Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of their characters. I was bored so I decided to write about LuffyxRobin.

3rd POV

In a village near the Grand Line, several groups of pirates were fighting to take control of it. The pirates wanted the beautiful girls, the treasures, and the land to rule over so that they would have a spot to claim as their own. However, no one expected Admiral Monkey D. Luffy's ship to approach that island. Admiral Monkey D. Luffy: now that's a name any pirate would run away from. He ate the magu-magu no mi, the one that would allow its user to use lava against their opponents. Now some of you may be thinking: Didn't Akainu eat that fruit? That would be true in the world where Luffy was a pirate but in this world, Luffy is a marine. Also, Akainu, without the devils fruit, remained a commander.

Because his grandfather had forbidden him to meet Shanks, he went on the path to become a marine. By the age of 14, Luffy mastered his haki and ate the fruit, which promoted him to captain. He would then defeat the most infamous pirate Byrnndi World, aka "Destroyer of the World." This action led him to become promoted to a vice-admiral. His grandpa was then promoted to Fleet Admiral since Sengoku decided to retire. That allowed Luffy to become an Admiral since his grandfather accepted the position of admiral instead of keeping his position as vice-admiral. This made Luffy the youngest admiral in the marines.

When Luffy had heard about the attack on the island, he set out with his personal flag ship and two other warships. The commanders of the two other ships were Zoro and Robin. Zoro was rescued by Luffy when he was just a lieutenant and Robin surrendered herself to Luffy when Luffy was a vice-admiral. Robin developed feelings for Luffy but she kept her face emotionless and didn't show her feelings. Zoro respected Luffy and was wary of Robin as she was someone he didn't want to mess with.

As the civilians on the island started to lose hope, they saw the flagship of Admiral Monkey D. Luffy and cheered. When the pirates looked up, their eyes were filled with fear. The captain of the group, who was only worth 100,000,000 berries, looked at the three ships approaching and he froze. He wasn't that big deal of a pirate but after having defeated one of the former pirate warlords, the government placed a bounty of 100,000,000 berries. However, even he knew that he would be dead trying to fight an admiral of the navy. He quickly barked out orders for his men to fall back to the ships and to leave everything they had. The pirates immediately listened as they did not want to pick a fight with one of the strongest marines in the world.

As the marine ships closed in on the island, Luffy barked out orders to fire at the pirate ships. His marines immediately listened and opened fire. Due to the harsh training Luffy put them through, their accuracy was 99%. While Luffy was barking out orders, Robin stared at him dreamily and wished he would look at her from time to time. Robin was very popular among the marines because of two reasons: she was HOT and she was deadly. However, she didn't pay attention to her crew and just stared at her (hopefully) future boyfriend/husband.

After yelling out several orders, he called out to Robin saying, "Captain Robin, if you don't mind, I would like you to take your ship and flank from the left to cut their retreat off." When Robin heard her name be called, she blushed beet red and exclaimed, "Yes Admiral." Truthfully, she wanted to say, "Yes darling" but if she had said that, that would mean she and Luffy were officially dating which was not true.

As Robin ordered her crew to flank to the left, Luffy called out to Zoro, "Commander Zoro, flank to the right and block off their other escape route." Roronoa Zoro saluted and started calling out orders.

When the three marine ships had surrounded the pirates, Luffy asked his aide to provide him with a megaphone. Once he had got one, Luffy called out to the pirates, "Alright pirates, I'm gonna give you one chance to turn yourself in. If you refuse, there will not be any mercy shown to you."
The pirates immediately dropped their weapons while their captain yelled back to Luffy, "We surrender!

After the marines landed on the island, they tied the prisoners and sent them to one of the ships where they would keep them locked up. Luffy asked Zoro to take the ship to Impel Down with the prisoners. The captain of the pirates gulped. Impel Down. The one place that pirates would not want to go to.

After Zoro and his troops left for Impel Down, Luffy set a command post on the island and claimed it under the protection of his marines. The townspeople were overjoyed and begged Luffy to stay at their feast. Luffy obliged and dug in with the ferocity of several wolf packs. The girls in town stared at the young admiral and admired his physique, his power, and his looks. Robin stared at the girls with distaste in her eyes. She didn't like the fact that there were other girls staring at HER Luffy. She sat on Luffy's lap and fed him while sticking her tongue out at the other girls who glared at her.

The feast lasted for several days, and Luffy was at the center of it. He continued to eat even though the food was enough to feed an entire battalion. He finally finished eating when he received a distress call from another marine ship. Luffy immediately stood up, picking up Robin in the process.

While Luffy was eating, Robin had fallen asleep in Luffy's lap, quite comfortably. In fact, she slept the entire time Luffy was eating. When Luffy had picked her up bridal style, Robin's face was beet red and she couldn't help but admire his strong arms that wrapped around her waist protectively. She felt really comfortable and fell asleep again.

He carried her to their newly formed headquarters and lay her down in her room. As Robin felt the strong arms leave her, she groaned. Luffy gently kissed her cheek and left the room. Once he got out, Luffy ordered her second-in-command to take charge of the base while Robin was sleeping. He left half of the battalion to protect the island while he left for his personal warship with the remaining marines. Once he was on the ship, the marines frantically pushed out in the sea.

Robin woke up feeling uncomfortable and lonely. She changed her clothes and went out only to find her troops drinking and partying with the villagers. She frowned and asked her second in command where Luffy had gone. The man replied, "Admiral Luffy has gone to aid one of the ships that called for backup, ma'am." Robin frowned again. She was looking forward to being with him. However, she couldn't do anything about that so she decided to take command.

She ordered two squads to patrol the island to make sure there were no pirates, robbers, or thieves on the island that could terrorize the populace. (A squad consists of 20 troops). The total number of marines on the island consists of 250 men and women. When Luffy had first arrived on the island, he had 750 marines but since he divided them up evenly into 3 battalions, that left 250 marines on the island.

While Robin made sure the island was safe, she wasn't really attentive to every single detail that her troops reported back. Everyday, Robin would worry about Luffy's safety and she wouldn't eat as much as she should. Her second in command started to worry about her well being and decided to call the admiral and see how he was holding up.

As Luffy and his marines were fighting off pirates, the phone rang. Luffy picked it up casually as he carelessly destroyed several pirate ships at a time. 'purupurupurupuru pluchuck'

"Hello? This is Admiral Luffy. Who is this?" he asked.

"Admiral? This is Lieutenant Coby, sir! I just called because Captain Robin has not been herself lately and she seems to be upset about something, sir!"

"Alright Lieutenant. I'll tidy this up and head back. We should be there in 3 days." 'pluchuck'