Recap: Because they were fornicating by the beach, Naruto and Sasuke lost a forbidden scroll during a mission. Losing also their clothes, they have no choice but to hitch it up to Sage Mountain. But it seems Naruto has something up her sleeve…a plan…

Warnings: graphic sex, NSFW, bold notes of humiliation.





'Restocking'? More like dressed for a springtime festival. Kimonos and sandals, meant not for fighting but for lounging, drinking, and celebrating. The joke's on them, and the only witnesses were a horde of toads and frogs, which relieves Sasuke only a smidgen.

And he's never seen Naruto this way. This contrast. As she glides up the path in a summery silk kimono, tinted with yellow flowers, his eyes drift along her curves. Drifting, absently. Then his gaze shamefully rests on her perfect rump, taut and angling up with the sway of her hips. But without a sliver of elegance, Naruto trudges forth with a crude gait.

"Goddamned dresses," she grumbles, strutting with vigor. "We'll have to take the portal to Konoha."

"Then stop leading us away from the well, moron."

She comes to a dramatic stop, before whirling to face him. In fact, she throws a fist up in the air from the momentum.

"We can't. At least, not yet. I need to find Jiraiya's room, while we're here."

"What about so called 'reporting' to the village?"

Naruto grins, rolling up the sleeves very ungracefully, since they only roll back down with a flap.

"Right. I know I was acting like I had a stick up my ass…following the rules, blah, blah. But, I was thinkin' and you're right. Those two defectors are working for someone. But to be specific, they're being controlled."

It was Sasuke's turn to frown and deadpan.

"Just listen to me Sasuke. I think it could have been a genjutsu or a mind-body technique—some goddamned spell. Because there's no reason to jump to conclusions, alright? That's how war starts. Miscommunication—"

"What's your point?"

"Well. So I thought we could talk to the Great Sage about this!" Naruto licks her lips, eyes flashing. "He's the one who prophesized about Pein, about you and me. And the Sage's famous for prophesizing other stuff too. But to get to him nowadays, you need a key."

"A key?"

A little nasty silence settles.

The kind of quiet wherein Naruto twitches from swallowing down a juicy secret. Her brows furrow as she visibly hurts from keeping her mouth shut.

"What's the key?" presses Sasuke, failing to keep the smirk at bay.

Because with Naruto—a surprise could go both ways.

"Huh! Did I say a key? What I meant to say," she shuffles like a maniac, maneuvering the subject away, "is the Great Sage's alive since way, way back then. Back when Hagoromo was alive, right? So the Oh-So-Great-One goes into one of his hibernations, y'know?"

Naruto coughs, turning away to hide the gleam in her eyes. "So, as you can see. I know exactly what I'm doing. Give me some credit."

Suspicious of the bumble, Sasuke remains quiet.

He follows her trail, purposefully falling a little behind so he could watch her bum jig side to side—remembering how he spread the fleshy rounds apart, entrenching into her. She let out sounds he's never heard her make, coarse and animal like, with her legs hoisted over his shoulders when he claimed her deep: his.

At some point, as they walk up these dun hills, someone—or rather something—intercepts. That is, a frog with an afro hops into the gravel path. It's a glamorous frog, wearing lipstick, blush, and even freckled. This creature flails exuberantly and flaunts an exotic appearance.

"Mistress Naruto," the frog bows. "Who is this lovely gentleman?"

"My friend. Sasuke Uchiha."


The brave frog continues in its rant completely oblivious to the darkening shroud hovering Sasuke's air.

"There's a fly-eating contest down the creek, you should bring your lovely friend to watch!"

Naruto flashes a grin. "Wow, flies. Sounds—eh—delicious? But we're just passing by."

"Suit yourself. It was nice to meet more of your dear friends, mistress Naruto!"

More of her 'dear friends'. So she brings them here too? Dear friends. What's so dear about them? His fists clench, causing the tendons in his bones to nearly crack. And as they check into a lodging, he says not a single word. Only that he hears, 'a friend' replaying repeatedly in a hideous tune and dark impulses for revenge course through his veins.

"Sorry, I know you probably wanna get out of here." Her voice reverbs against the high ceilings.

In a mundane, civilian manner, they ascend the flights of stairs. But she senses his spiking vengeance and sends a concerned look.

"We're here, just relax."

Sixth floor, and the third door down. Naruto leads them through the deceivingly vanilla halls.

He half expects to enter another dimension, what with the Naruto's chakra spiking. But it was just a regular room. Regular: wood flooring, dresser, a window looking out into the hills and flush canopies. A tidy, kempt bed sitting dead center, with a framed photo on the nightstand. The frame was missing the picture.

This couldn't be where a key was kept.

Sasuke stands by the entrance, impatient. "Well?"

Instead, Naruto plops on the bed, glaring.

"Shut the door," she demands.

He eyes her, with that prior suspicion bubbling. Something wasn't right.

That's when her fingers swipe across her shoulders, causing the flowery yukata to fall. It feathers to her feet, swirling in a pile beside the heels she kicked off. Now, her bare chest's exposed for his gaze to ravage. Plump, swelling fruits he's so familiar with, for him to pick, fruits for him to taste—in complete, begging nudity. He clenches his fists, actively sealing this dark impulse to take and devour.

Because the show was far from over. He guards steadily, almost diplomatically as Naruto sheds the rest of her clothes and instantly his eyes fall to her glistening core she leaves open for his viewing pleasure.

Her scowl deepens at his unflinching demeanor. "Get over here."

Unconsciously, Sasuke kicks the door shut. And he fights off the smirk.

"So soon?" he taunts.

Naruto reddens, as her thighs quiver with a yearning to wrap around and squeeze tightly. A desperate longing for his body between hers, of their lines intersecting, plunging, melding, consuming, even the juices from earlier drips down her leg, wetting the sheets immediately. His and her come, dripping so slowly, so enticingly from her sex.

Licking his lips, Sasuke sizes up the rest of her.

"Yeah, this soon," she admits.

Yet rather than exploring her body, possessing her and owning her as he so pleases…he leans back. When Naruto growls at the distance, a tremor runs up his spine.

"Tell me what I want to hear, Naruto."

Stubborn, she clamps her legs together as she crosses her arms.

"You know what I want," she grates out, slow and hoarse. "Stop asking me that!"

He's seen her nude so often but the portrait always pulls like it was a gravitational law he had to obey. Like a hand, pulling him to her: the need to trace her curves, her flushed whiskered cheeks, and to taste the sudden vulnerability like liquid fire—he feels himself painfully harden. Especially at the thought of her writhing under him because his touch brought her to white oblivion.

He swallows thickly, angling his gaze even sharper. No. Not yet. For he longs to see her squirm and beg beneath him, admitting again it was only him she needs.

"Sasuke…I swear…can't you see?"

Unbearable longing rushes forth, and the dam he builds barely withstands under the need. He fights the impulse to teleport to her, spread her legs, and take her as his.

Instead, he turns slowly, murmuring. "I'll wait outside."

At this, Naruto raises her hands to perform a sign. He could feel her gather chakra for a sage-art entrapment. A jutsu to sweep dominance, but he intercepts with a cunning remark.

"We know how that went last time," he dares, with a brow quirking.

Fingers atremble, Naruto seemingly cancels the technique, but her hands lower to her aching core.

"Damn you son of a bitch—that's what you are—I'm asking for it, and you want it too."

He watches her rub herself. At first gentle then vigorously, and still asking with a pathetic expression, "Just please!"

She gasps when in the next instant, he's pinning her wrists over her head. Ceasing her from self-pleasure.

"How often do you touch yourself?"

His menacing tone and spiking chakra has her shuddering beneath him.

"Every day," Naruto says.

A good surprise. He lets her taut arms go—so very tense, his own muscles flexing in response. When he cups her thighs apart, exposing her moist, warm sex, he purposefully stares. In one sense, to steal a snapshot of this moment for his reservoir of mental images, and in the other sense: to drive her into doubt.

His scrutiny was always Naruto's weakness.

And suddenly insecure, Naruto clenches up. "What? That bugs you? That I play with myself?" she scoffs, with a tremor. "Everyone in the village's a prude—you thought I was?"

In answer, he lowers his smirking lips to her clit, faintly brushing with a feather's touch. Immediately her fleshy thighs quake and flank his head, signaling him she'd never let his mouth escape.

"Tell me more," he breathes.

He's alive and hyperaware of the little bead of sweat trickling past her hipbone. He licks the runnel, capturing it in a bite, and feels her tremble when she lets out guttural moans ceaselessly.

"When I wake up in the morning," she says between haggard pants. "I play with my clones. Sometimes with my toys…and I leave them inside me, when we don't see each other…"

The little story of her pussy being filled in his absence in dedication to him, burns with painful need.

"Then again before I sleep…."

"How embarrassing of you, you wet and dirty your own bed." Humiliating her gives him a thrill. "Tell me, who is it that fills your thoughts each time you come?"

Naruto tenses under his question. But he encourages her for the correct answer, ghosting his lips and occasionally kissing the petals of her warm pussy, enough to make her bristle with anticipation. He purposefully avoids the place where she so desperately needs him to touch. She shamelessly grinds her hips to chase after his touch like she's begging for a pity lick. And when he kisses the peach bud, weeping with sweet dew, she throws her head back in a roaring moan. The promise of gratification unstoppers the leak between her legs, and she rocks her pelvis against him, demanding for him to suck.

"So impatient…now answer my question. Who do you imagine filling your naughty hole?"

She says you, no she screams it. Louder than the bells toiling in the distance. In fact, the church bell's gonging from far away becomes the meaningless noise of others lost in the roar of their breaths.

He withdraws and discards his own formal attire, matching her in nudity. Though at the second of separation, a small groan skids past Naruto's parted mouth, pleading for attention. He returns grace and presses a bare knee coarse against her aching need. Slick fluids so bountiful enough to lubricate his entire fist, he muses.

The whole time he fixates to her shattering fronts, he savors her exposure and weakness.

"Just hurry," she winces, biting her lip. "I need it. Please S'uke."

Leaning over her, their lips graze upon every cadence of speech.

"What do you need?"

He brushes his stiff cock over her luscious folds, as if to remind her the proper answer.


He aligns their hips in a familiar fashion. Without touching her sex, his arousal throbs in response to the influx of heat and the complete drenching downpour of her wetness. He could go mad in this state of near-capture, he nearly surrenders control to claim her then. To thrust in without another band of restraint, but he doesn't—he doesn't because afterward he's always left incomplete.

"Not yet," he tells her. "Not until I get what I want."

As if he pressed a switch in her, Naruto bucks up wildly. Burnt orange flares round her blue eyes, pupils crisscrossing—as sage-mode sweeps over her.

"Don't tease me, I won't let you," she growls.

Claws embed like thorns into his back, and the gore only drives him further insane. If lust was an animal, it crawls between every space and fiber of his being; and his muscles scream for him to steal her away into blissful release.

"But I think you've proven yourself unworthy, Naruto," he says, without a shred of humor. "I want revenge."

His own eyes bleed with fire. He can see his crimson sharingan reflecting off the mirrors of her irises.

"I'm—I'm innocent. I only want you, believe me."

Her dominance crumbles. It's like watching the entire Hokage mountain fall apart, and it gives him an adrenaline rush. The way her walls collapse, and he's the one to make her turn into a groveling, begging ball of desire.

"You say you need and want me to fuck you, and that pleases me very much," he says silkily low. "But I want you on your knees as I fuck you in front of Kurama, and all his friends, and you will tell them who you belong to."

She nearly slams him off the bed, but he counters the violent shove with his own.

"You fucking asshole!" she roars.

When she kicks him, he forces them into a tumble. He could feel her holding back, and their hot skin flushing and pressing when they take turns flipping and plowing the mattress. But the bed threatens to give way under the intense clashing of chakra, crisping into destruction when his dark flames of wrath actuate into physical reality—matching, colliding against her lapping, orange blaze.

Until at last he subjugates her on the floor, spreading her knees apart, just barely overcoming the incredible tension of her muscles. His hardened cock buries deep into the cradle of her thighs, while he pins her trembling arms over her head. Everywhere like ribbons of light, the golden ringlets of her hair splays, bombarding him with her scent of rain, faint leather, and spiced honey.

And the gushing dribble from her pussy beckons the head of his cock to slip easily inside of her. He strangles a moan, grinding his teeth—when at once, she tries to take him wholly, rolling up her hips so violently, so suddenly like the sway of a monstrous tide, threatening to drown him. And as if to evade complete intoxication, evade becoming a mindless toy to her pleasure, he rips back. It shocks her, while he feels ice cold without her heat.

"Confess in front of them," he says quickly, before she can steal him into mindless pleasure again.

Naruto thrashes her head side to side. "Ah—hah, I can't…S'uke, you sunuva'gun, this is between us, and us only!"

Sasuke lowers his lips, feeling the melody of her pulse control his own, while his hand drifts to her breasts; he absently strokes each plump mound at a time to further drive her frantic begging. He rubs a thumb over the sensitive flesh, ghosting but enough pressure to bring them into aroused peaks. And if he didn't shower each with equal attention, she'd threaten to smother him like in previous times. It wouldn't be the worst way to die.

As he plays with her rosy tips, flicking over softly, she leans up in a haze and their lips collide in a kiss. Where every sweet gasp of hers drops like mint to his palate, energizing him to withdraw. He breaks the kiss.

"So you tell the world I'm your friend and that makes me question…this…"

To emphasize, he pinches the hardened perky tips. She lets out an agonizing gasp—but nonetheless, she exposes her neck. Naruto doesn't deny it. As much as he claims her, Naruto won't give in completely. Only her body surrenders to him. He glances down at the damp center between her legs, only to find her peach bud swollen with aching need. Her arousal pleads for erratic release and she arches up torturously.

Finally, Sasuke glides a finger into her heat slowly. He can feel her clenching around his finger, and yet he continues with a maddeningly slow pace. So ever slow, against the pace of an hourglass filling or snow drifting. Teasingly slow. Her impatience skyrockets as she thrashes around, and her ankles lodge onto his shoulders, attempting to reel him in.

When he resists her forceful tugs, Naruto cries out. "Just tell me what you want me to do!"

"Good girl. You'll summon them all." He plunges two fingers deeper into her with each syllable. "All nine of them."

"Can't. Because…then…everyone…will find out."

"Do you think I give a damn?"

She silently screams before the most feral sound escapes. "Please, I'm so close…forget about everyone else…it's just us. Come on."

"Very well. If you won't summon them, then I will."

And just like that, the presence of an audience encircles round her. Eyes vivid with power—watching her spread on the floor. Soon, every solid corner of the room fades and peripheries trickle into shadows. The stage darkens…for only one spotlight shines. She recedes into the special place from inside her.

That is, Naruto finds herself in the bright halls of her own mind. Kurama would live in this place when he came to visit her body and mind. No prison bars and no muddy caverns. That was before the war: but now, she was free. Kurama was free. And the former prison upgraded into a rich, grand mansion.

She lays naked on the carpeted floor, bending her neck back to see the demonic audience looming over her. Because instead of a high ceiling or roof, she meets the gazes of Shukaku, Killer Bee's eight tails, and the worst part is….

Sasuke followed her in. With the Mangekyou in one eye and the Rinnegan in the other, he could follow her across dimensions if he wanted to.

There was no escaping his revenge. Even to this special realm that was once Kurama's prison.

"You're going to let me fuck you on the floor," says Sasuke, breathing into her ear.

No, no. Her eyes widen when she realized just what she'd agreed to. Not this, she didn't want him so close—only for him to leave again. But before she could delete this from existence, all nine demons held witness to her naked body fitting with his. They heard her brief transmission, and they left just as quickly as they had invaded her mind.

Kurama, however stays, as he always did. Usually the demon smirks with feral eyes, but now upon seeing Sasuke—Kurama growls loud enough to shake the entire house.

Sasuke plants a fist on each side of her head, daring her to escape. Meanwhile, his knee keeps her legs from clamping together. Naruto screws her eyes shut because she knows the crazed shock spilling from Kurama—having to witness her surrender to Sasuke this way. She feels the demon's energy spiking, infusing her very blood. It was only until Sasuke was reassured she'd stay put, he reaches down with two slick fingers and resumes a measured, insistent rhythm over her most tender flesh.

"S-shit…S'uke…close the curtains…I get it…please…I'm about to come…"

She cries out when she suddenly felt the pressure of something heavy at her entrance.

"Tell me, do you let all your friends fuck you like this?"

A wet, sliding sound. The sound of haggard breaths. Erratic. Holding it in and then panting out five at once: she can't breathe right. And as soon as Sasuke slickly enters her, her vision explodes into white nothingness. She can't even see Kurama watching her anymore, but feels it. She burrows her face into her arm, gasping, while humiliation dawns on her like a flaming hot sun.

She opens her eyes to see Sasuke glaring down intensely, wincing from incredible pleasure. To see that Rinnegan squint and lose focus, while her sage-mode diminishes…they drown under the intense heat together…and Naruto snatches whatever she could grab a hold of Sasuke, squeezing deeply into his biceps.

"No. You're the only one. I've ever—fuck—I swear. It's just you. It's always been just you."

The next thrust rocked right past her G-spot and into her mind. Dazzling flashes. And her core burns. The fiery orgasm seizes her body, and the crazy ride downhill was a steep drop. Free-falling. She arches into him, her legs shaking. He joins her into the white, hot abyss. Because the next thing she knows, he willfully collapses onto her body, their sweat, breath, and everything intertwining. His hands bury into her hair, and his lips plant on the base of her neck.

They're back in Jiraiya's room.

The mind-blowing orgasm slowly fades, and breathing returns to a normal and sane rhythm.

Without even indulging in their embrace, Naruto leaps off the bed. Disconnecting. Suavely, too. For if it weren't for the sheen of sweat, tousled hair, and the glassy look to her eyes, you'd never suspect she just fornicated across space-time—in front of a cohort of demons too.

Throwing on her sunflower yukata sloppily, she barely spares him a glance.

"Naruto." His eyes fade to black. "Where are you going?"

"Listen, Sasuke. I'm not sure how to explain this…but we're in Jiraiya's special chambers."

"Yes, you said that already."

Naruto turns away, just in time to hide the conniving grin.

"Well uh—the thing is, um. The old man himself created this unique lock and key in order to access the Great Sage. Which is why we're here…"

"You said we'd find the key here. Your point?"

Naruto scratches her head in embarrassment. Laughing nervously, she ghosts to the bookshelf in the corner.

"A set of seals. Followed by an…eh, what the hell, I'll just spit it out—an orgasm," she says. "The combination of those two opens this portal."

That's when she drags the bookshelf from the wall, and you could see a blackhole the size of a door.

He lets out a sigh of exasperation. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because, hmmm, I dunno—it doesn't sound as sexy, that's why!"

So this whole act was just a necessary course of action to unlock a portal? Absurd. He swiftly dons his black, silk kimono and the white hakama. He holds back the mocking laugh when the thought strikes him: we needed to reach orgasm to save the world. Only Naruto could manage to thwart his reality with such asinine, insanely idiotic surprises.

"You expect me to believe that? It was just to open this portal?"

"Yup! But it was an amazing fuck. Really," she continues. "I'll need to meditate to get some chakra back. I don't think Kurama's gonna be speaking with me for a while…"

In fact, he senses Naruto's power dwindling. It seems Kurama packed his bags and vacated Naruto, taking the powerful chakra reserves with it. And when he sees a glimmer of melancholy flash across her expression, he means to offer a word on the matter.

But precious minutes tick away. With the blackhole shrinking, Naruto beckons him over. "Hurry, we don't have much time left. This is our chance…hopefully the Great Old Toad isn't hibernating…let's go!"

Despite it all, he steals her hand, and together they dive into the cave of prophecy.