillian comments clapping her hands, her four year old son sitting down in her lap clapping his hands too. "Awe, Logan is happy to have Nel be apart of the family."

Tommy laughs wholeheartedly and goes to the kitchen to retrieve the cake his mother made for Nel. He places the cake down in front of her with a huge grin, "it's vanilla cake, wanna try some?"

"Yes please," Nel replied practically bouncing in her seat, vanilla cake was her favorite. She watches as Tommy cut the cake and put it on the plate in front of her. She grabs the cake with her hand and shoves it in her mouth.

Didi laughs behind her hands, "how cute."

Nel's eyes widen in delight at the taste of the cake, "this is delicious, I want more."

"I'm happy you like is Nel," Tommy cuts another piece putting it on her plate. He soon cut the entire cake into pieces and handed them to everyone including himself, he took his seat and started to eat his piece of cake.

"I love this family," Nel mutter to herself glancing around the table with a bright smile.

Tommy heard her and leans down whispering into her ear, "and I'm pretty sure that all love you too Nel."

How could they not? Nel was the most precious girl ever. She deserves to be loved and cared for and that's exactly what Tommy planned to do. He wanted her to know that even though her parents are gone they're people out there who will still care for her, and he is happy that he is being given the chance to start the family he always wanted, now all he had to do was go buy a dog and then his little family would be complete.

Nel giggles softly, and puts the cake into her mouth. She would have to thank Mrs. Didi for the cake later on before she left with Mister Tommy to go home for the night.

"Who wants another piece of Cake?" Tommy asked grabbing the knife.

"Me!" Logan raised his hand with a sweet smile.

Tommy cuts the cake and places it on Logan's plate, that boy knows how to eat some cake.

Story originally written by Sean. I have taken over with my cousin's permission, he really didn't plan on making more chapters for this story. So I just finished writing chapter one and know I'm giving it to you guys to read. I'm also starting to get interested in Stay My Baby again and hoping to work on the next chapter fairly soon.

Review. Follow. Favorite.
