Jedediah had lost his Stetson, and he was going hysterical about it.
"Where was the last place you saw it?" Octavius asked smoothly, hands on the blond's shoulders, in an attempt to calm the man down.
"I don't know!" Jed almost wailed. He was looking down at the floor, somewhat throwing a strop.
The Roman put his hand under the younger man's chin, like one would with a child, to get him to look at him.
"Jedediah, you need to stop acting like a child." He spoke sternly now.
The cowboy looked at the elder man, eyes boring into his own. The deep brown calmed him right down, and made it easier to think.
"I left it in the back seat of the car." Jedediah spoke serenely, rather hypnotised by the man's eyes.
"Shall we go get it then?" Octavius asked, shaking the blond's shoulder, to bring him out of his stupor.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, of course. My head's getting rather cold." But his cheeks were warm, and remained that way until quite a while after he had found his hat.
If Octavius noticed - which he certainly did - he didn't say anything to the westerner.
'I'll talk to him about it tomorrow night.' The Roman thought. 'He's had enough panic for one night.'