
"It is up to you to see the beauty of everyday things."

Madisons POV

It had been about five weeks after our final battle with the master that I got the call. A mister James Horbacher was interested in making a movie on the Power Rangers, and had found out that I not only happened to be one of what he called the "core five" but, also a "decent filmmaker." He wanted something simple, a documentary of sorts, about the lives of the rangers and our allies. As he explained it:

"I want something that gives people the feel that they know you all, but at the same time gives em' something new, something to look up to. You think you can do that Miss Rocca?"

In asking the rangers of the mystic force what they found to be beautiful, I received a myriad of replies. For example Nick said he saw beauty in his girlfriend, a certain blue ranger. While Chip went off of a tangent of epic length over what he described as "the wonders of the hero world." However, what surprised me most was the response of Udonna who had recently returned to be one of Rootcores two resident sorceresses.

Just as I did with everyone I decided to interview Udonna in the secondary library of Rootcore, which instead of holding magical spell books, held Rootcores ever growing supply of literature. With it's squishy armchairs and dark wood interiors the library was the ideal interviewing spot, both comfortable and informal, but showing up wonderfully on film. In order to get the best shot I set up one of the dark red couches in the middle of the room, right near the entrance to the library. After interviewing my fellow rangers, as well as Dageron and Leanbow, I was getting to what Mister Horbacher would describe as "secondary characters"

'I find beauty in the everyday things' Udonna said looking down at the hands in her lap 'Of course that's not to say that I don't think that certain knights aren't beautiful - or handsome - but rather the things that he does are more beautiful. Seeing him wake up in the morning (or more likely hogging the bed), or watching him brush his teeth, or make toast, those moments are what I find beautiful.

She looks up at me and as we lock eyes she smiles at me "I guess that must sound a little silly to you, Madison. It's just that he was gone for so long that everything he does, even the stuff I would have found annoying twenty years ago, is now exquisitely wonderful that it is turned into beauty."

"Do you feel that way with Nick, too?" I ask, as Leanbow walks through the slightly open door behind Udonna, motioning to me not to reveal his presence.

"Yes, but in a different way. With Leanbow it's seeing things I never thought I'd see again, those moments are both new and a maze of memories. Yet, with Bowen …." She trails off looking down at her hands. "I mean with Nick, I'm seeing everything for the first time and it is all amazing. The last time we were able to spend this much time together he was only a baby and now …. I suppose I'm just so incredibly proud of him that I see everything he does as beautiful. But, enough with my silliness" she chuckles, still staring down at her lap.

"I don't think it's silly" Leanbow says from behind her, causing Udonna to simultaneously jump and turn around to face him.

"Leanbow! What are you doing here, I thought I told you to stay away while Madison was talking to me for this film thing.

"Documentary." I fill in.

"I couldn't help it." He says smiling at her "I wanted to hear what you were saying about me"

"And?" she asks

"I think what you said was beautiful, almost as beautiful as the woman who said it." He grins at her with the same look Nick often gives me, a mix of imp and puppy. With that look I know it would be useless to try and continue my interviewing, so, as quietly as possible I begin picking up my equipment to leave the often separated pair together.

"Udonna" Leanbow asked as he moved to join her on the couch. "Who do you think is more beautiful the brave, fearless knight, or Nick?"

"Oh, the knight, most definitely." She smiled as she grabbed his hands "I mean Nick is quite beautiful, he does take after his father, but Dageron is much more beautiful."

"WHAT!" Leanbow yelled as he suddenly shot up from the couch.

"But what is even more beautiful is that you still get jealous after all these years, and that I still have the better sense of humour." Udonna said re-grabbing her husbands hands.

As Udonna pulled him back towards her, Leanbow bowed down, giving her a kiss. "Woman, you will be the death of me yet." To be honest I'm sure Udonna did answer her husband, but by the time I finally turned off the camera, sound recorder and turned back around the pair were so locked into each other that I didn't even say goodbye, but instead ran off to find Nick to show him the film and the beautiful type of love that his parents had.