After raking a hand through his wet hair, Sam leaned forward to cross his arms on the table. He was, once again, sitting in Bobby's silent kitchen. Alone, this time. Dean was down the hall in the shower, Gabe and Cas were out retrieving the Impala somewhere, and Bobby – where was Bobby? Sam glanced up at the closed door to the study, eying the metal lock on the handle. Bobby was probably around the house... doing something secretive...

It wasn't like Bobby to keep things from the Winchesters. He was the type of guy that was just straightforward about things, especially with Sam and Dean. He didn't mind telling them if he had killed someone that day, or stolen a new visa, or kept a stack of dirty magazines in the basement – which he did, because would Sam find vintage issues tossed down there occasionally. Bobby was just a carefree guy. At least, Sam thought he was. After having a few uncomfortable conversations with the old man today, and watching him lock up the study, Sam was starting to think that Bobby was hiding something.

Sammy stared at the lock for a good minute, trying to figure out what it could possibly be. Bobby had mentioned something about demons earlier, in passing. Did it have something to do with one of them? Bobby had also asked Sam a lot of weird questions that day, that mostly revolved around Sam and Gabe's relationship. Was the old man feeling insecure about something? Did he need help with a personal crisis? When it came to personal stuff, Bobby was just like the Winchesters; unwilling to delve too deep into his emotions, out of fear of finding something he wouldn't like. Hell, that was probably the reason every man hated talking about their feelings. But Sam wished, wholeheartedly, that he could figure out what was plaguing Bobby; not only because the guy was like a father to him, but because he was a good friend, too...

"Thanks for taking all the hot water."

Sam looked up at the sound of his brother's voice. Dean had walked into the kitchen without making a sound. His hair was wet, and a damp towel was resting on his shoulder; obviously fresh out of the shower. A tiny bit of guilt surfaced in Sam's chest. Oh, man. Did he really take all the hot water?

"Oh. Sorry," Sam mumbled, raking his hand through his hair again.

Dean shook his head, appearing to dismiss it. For a moment, Sam thought about asking Dean if he saw Bobby in the hall; maybe somehow bring up the fact that the study door was still locked and probably hiding a secret. But a brief look of concern crossed Dean's face all of the sudden. He was glancing around the kitchen strangely, eying the clock and the window.

"Where the hell are they?" Dean asked.

Sam instantly knew who his brother was referring to. It was as plain as day on the guy's face; that Dean was wondering about Cas and Gabriel. Sam, too, glanced out the kitchen window next to him, searching the dark, cloudless sky. The stars were already out and the moon was just beginning to peep over the hill. Man, it was almost bedtime. Where were their angels?

Worry manifested in Sam's gut, as he glanced from the window to the clock that read fifteen til ten. What could possibly be taking them so long to get the Impala from the hotel? It wasn't like angels hit air traffic or anything, did they? Gabriel was suddenly all that Sam could think about; his golden eyes, that mischievous smirk, and the voice that was as smooth as melting caramel... It was amazing, just how much Sam could miss him, in such a short amount of time. When they were together, Gabe took over Sam like a fast acting drug; always making him smile, and feel comfortable, and be more alive than ever. And he loved it. As cheesy and cliché as it was, when Gabe was around, Sam just felt complete. And without him, Sam felt completely lost.

Sam knew that Gabriel was more than capable of taking care of himself, but that didn't stop him from being worried. What if something had happened to that smug little bastard? What if his big mouth had gotten him into trouble? What if he was hurt? Sam flashed a glance back up to his brother, feeling more anxious than ever. Dean's eyes appeared vacant; lost in his head to his own thoughts. Maybe he was thinking the same thing Sam was. Maybe he was just as worried for Cas...

"Do you think they're okay?" Sam asked, hoping his brother could provide him with some comfort.

For a moment, it looked like Dean couldn't even find his voice. He just stared down at Sam like a goon, trying to come up with something to say. It wasn't long after Sam's question, though, that a whoosh of air filled the kitchen. Behind Dean, two figures appeared.

"That was incredibly rude, Gabriel."

Sam nearly jumped to his feet at the sound of Gabriel's name. The two angels were back, now; standing next to each other across the kitchen. Sam's heart fluttered at the familiar sight of Gabe's flared blonde hair and honey eyes. Oh, thank God he was okay. Where the hell had he been? The archangel's expression seemed full of arrogance; as if he'd just won a bet or something. Cas, on the other hand was glaring at him.

"Oh, it was just a little burn mark, honey-bee," Gabe mumbled, strutting his way across the room, "No need to get your stinger in a knot."

Sam had no idea what Gabriel was talking about. And, frankly, he didn't care. All Sam was concerned about in that moment, was watching the beautiful sight of Gabe gliding toward him; Those tiny hips swaying on purpose, and that delicate bottom lip tucked between his teeth. It just wasn't right, for a man to look so damn pretty. And Gabe knew that Sam thought he was good-looking, too. That's what made it all worse; the fact that Gabe knew the exact way to turn Sam on, just by walking and talking. The sexy, conniving bastard...

"Son of a bitch," Dean grumbled, watching Gabriel walk toward his brother, "What the hell did you do, this time?"

The archangel made it all the way to Sam, and placed both hands on the side of the man's hips. In a quick, fluid motion, Gabriel stretched upward on the tips of his toes and smacked a small kiss on Sam's parted lips, before spinning back around to face Dean. Sam was left in a daze behind him, trying to remember how to breathe properly. God, that cotton candy favor could be so damn intoxicating.

"Nothing! The hotel manager and I just had a little chat," Gabe told him.

The archangel's head turned back around for a second; enough to shoot Sam a seductive eyebrow.

"By the way, moose," he purred, voice low, "that 'fresh-out-of-the-shower' look you've got going on, is making me longer and harder than the Great Wall of China..."

By the time Sam's mind caught up with Gabe's words, his body was already reacting; sending electric pulses of arousal toward his crotch. The man attempted to deny his body from responding to the sudden memory of seeing Gabriel while he was long and hard, but it was too late. The archangel was already dancing naked with a boner through his mind. Across the room, Dean appeared to be on the verge of throwing up.

"Gabriel," Sam hissed, embarrassed that his brother had heard the vulgar comment.

"You did not 'chat' with the hotel manager," Cas spoke up, still sounding pissed, "you set fire to his head."

Sam glanced down at the archangel in front of him, wide-eyed. Wait, Gabe had set someone on fire?! Why the hell did he do that?!

"That wasn't his head, Cassie. It was a toupee," Gabe informed, "Besides, he deserved it, for trying to swindle us out of seven thousand dollars. He's lucky I didn't set the whole damn hotel on fire, for that snide comment he made to you."

Sam didn't miss that Dean's eyes lit up. The older Winchester's head snapped toward the blue-eyed angel instantly.

"He made a snide comment to you?" Dean asked, sounding protective, "What comment?"

Sam gulped. He knew that tone. It was the one Dean used when he got the urge to knock the shit out of someone. Sam had heard that tone from Dean a lot growing up, especially when Dean found out that the kids at school were bullying him. It was the 'you better tell me what they said to you, cause I'm about to kick all of their asses' voice. Cas didn't seem like he was gonna answer, so Gabe answered for him.

"He called Cas a 'Wallstreet Bumpkin," Gabe replied, "But don't worry, Pinky, I made him pay for it. Literally. I didn't pay for our rooms, so he's gonna lose a shit-ton of profit. Not to mention the toupee thing. That's what he gets for being an asshole."

Sam watched the anger slowly fade away from his brother's face. Dean was actually looking at Gabe, for once; eying his smirk and searching his expression. Sam was proud to see a small trace of awe written in his older brothers eyes. Maybe Dean could finally see just how awesome Gabriel was. The very thought put Sam on cloud nine.

"Good," Dean mumbled, seeming impressed.

"No," Cas said, still appearing upset, "It was the opposite of good."

Dean and Cas looked at each other then, and Sam could tell it was one of those stares; the ones in which everybody else might as well leave the room, because Dean and Cas weren't aware of anything else but each other. And Gabe must have sensed it, too, because he turned around to give Sam the biggest goo-goo eyes ever. Sam swallowed harshly again, at the sight of pure adoration in Gabe's stare.

"Oh, my precious little peach. How do you keep getting sexier every time I see you?" he asked, slipping his small hands under Sam's shirt and up the man's sides.

Sam had to remind himself to regulate his breathing, as the scent of Gabriel's sweet aroma filled his nose and the archangel's touch on his bare skin gave him chills. No, dammit, they couldn't be getting all lusty with each other right now. He couldn't allow himself to get a freakin' boner in Bobby's house.

"Wh – where's Dickie?" Sam asked, trying to quickly shift the conversation to something other than sex.

"He's out in the car. Spending some 'alone time' with his own moose," Gabe smirked.

Sam imagined that poor stuffed animal being raped again, and felt sorry for it. Leave it to Gabe, to find a way to keep sex in the conversation. After another shock wave raced toward his crotch, Sam reached up to take hold of both of Gabriel's wandering hands and pull them out from under his shirt. Now was not the time for this. Didn't Gabe have the decency to at least wait until they were alone? Once Sam had a hold of the archangel's hands, they met eyes again. Gabriel's smile was infectious, making warmth and happiness grow on Sam's own face. This was what Sam was talking about. This 'fast-acting drug' thing that Gabriel did to him was so addicting...

The sound of heavy boots clomping on the floor made Sam look up. Across the room – and to Sam's surprise – Bobby was walking in from the hallway. He appeared the same as ever; faded hat, puffy vest, thick beard. He must have had a shower, too, because all the pink cake was gone from his outfit. And the guy smelled clean. Really clean. After the old man walked a little closer, Sam took a deep breath to figure out why the smell was so strong. Ugh, it was like Bobby had taken a dip in a pool of Pine-sol. The fresh scent seemed to be radiating off him. Why did he smell like cleaning supplies?

After glancing at Dean and Cas, who were in the middle of an intimate hug, and Sam and Gabe, who were affectionately holding hands, Bobby shook his head in annoyance and made his way to the study door. Sammy perked up instantly, watching the old man start to undo the lock. He was going to open the door, now! Finally, Sam was going to get to see what Bobby had hidden in that stupid room, and find out what secret he was trying to keep. After unlocking the door, Bobby turned around to face the room again. Sam could tell he looked weary, and a tad bit embarrassed; cheeks pink underneath his facial hair.

"Boys," he began, glancing from Dean to Sam, "I know you've got a lot of, er, heavenly stuff goin' on in your own lives right now,... but, I sure would appreciate your help on somethin'..."

After letting go of Gabe's soft hands, Sam took the time to glance Dean's way, and saw that his brother was already wearing the same look of suspicion. It appeared that Dean had been wondering about the study, too. And maybe he was just as concerned for Bobby as Sam was. Even if Dean hadn't heard all of the strange questions Bobby had been asking that day, he could still see that the guy wasn't acting right.

"Aww, what is it, Singer?" Gabe asked, talking to Bobby as if he were a child, "Are you feeling left out because your not getting any angel action? I can make a few calls, if you wanna score your own halo buddy -"

"Give it a rest, pipsqueak," Bobby barked, blushing with embarrassment as he glared toward the archangel, "I'm talkin' 'bout a case. A real one, not some bullshit distraction. I ain't got all the information yet, but I do have a lead... If you're interested."

Sam shared a glance with his older brother again. Bobby was asking them for help? Wow. What ever he was working on must have been something pretty difficult to accomplish alone...

"Sure," Dean answered for them, "What have you got?"

Bobby exhaled with relief, before turning to slide open the study door. Sam was instantly stepping closer to inspect the inside of the room; still suspicious that there would be something strange hidden there – maybe a captured creature or some demonic artifact. But everything appeared normal. What wasn't normal, however, was the overwhelming smell of cleaning supplies. The entire study absolutely reeked of Pine-sol, to the point that Sam's eyes were beginning to water. It was the exact same smell Bobby was covered in.

Gabriel was walking extremely close to Sam's side, as they stepped the rest of the way into the clean room. It was apparent that Bobby had cleaned this study from top to bottom. Sam had never seen this room so clean. Where were all the empty bottles of scotch? What had happened to that stack of books piled next to the desk? Had the floor been vacuumed? Sam eyed Bobby's back, feeling worried and curious. Cleaning house was something that Bobby never did randomly. Had he cleaned up something that had been in this room? Or was he trying to keep up appearances for something? Or someone?

"Uh, did Mr. Clean pay you a visit?" Gabriel asked, voicing Sam's own thoughts, "Geez, the smell of citrus is burning my retinas."

Bobby didn't pay Gabe any attention. He just strolled over to his desk and gathered up a newspaper. Afterward, he walked it over to Sam and held it out. Of course, Sam took it instantly and glanced over the front page. 'Boy Found Dead' was the headline.

"Clyde Freeman," The old man said, gesturing to the article, "Said he overheard his nephew selling his soul to the devil for a new saddle. Next day, the kid was found floatin' face down in a pond near his uncle's farm. No forensic evidence. No foul play. Best part is, cops found a brand new saddle sittin' in the barn. Never used."

Sam gulped, feeling discomfort settle in his chest, as he quickly read through some of the page. Bobby had sounded completely bland, stating all those facts; as if the thought of a child damned to hell didn't shock him. But a piece of the information struck Sam as odd...

"It says here, that the nephew was only twelve," Sam stated, confused, "I thought children couldn't sell their souls. I mean, don't you have to be a certain age to sign a contract?"

"Once a kid is old enough to know right from wrong, it's fair game," Bobby sighed, his head tilting downward shamefully, "Some lore says, that with boys, it's around age ten. But, with girls, it's a little younger. And they don't even have to kiss or write a name. Sometimes a drop of blood is all a demon needs. The youngest soul ever sold willingly, belonged to a three-year-old girl. Or, so I've heard. Can't exactly trust demon gossip."

A heavy silence rested among the room after Bobby's words. Sam took the time to glance down at Gabriel's warm, golden eyes, needing some comfort. The thought of any child having to die so young was enough of a hardship, let alone adding the fact that they were going to hell afterward. Gabe seemed to see the pain in Sam's eyes, because he laid a reassuring hand on Sam's arm and gave him a comforting smile.

"That's the second dead kid this week, who's supposedly sold their soul to the devil," Bobby added, "So, I'm figurin' some whacked-out demon is running around, making bogus deals with kids to boost his soul count."

"That sounds like something Crowley would do," Cas stated bluntly.

Bobby reacted instantly to Cas's mention of a certain demon. The old man's eyes grew wide and his head tilted farther downward, blocking his face with the bill of his hat. Sam blinked strangely toward Bobby, wondering why the hell he seemed so uncomfortable all of the sudden. Was it something Cas said?

"Cas has a point," Dean agreed, staring Bobby down, "This sounds like some straight up 'Devil went down to Georgia' crap, Bobby. And nobody piles up souls like Crowley does."

"Maybe," Bobby mumbled from behind his hat, "All I know is, I ain't lettin' another kid die on my watch. I'm working on getting the address of that Freeman fella. And, I was hopin', the two of you might wanna head over there and interview him. Try to find out -"

"Uh, I think you mean the three of us," Gabriel interrupted.

The archangel looped his arm around Sam's and tugged on him, making Sam stumble closer.

"This tall rack of antlers isn't going anywhere without his arm candy," Gabe smirked.

Sam held down the smile that threatened to burst across his face. He loved it so much when Gabriel talked like that; when he said he needed Sam just as much as Sam needed him. It was true, that Sam couldn't go anywhere with out his 'arm candy.' Literally. Gabriel was always loitering around Sam somewhere...

"The four of us," Cas corrected, stepping forward to puff out his chest.

Sam smiled a bit. It looked like the angels weren't gonna sit this one out. Bobby grumbled loudly, finally raising his head to roll his eyes.

"Whatever. I don't care if you take the groupies with you on the road," he sighed, "just as long as you get it done."

Bobby hobbled back over to his desk and began sifting through a couple of papers. Sam unlooped his arm from Gabe's to step forward. He knew that Bobby seemed to have a lot on his plate right now, and might need some help.

"Do you want some help looking for his address, Bobby?" Sam offered, more than willing to crack open a few phone books.

"No, I've got it," Bobby refused, waving a hand, "Y'all can make yourselves at home. Might take me a while."

"A while?" Dean repeated, sounding kind of annoyed.

Sam could understand why Dean sounded so upset. Because he suddenly felt annoyed, too. In the back of his mind, Sam had been assuming that they were all going to be heading to a hotel soon; at least somewhere that had separate rooms. Sam and Gabe had been having sex for the past three nights in a row, and Sam had no intention of breaking their streak now. Ever since Gabriel had popped back into the stupid kitchen a few moments ago, Sam had been fighting the boner trying to grow in his pants. His body was basically trained, now; conditioned to know when it was close to bedtime, so that it could get ready for more sex.

And when Bobby said that it might take a while for him to get the case going, and told them to make themselves at home, Sam immediately knew that the old man was asking for them to stay the night. All night. In a single room. In the morning, he would probably send them on their way with information on the case. But until then, Bobby didn't want them to leave. And Sam felt a little panicked at the thought of not being able to touch Gabriel the way he wanted; not being able to kiss the guy with his entire tongue, or squeeze handfuls of his round ass cheeks, or even nuzzle his face into base of Gabe's soft, sweet neck...

"Uh. Not sure if you've noticed, Singer, but you're about two beds short," Gabriel pointed out, "Where do you expect me to put my giant Sasquatch for the night? Out in your truck?"

Sam could hear the desperation underlying the archangel's voice. Gabe sounded just as worried as Sam did, about the no-sex situation.

"Sam usually takes the couch," Dean spoke up, giving Gabe a hard stare, "and I take the floor. It's only for one night."

There was a certain look on Dean's face; like he was trying to be stern, but persuasive at the same time. It surprised Sam, that his brother – the man who couldn't keep it in his pants to save his life, when Cas was around – was actually going along with Bobby's idea. And it took Sam a moment to realize that maybe he was right. Bobby needed some company right now, didn't he? The old man was probably lonely, and in need of some kind of comfort.

Sam watched Gabe glance around the room for a second, probably considering his options, before the lovely amber hues fell on him. Sam tried his best to give Gabe the puppy eyes, knowing that Gabe was probably just as horny as he was and struggling with the thought of not being able to be alone together. The archangel huffed a sigh before looking back at Dean.

"I didn't have you pegged as the 'slumber party' type, princess," Gabe shrugged, sounding defeated, "but, okay."

The archangel raised his hand and snapped his fingers together – and two full-sized beds suddenly appeared in Bobby's study. Sam blinked around in shock, seeing that the couch on the right and the bookcase on the left had been shoved toward the kitchen to make room for them. Each bed was adorned with plaid sheets and blankets, and a set of fluffy white pillows. Sam grinned down at the one on the right, shaking his head in disbelief as he patted the soft, fleece blanket. Was there anything Gabriel couldn't fix?

Bobby, however, did not seem as thrilled about the beds as everyone else did.

"Hey! What in the hell?!" Bobby gasped.

"Chillax, old man. I'll fix it in the morning," Gabe reassured, plopping himself down on one of the beds.

The archangel was suddenly tugging on Sam's hand, and looking up at him with the biggest, most adorable eyes ever.

"Get over here, peach," he urged, putting on his best seductive smile, "Come and lay that pretty head down next to mine."

Oh, God. Gabriel wasn't making this 'boner' situation any easier, with all that damn bedroom talk. Sam glanced up to meet Dean's eyes, feeling heat on his own face again. He knew that Dean hated having to listen and watch Gabriel being all flirty. And it would probably get on his nerves, that Sam and Gabe were about to lay down on the same bed together. Sammy still cared about how his older brother perceived him, and didn't want to offend Dean by laying with Gabriel.

But, to Sam's utter surprise, Dean simply gave a shrug. A smile burst back across Sam's mouth. He couldn't help but think that maybe Dean was finally starting to get used to the idea of Sam and Gabe being together. Maybe he was finally getting used to the idea of Gabriel himself, too. And it couldn't have made Sam any happier.

"Whoa, whoa," Bobby interrupted, his face as white as a sheet, "There ain't gonna be any foolin' around under those sheets tonight, alright? Y'all better keep your damn hoses in the shed, get me?"

"You don't have to worry, Bobby," Sam consoled him, "We're not gonna do that stuff here. I promise."

It was true. Sam wasn't planning on doing anything inappropriate in that bed. No matter how much he wanted to have sex, the thought of doing it in Bobby's house just didn't seem right. Bobby shook his head and muttered some things under his breath, as he headed for the door. He flipped the light out, as Sam crawled into bed next to Gabe; stretching out his long legs and tucking a hand behind his head. The minute the man was flat on the blankets, Gabe's head popped up on his chest.

"Good one," the archangel winked, smirking devilishly, "He'll never suspect us, now."

"What are you talking about?" Sam whispered back, blinking repeatedly in the dark.

Gabriel answered his question with a kiss; a wet, filthy kiss, that nearly made Sam's dick stand at attention. The archangel's sugary tongue was almost choking him; forcing his own to have to maneuver around it. Sam exhaled through his nose, still fighting the urge to give in. Ugh, he wanted to bang Gabriel so damn bad... But he couldn't. Not here, in the same room with Dean and Cas. With a demanding grunt, Sam spit the archangel's tongue out.

"I was being serious, Gabe. We're not going to do that tonight," Sam whispered.

He rolled onto his side for good measure, making sure Gabriel got the message. But as stern as he tried to be, Gabriel was even more persuasive. His small arms snaked their way around Sam's torso, hugging him from behind. The archangel's voice was suddenly humming in his ear; literally singing a tune from Willy Wonka.

"Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure ejaculation..." he sang.

Sam huffed an exhausted breath.

"Gabe. Not here," Sam hissed, staring at the bookshelf across the room in the dark.

"But sweetheart, I wanna make love to you," he pouted, caressing Sam's chest, "I wanna wrap you up in my wings and fly you to the moon."

Sam gulped. He was suddenly imagining the idea in his head; Gabriel spreading his wings and actually flying. Oh man, what did his wings look like? Were they big and fluffy and white? Did they sparkle like diamonds? Did they feel as soft as silk, and shine brighter than the sun? Sam's mind was racing with possibilities, and turning him on more and more. Could Gabe show his wings during sex? God, what would that feel like; to thrust into something as powerful as an archangel outside of its vessel?

"Alright, fine," Gabriel sighed, "No need to give me the silent treatment, peach. Goodnight."

A soft kiss was suddenly pressed to the side of Sam's neck. The man had to shake himself from the wonderful visions in his mind, to realize that Gabriel was giving him a goodnight kiss. Sam took hold of Gabriel's hand and brought it to his own mouth to press his lips to the archangel's palm.

"Goodnight," Sam replied.

"Nobody is gonna believe that it takes four guys to investigate a murder," Dean mumbled.

Sam glanced toward his brother in the front seat. They were all on their way to the farmhouse, now; Two men, two angels, and a dog crammed inside the Impala. It was raining outside this morning, and the windshield wipers were filling the car with tiny squeaks. Sam had been in the middle of a thought when Dean spoke, and he quickly had to think of something to say.

"It takes a whole team to investigate a murder, Dean," he replied, realizing Dean was complaining about the number of people in the car, "but if you want, we could try to start working in pairs. You and Cas, and me and Gabe. Might get done faster that way."

Dean didn't seem very phased by Sam's suggestion. But it didn't matter. Sam wasn't thinking about the case, anyway. He was thinking about Gabriel's wings again. Something about them had sparked his interest last night before bed, and now he couldn't shake off the thought. Sam just knew it had to be an amazing sight. What would to be like, to have two giant, glowing wings spread wide above him, while he drilled into Gabe's tight backside?

"Uh-oh. Road block."

Sam blinked up at the sound of Gabriel's voice. In front of the car, a metal gate was blocking the rest of the muddy driveway. The archangel at Sam's back gently placed Dickie into the seat beside him.

"Don't you worry, fellas. I can handle this," he promised.

Gabriel flew from the backseat, and was suddenly standing in front of the Impala. Sam could tell that he was eying the metal gate with curiosity; probably trying to figure out the most impressive way to destroy it. After sighing, Cas left the back seat, too. The two angels were both in front of the car now, hissing toward each other like they were arguing. Sam shook his head.

"Gabe is probably trying to blast it open," he said toward his brother.

"And Cas is probably trying to stop him," Dean added, smirking.

Sam gave a sideways glance at his brother. The night before was swirling in his mind; reminding him of all the vulgar things Gabe had been whispering before bed. Dean and Cas hadn't heard any of that, right?

"Hey, um, you didn't hear anything from our side of the room last night, did you?" Sam asked, trying to be as casual as possible.

Dean's eyes flew wide and his head snapped toward Sam, looking shocked and repulsed at the same time. Oh, God. He thought Sam was talking about sex.

"No, we – we didn't do that," Sam corrected, steering clear of discomfort, "Gabe was just whispering stuff, and... I'm sorry if you heard any of it."

"No," Dean replied, taking a deep breath, "I pretty much went straight to sleep."

Sam nodded and looked out through the windshield again. Gabe was still arguing with Cas; his nice out fit getting wetter the longer he stood in the drizzling rain. Sam's eyes were glued to the archangel's back, trying to visualize a pair of wings sprouting out from his spine. Ugh, what was it like, to see an angel's wings? Would Dean know? Had he and Cas tried out some freaky angel stuff before?

"What is it, Sam? You got trickster issues?"

Sam blinked toward his brother, feeling like Dean had been reading his thoughts. Well, there wasn't any harm in asking, right?

"Do you – do you think it's possible that, um... C – can angels show their wings while, uh,... you know," Sam stuttered, looking away, "...while doing it?"

Sam could practically taste the shame in his own mouth. He knew what he was asking was kind of personal, and he would completely understand if Dean got all pissy and defensive. But, surprisingly, Dean had an actual answer for him.

"Hell yeah, they can," Dean grinned, seeming proud to be answering Sam's question.

A rush of chemicals raced through Sam's veins. So, it was possible? It really could happen? It wasn't just a pipe dream? Dean and Cas had done it before? Sam cleared his throat and sat up a bit.

"They can?" Sam repeated, making sure, "I mean, you and Cas have...?"

"Oh yeah," Dean nodded, "a few times."

Sam gulped. A million things were suddenly running through his mind to say. He definitely wanted to ask Dean for details, but wasn't sure exactly how to phrase his question so that it wouldn't sound intrusive.

"And when, um, when it happens... when they turn celestial..." Sam trailed off, hoping Dean would finish the sentence.

Dean grinned, like an old man with years of experience.

"Let me put it this way, Sammy," Dean mused, easing back in his seat, "Carmen Electra, Pam Anderson, and the entire playboy mansion combined couldn't make me come as hard as I do, when Cas breaks out those wings."

Sam's mouth fell open. Holy shit, that sounded amazing. Sam could hardly imagine what it might be like for him and Gabriel, if he ever went celestial during sex. The thought alone was already starting to harden Sam's dick. He was so glad that he could talk to Dean about this sort of thing, otherwise he would have never known...

A small 'bang' interrupted Dean and Sam's conversation. They both looked up to see that the gate on the fence had been ripped off and tossed aside. Gabriel was no doubt the cause; he was dusting his hands off with pride, as if he'd just completed a hard day's work. Afterward, both angels popped back into the backseat. Sam glanced over his shoulder at the archangel, watching him place Dickie back in his lap and pet him.

"See? No sweat," Gabe shrugged, "I'd like to see Siri try to navigate better than me."

"I'm so sorry, Dean," Cas mumbled, sounding defeated, "I tried to stop him."

Sam was glad to see his brother shrug it off. Dean had grown up a lot, since Bobby had made them sit down and talk out all their shit. As the Impala began rolling the rest of the way up the hill, Sam settled back into his thoughts on wings. He was planning which way to bring it up in a conversation with Gabriel. Maybe Sam needed to ask Dean how he'd brought it up with Cas. He needed to find out if they took any precautionary measures, too. Just in case.

Dean's fist was suddenly hovering at Sam's side. The younger brother blinked at it, before raising his eyes in confusion. Dean was glancing from the road to Sam's face, smirking.

"Bros before halos?" he offered.

Sam gave a single laugh. It was nice to know that Dean still wanted to be close to him. Maybe the guy had thought that Sam cared more for Gabriel now-a-days, but it totally wasn't true. Sam still loved his brother with all his heart. Sam shook his head and grinned, as he bumped his own fist against Dean's.

"Bros before halos," he promised.

(Author's Note: Happy Valentine's Day! *tosses hearts and kisses everywhere* I missed you so much! I hope you all have enjoyed this first chapter. :) I understand the the title of this story doesn't make much sense yet, but it will. I promise. I'm also aware that Gabe has more than one set of wings... but Sam doesn't know that yet. (Shhh, don't tell him.) ;) I know that you all must be really worried about Bobby, but I promise that everything's okay. He'll be in this story a lot, being just as sassy as ever, so you have that to look forward to. :) By the way, thank you guys so much for reviewing the last chapter of Sweet and Sour! Your feedback was highly inducing to the continuation of this story. So to everyone who left me a review asking for more, this story is for you! :)

Alright, you know the drill. I gotta tell all you newcomers, that this fic is the fourth part to my Sabriel fic, The Candy Quest, and has Destiel a companion piece, titled Distance. You can literally read them side-by-side. Please feel free to check out the other stories before delving too far into this one. Might make more sense to ya. ;) As for the future chapters of this story, please note that I will be attempting to update every 7-10 days, so don't freak out if there is a small break in between chapters. I promise to never leave you hanging. :) Thank you so much for reading! Chapter two will be out very soon!)