This is it! The final chapter of Honor & Assumption! Thank you for all your support throughout this story! Enjoy the final chapter of Honor & Assumption!


Zuko veered around an eighteen wheeler, barely scratching the side of his car. Where did all these people come from, he thought, staring at the numerous cars that were flooding the street in front of him. Didn't they know he had somewhere to be and fast? Gritting his teeth, he swerved again, only to be greeted by a red light.

Letting out a frustrated grunt, he tapped his fingers nervously on his knee. Katara was going to kill him. But it wasn't entirely his fault. This was completely unexpected. Luckily, he was able to reschedule his meeting for next week.

Looking down at his hand, the silver wedding band glimmered from the sun pouring into the window. A smile creeped onto his lips, remembering that amazing day five years ago.

Sweat dripped down Zuko's temple as he stood at the altar, watching. Waiting. Who would have thought that, after everything that had happened, he would be marrying the love of his life? It seemed like everything was trying to keep them apart, but here they were. He was the luckiest man in the world.

Sucking in a deep breath through his nose, Zuko let it out slowly, allowing small gusts of air to escape his lips. A strong hand clapped his shoulder and he flinched.

"Hey man," Sokka laughed. "There's no need to be worried. If Katara didn't want to marry you, she would've told you a looooooooong time ago."

Zuko looked over his shoulder at Sokka. He had really become a good friend and Zuko was proud to have him as his best man.

"I know," he replied, looking back at the doors at the back of the church. Why couldn't they just open? He was going mad standing at the altar.

"Don't want her to change her mind, huh?" Sokka laughed again.

Zuko sucked in a breath. Katara wouldn't change her mind, would she?

"Sokka, don't tease Zuko," Aang piped in from behind. "Can't you see he's already nervous enough?"

"I'm just having a little fun," Sokka huffed.

"You shouldn't have fun at others expense, Sokka," Aang chastised.

A loud cough sounded from the front, causing all three to cease their movements. Professor Iroh, seated in the front row gave a stern look to each of them, silencing them from any further comments.

Zuko placed his hands behind his back, attempting to control his anxiety. When he thought he was about to burst, the piano began to play and his mind went blank. The doors opened, revealing Toph, dressed in a royal blue gown that cascaded behind her as she walked down the aisle. The congregation and groomsmen watched her as she took her position, sending a wink past Sokka and Zuko's head towards a blushing Aang in the process.

Zuko's anxiety heightened as Suki walked in next, dressed in the same color as Toph, but her dress was cut to the knee. Zuko heard a low whistle from behind him. Glancing over, he saw Sokka practically drooling.

"Calm down, buddy," Zuko said with a laugh. Suki let out a small laugh upon seeing Sokka's reaction and took her place as well.

The music from the piano changed and the congregation began to rise. Zuko's entire body tensed. This is it. He took in another breath, squeezing his hands tightly. But all air escaped him as he sees the beautiful scene walking before him.

Katara was breathtaking. The elegant white gown draped her body perfectly as she walked. The sheer fabric covering her arms were the epitome of elegance. With each step, the fabric sparkled, sending Zuko's heart racing. Around her neck was a beautiful necklace with a sparkling blue pendant, the same her mother wore on her wedding day.

Katara glided down the aisle between two of the people she loved more than anything: Gran Gran and her father. Zuko smiled widely. Meeting Hakoda had definitely been intimidating, especially with all the stories Sokka had told him about how Hakoda dealt with his enemies. Zuko was beyond relieved when Hakoda gave them his blessing, only after threatening to dispose of Zuko if anything were to happen to Katara.

Tears trickled down Gran Gran's face as she held on tight to her granddaughter. Zuko was thankful that the Pura's were such a close family. He was even more thankful that they were allowing him to become a part of it.

A sheer veil covered Katara's face and Zuko couldn't wait to pull it back to see his beautiful bride.

As the trio approached the altar, the pastor asked who was giving Katara away. Simultaneously, Hakoda and Gran Gran spoke up, causing the congregation to chuckle. Once the laughter had died down, Hakoda said they both were giving her away. He pulled her veil up and over her head, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Stepping out of the way, he allowed Gran Gran to give her a kiss and whisper something in her ear, causing Katara to blush.

Once she turned around, Zuko's heart stopped. Her crystal blue eyes were brimming with tears as her light pink lips smiled brightly. Without a doubt, she was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Hakoda offered Katara's hand to Zuko. His hand shook, but he grasped it firmly.

Throughout the entirety of the service, Zuko's mind was focused on saying the right things at the right time. He could hear what the pastor was saying, but the thumping of his heart seemed to drown out everything around him out.

A gentle squeeze on his hand brought him out of his thoughts. Looking over, he saw Katara staring up at him, expectantly. The pastor cleared his throat.

"Do you, Zuko Lord, take this woman to be your wife?"

Without thinking, he blurted out, "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

The congregation chuckled again. An amused smile crept to Katara's lips as Zuko shakily placed the wedding band on her finger. The pastor turned to Katara. "Do you, Katara Pura, take this man to be your husband?"

Without hesitation, Katara smiled as she placed the ring on Zuko's finger. "With all my heart."

The only thing keeping Zuko from gathering her into his arms and hoisting her over his shoulder was the watchful eyes of everyone around them. He settled for a smile, quickly squeezing her hands.

As the pastor pronounced them man and wife, Zuko didn't care who was watching. Placing his hands on either side of Katara's face, he brought her lips to his, kissing her in the most gentle way, giving his heart to her for the rest of his life.

Gently removing the veil from her hair, Katara smiled at herself in the mirror. Today had been the best day of her life. The ceremony was beautiful and their reception had been so much fun! She was pretty sure there were people still celebrating for them at the venue. But it was magical. She couldn't believe, after everything, her and Zuko were married! There was no way today could get any better. Looking down at her suitcase, packed by Toph and Suki, she didn't have to guess what other sexy things they packed for her on their honeymoon. Maybe today could get better.

Stepping out of her wedding gown and placing on a frilly top with jeans, Katara sucked in a breath. What if she did something wrong? What if Zuko wasn't pleased with her? Shaking her head, she rid her mind of those thoughts. Zuko loved her. He had more than proven that. A soft knock came from the door, thankfully pulling her attention away from her anxiety.

"Almost ready?" Zuko's voice asked, sending vibes of excitement running through her.

"Yea. I'm coming right now!" She practically yelled. Gripping the suitcase, she rushed out of the bathroom, bumping straight into Zuko. His arms immediately wrapped around her as he buried his nose in her neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" he mumbled into her skin.

She let out a sigh of pleasure before responding. "I'm sorry, sir, you'll have to excuse me. My husband is waiting."

Zuko pulled away enough to raise an eyebrow at her. "Husband, huh?" He took her hand in his and narrowed his eyes at the ring on her finger. "He must love you a lot to give you something like that."

She smiled up at him. "I'd like to think he does."

He cupped her face with his hand. "Oh, he does," he whispered before kissing her. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed him back fierecely. With a laugh, Zuko pulled away.

"There's plenty of time for that, Mrs. Lord," he said, taking her hand to lead her down the hallway. As they neared the end, Zuko made a phone call and the sound of an engine erupted from behind the door.

Katara's eyes shot to the door. "Zuko, what was that? And where are we going? You never told me."

Zuko only smiled at her as he opened the door, causing a loud noise and rushing wind to escape through it. Katara narrowed her eyes to keep debris from flying in them. With an excited smile, Zuko grabbed her suitcase and her hand and began running out the door. It was only moments later that Katara saw a sleek black jet waiting for them.

Handing her luggage to an attendant, Zuko ran up the steps, only looking back to grab her hand once mroe and pull her up with him. As soon as they entered the jet, the door closed and the wheels began turning. Katara gasped as she saw all the luxuries around her. It looked nothing like what a plane should. But more like a small apartment, fit with everything and the kitchen sink!

"Wha—" she began, but was cut off by the attendant.

"Is there anything you'll be needing, Mr. and Mrs. Lord," the older gentleman asked.

Katara didn't notice her mouth was wide open until Zuko tapped two fingers under her chin.

"No, thank you," Zuko replied, not taking his eyes off her. "We'll be fine until the plane lands."

The man nodded. "Very good, sir. If you shall need me, I will be with the pilot." Without another word, he disappeared.

Once he was gone, Katara looked up at Zuko in disbelief and amazement. "What is all this?"

Smiling, Zuko wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer. "Remember when the lawyers found that account my mom saved for me?" She nodded. He leaned down and began kissing her neck. "Well, they found a loop hole in my dad's company contract, as well, leaving all his possessions to me."

Katara didn't want the moment to end, but she had to make sure she heard right. "What?"

Zuko pulled away, but smiled. "You're looking at the new head of Lord Industries." He motioned to the jet around them. "Complete with complimentary travel for all occasions."

Katara let out a laugh, placing her hands on his chest. "Wow, Zuko, I just can't believe it."

"Me either." He placed his forehead on hers.

She furrowed her brow. "But what about college? You don't know the first thing about running a business!"

Before she could continue, Zuko pressed his lips against her, silencing her debate. Running his fingers through her hair, he pulled her towards him, pressing his hand on her lower back. Katara melted into him, forgetting everything she was saying. When they parted for air, he smiled.

"We'll worry about all that when we get back."

"Where are we going anyway?"

Just then, static came over the radio. "Now approaching Ember Island. We will be landing shortly."

"Ember Island?" she asked.

"Yea," Zuko said with a smile. "We used to go there all the time when I was a kid. It was one of the happiest times in my life. Now I want to create new happy memories there."

"Zuko," Katara said, cupping his face in her hand. He leaned into it closing his eyes.

"I love you so much, Katara."

Tears brimmed in her eyes. "I love you, too, Zuko."

As the jet landed, Zuko helped her down the stairs. The pilot and attendant unloaded their luggage and began walking up a stone path on a nearby hill. Hand in hand, Katara and Zuko followed. Katara gasped upon seeing the sight. Sitting by the edge of the water lay a beautiful beach condo.

"Is this part of Lord Industries, as well?"

Pulling a key out of his pocket, Zuko dangled it in front of Katara's face. "Nope. It's yours."

Her eyes widened. "What?"

Zuko shrugged. "Yea, if anything happens to me, I want to make sure you're taken care of. So…it's yours. Along with others things that I'll tell you about later when you're not making your angry face at me." He let out a laugh.

Katara poked him in the chest. "What do you mean 'if anything happens to you'? You're not going anywhere, buddy."

"Oh, I don't plan on going anywhere," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Katara looked back at him, grabbed the key in his hand and began running down the hill towards the house. She soon heard Zuko's steps behind her and she pumped her legs harder. There was nothing more fun than making him chase her.

She got to the house first and unlocked the door, closing it behind her. The inside was absolutely stunning. Decorated with white and tans, whoever designed it had wonderful taste. Overcome by the elegance of the room, Katara didn't have a chance to break away from the two arms that engulfed her.

"Gotcha!" Zuko said, in her ear and began tickling her. She laughed wildly, begging him to stop. When he finally did, she took a deep breath, leaning into his arms, her head pressed against his chest.

"This is like a fairytale," she murmured into his chest. "Everything's perfect."

Zuko's hand glided up her spine, causing chills to escape into every step of her body. Leaning down he kissed her lips gently, as if testing her reaction. Reaching up, Katara wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Zuko immediately responded, pulling her towards him. He began to lead her down the hallway, not willing to break from her kisses. Although it was difficult, they eventually made it to the master bedroom.

As soon as they were through the door, Zuko reached out and closed the door with one hand, while still holding her with the other, kissing her softly. Katara let out a groan as his kisses began moving from her mouth, down her neck. She pulled him closer to her, running her fingers through his hair. While his lips were working on her neck, his hand began creeping up the back of her shirt. She shuddered as his hot flesh touched her own, causing him to pull away.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she said with a smile. She looked around him to see that their luggage had been brought in. "I,uh, just want to change into…something else."

Zuko's brows furrowed, then shot up in realization. "Oh. Oh, yea, sure. Go ahead." Katara smiled, liking that he was just as nervous as she was.

Dragging her suitcase into the grand bathroom she stared at the piles of lingerie and bikinis in front of her. Did Suki and Toph pack her anything that didn't look like underwear? Shaking her head, she rifled through the lingerie. This was important. She had to pick the right one. She easily ruled out the leopard print and purple polka dotted sets and was down to two: a sheer white set with feathers and rhinestones or a black set with red ribbon.

Biting her lip she looked at both of them. One screamed 'I'm sexy and know what I'm doing' while the other was just soft and pretty. Sighing, she decided to go with the one that suited her best.

Pulling on the sheer baby doll top with matching panties, Katara stared at herself in the mirror. This getup definitely accentuated her in all the right ways, but she was still nervous to have Zuko see her so exposed. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. Zuko was her husband now and he loved her. He would love her no matter what.

With another deep breath, she placed her hand on the door knob, quickly opening it. She peered out to see Zuko standing across from her, with his bare back facing her. A large window spread out on the other side of the room, revealing the calming waves of the sea. His arms were crossed, causing the muscles in his back to tense.

Quietly, she closed the door and began walking towards him. When she was halfway there, he turned around, causing her stop at his look of unbelief. Mouth agape, Zuko's eyes roamed all over her body, causing Katara to feel more and more self-conscious by the second.

"What?" she asked quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, while looking down at her feet.

Realizing his mouth was still hanging open, he quickly shut it and began towards her. "You look so beautiful."

Her eyes shot up. "Really?"

He looked at her in confusion then laughed. "Are you serious?" Before she could answer, he took her into his arms, holding her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling his heart pound against her cheek.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Katara kissed the spot on his chest where his heart was. Zuko's head moved up slowly. She kissed his collar bone, causing his hands to tighten around her waist. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed his neck. He let out a groan, letting one hand wander up to her chest. She kissed his neck again, letting out a gasp when she felt his hand on her breast.

"Sorry," he whispered, starting to let go.

"No," she said, placing his hand where it was. "It's ok."

He cupped her breast again and she moaned in delight, pushing herself into him. Her lips found his and she kissed him passionately. Zuko wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her backwards towards the bed. His legs reached the edge of the bed and they stopped moving, just standing near the edge, kissing each other deeply.

Katara wrapped her hands around Zuko's neck, gently pushing him back. Bending his knees, Zuko sat on the bed, allowing Katara to straddle him. Letting go of her breast, Zuko pulled away, looking at her intensely. They said nothing, only looked at each other, as if that were the only communication they needed.

In a matter of moments, she soon felt his warm hands traveling up the sides of her thighs. She closed her eyes, relishing the moment. She let out a moan as his hands glided beneath her panties, grabbing her flesh. Sitting up, she leaned down and kissed him fiercely as his hands continued to wander. She felt them tugging at the fabric and soon found Zuko on top of her.

"I love you," he whispered, kissing her. "I love you so much."

"I love you," she whispered back.

Zuko kissed her passionately, moving from her lips, to her cheek, to her neck. He then proceeded to kiss her chest, where the tie keeping her top closed was. Sucking in a breath, she held still as Zuko's fingers untied the string. He pushed back the material and stared at her with a smile of pure adoration.

"You're so beautiful," he said, kissing the sensitive skin around her breast, causing her to shudder.

Bringing his face back up to hers, she kissed him slowly and deeply, causing him to moan and press into her. Her hands wandered down his waist and began shimming them down. Not wanting to wait, Zuko rolled off the bed. Katara sat up and watched as he undid his pants, allowing them to fall to the ground. He looked over at her with a shy smile.

"What?" she teased as she sat forward, crawling towards him.

"You're going to kill me if you act like that," he said, watching her come towards him.

"Oh?" she said, standing in front of him, confident that he liked how she looked, especially half naked. She ran her hands across her panties then slowly removed them, throwing them in the corner. "How about now?"

Katara watched as Zuko's Adam's Apple bobbed slightly. He then followed her lead, allowing her to see him as himself. Before she knew it, his arms were around her as she fell back onto the bed.

Her skin screamed in delight as every ounce of his flesh touched hers. Zuko kissed her once then looked down at her. She wrapped her arms around his back, gasping when he entered into her. He was gentle at first, but once they found their rhythm, her hands dug into his back, trying to hang on to this glorious moment forever, thankful for the moment they had waited so long for.

The morning after, they didn't know what time it was, or how long they had stayed awake. All that matter is that they were each other, bodies intertwined, not knowing where one began and the other ended.

A loud honking disrupted Zuko from his flashback. Looking up, he saw that the red light had changed to green. Pressing his foot flat on the accelerator, he zoomed through traffic, praying he wasn't too late.

As he pulled into the parking garage, he barely put the car into park before running into the building. Running down the hallway, he pressed the button on the elevator fifteen times, as if it would make it come faster. Finally, it did, and he jumped in, closing it before anyone else could come in and hinder his way.

Dinging at floor nine, Zuko jumped out and was greeted by a small group of people. Sokka, Suki, Toph, Aang, Hakoda, Gran Gran and Uncle Iroh all stared back at him with a mixture of emotions. Some looked pleased, others looked worried.

"Where is she?" he asked, anxiously. Before anyone could answer, a yell sounded from the room a few feet away.


Zuko smiled and ran towards the room. Inside stood his wife, with one hand on the bed, the other clutching for dear life onto a nurse while her stomach protruded around her hospital gown, displaying the shape of their unborn child. As he walked towards her, her head lifted. Her face was matted with sweat, her cheeks tinted red, and her hair was standing up in all different directions. An irritated look came to her face as she saw him.

"Where were you?" she gritted through her teeth. Zuko took the place of the nurse and kissed Katara on the cheek.

"Sorry honey, traffic was hell."

She turned towards him with a snarl. "Hell? You want to talk about hell?"

Zuko began to laugh at her reaction, wincing slightly as she dug her nails into his arm. Soon her grip lessened, a soft chuckle escaped from her lips as she leaned into him. He quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm glad you made it."

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

After an hour more of cries and threats, a beautiful baby boy was born. His jet black hair was the epitome of his father's while his beautiful blue eyes were his mother's. The Lord family laughed and cried as they began their new life together, excited to see where this next adventure would take them.

A poem for you

Thank you for reading, you all are the best

But now there is something that needs be confessed

There's been some deception given to you

This fanfic was written not by one author, but two!

We love your support and hope you don't mind

We promise to be more truthful next time!

Please support one of our writers as she begins her journey publishing her first ebook in a new series! Check out Heartmender by Vanessa Romas on Amazon today!

NoelleSkylar2 will return soon. A Jelsa fanfic is coming…