MTE Chapter Three

"Miss?" Brady called after Mr. Cullen's girl.

She slowed but didn't turn.

"Ms. Swan, Mr. Cullen would want me to make sure you arrived home safely. I'm Brady Fuller, Mr. Cullen's assistant and all around Man Friday. We met briefly last night," he said.

"Thank you Mr. Fuller, I can walk," she smiled weakly at him.

"Ma'am, if you walk I will be obliged to follow you on foot and after running six miles, I'd really like to do my job sitting down. Help a man out, please," he flashes his most disarming smile.

"Oh, okay, I don't want to be any trouble," she said with a small smile.

"Good, let me escort you to the car, ma'am," Brady said turning toward the garage area.

She followed him with her head cast down.

At the car, he opened and held the door for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Fuller," Bella said as she slipped into the passenger's seat.

"My pleasure Miss, and please call me Brady," he bowed slightly before closing the door.

"Where to, Ma'am," Brady asked.

"417 Via Santa Maria and please, call me Bella," She said.

"Say no more, I know where I'm going, Bella," he said confidently.

She nodded and looked out the window. She thought of the note she left on her pillow, a sketch of the two of them spooning in the style of Klimt's "The Kiss".


A perfect moment turned into a perfect night that will carry us for a lifetime.

May that be enough.

With all of my heart,


She blinked back her tears and hugged her book of memories and wishes closer.

Brady was at a loss.

When he pulled up in front of a youth hostel, he walked around to open her door.

"Is there any way I can assist you, Miss?" Brady asked as she stepped out of the car.

"No, thank you," she smiled weakly.

"I know for a fact that Mr. Cullen would want me to be at your disposal, please let me serve him by serving you. He is so fond of you," Brady said gently.

He heard a catch in her breath as he saw her take a step back from his words. He watched her wrap her arms around her torso.

"Well, I have to run up and grab my bags. Could you call a cab to take me to Peretola? My flight is in three hours." She said squaring her shoulders and forcing herself to push forward.

He tried to hide his dismay.

"Yes, yes, of course, it would be my pleasure."

"Thank you, Brady, I'll be down in ten minutes, fifteen max," and with that she was gone.

He called for a cab then proceeded to make three more calls before she came back down.

She had changed into slacks and a wrap-around blouse, her hair twisted at the sides and clipped neatly at the nape of her neck.

"The cab should be here any second, Bella," he said.

She nodded.

"I wish you safe travels. What airline are you traveling?"

"Um … KLM?" she frowned.

"A good airline, I know Mr. Cullen will be pleased," Brady said.

"I wish …" she began but shook her head as the cab pulled to the curb.

As Brady held the door for her, she turned to him, "Make sure he found my note, Brady. Please take care of him." She whispered past the horrible lump in her throat as a tear dripped from her cheek staining her satin scarf.

"I will ma'am on both counts," he said as he squeezed her forearm softly.

"Thank you, for everything, Brady," she said as the door to the cab closed.

He tapped the roof of the car.

As it pulled away, he made a mad dash for his car.

Never … Never had he seen the soft contented look on his boss's face like he saw in the rearview mirror last night. He had to make this better.

With his Bluetooth earpiece on, he moved into traffic.

"Boss, are you up?"

"Yes, I've been up for a few minutes."

Brady winced at the sound of Mr. Cullen's broken voice.

"Sir, I would not presume to know your business but I was at liberty to drive Ms. Swan home this morning." Brady shared.

"How was she? Was she upset?"

Brady fought back the need to yell at traffic and focused on replying to his boss's distraught questions.

"Sir, she was sad, resigned, I think. She wanted me to make sure you got the note she left," Brady winced again at invading his boss's personal life.

"Yes, I found her beautiful note."

'Good Sir, I know she would be relieved to know you have her words. I helped her get a cab for the airport." Brady dropped subtly.

"Airport …? My God, she's gone," Edward groaned.

Brady pulled into the parking garage and ran to the elevator while his boss dropped and picked up his phone.

"Sir, her flight leaves in a little over two hours. I took the liberty of rearranging our flights home, in case you felt it was needed. I'm on the lift right now." Brady said firmly. He knew his boss was reeling, but he needed him to engage if they were going to pull this off.

"Sir, I'm on the floor. Tell me how I can help you, please."

Brady felt, more than heard, his boss click back into the decisive man of control he knew. Brady held his breath to see if Mr. Cullen would walk away or fight.

"Brady, grab your bags and be in my room in five. While I shower lay out my charcoal pinstripe, have all else ready to exit in seventeen minutes."

"Yes, sir, in five, it is," Brady smiled as he pulled his room card out of his pocket.


"Explain, please!" Edward barked as he walked out of the steamy bathroom in black boxers.

Brady took Mr. Cullen's shaving kit and placed it in the suitcase on the bed.

"She's on KLM's flight to Amsterdam. I have us on a private Cessna to Turin Casella and an empty leg flight on a Dornier Executive 328 to Teterboro. Only five out of fifteen seats are taken so it should be a comfortable trip. A car will meet us at Teterboro."

Edward threw the black tie at Brady, "My power tie," he barked as he pushed his arm through the crisp white shirt.

Brady smiled as he pulled out the blue and gold tie and held it as Edward finished the last two buttons.

As his boss grabbed the tie, Brady commented, "Sir, may I just say this is romance, not business."

Brady turned to replace the black tie in the suitcase.

"That's where you're wrong, my friend. This is the business of romance. I'm walking into the most significant merger and acquisition deal of my life," Edward said as he smoothed his hand down his tie.

"Yes sir," Brady smiled as he zipped the bag and pulled it off the bed.

"Okay, let's do this," Edward said grabbing his jacket.


She sat at a round table in the lounge near her gate tearing the label off a water bottle.


She looked up into the face of a wrathful god.

Her blotchy face still wet with tears threatened to break his resolve. He ran his hand down his tie and squared his shoulders.

"No, Bella, I'm not willing to let this be. This is not enough, will never be enough.

"You are running scared and taking my sanity with you. I'm a selfish man, Bella Swan, who knows himself well enough to know I won't deny myself. The question is; are you going to deny me."

She smiled through her tears, her heart racing, but she had the satisfaction of seeing the corner of his lips twitch before he deepened his scowl.

"What are your terms, Mr. Cullen?" She breathed out.

He let out a breath.

"Okay, let the negotiations begin," he mumbled as he sat down across from her.

He leaned forward on his elbows and locked eyes with his beautiful opponent, "I want you, all of you, perhaps for the rest of your life. In return, I am willing to give you all of me for the rest of my life. We will revisit and revise from there.

"I want more than one kiss, more than one dance, more than one night. I want more than 'enough'. I want to love you, Bella, if you let me.

"Please, let me."

He watched her wring her hands as he waited.

"Your conditions are reasonable, Mr. Cullen," she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She shrugged looking up at him, "I made a mistake. I was terrified at how much I cared for you."

She held up her sketchbook and continued as the tears streamed down her face, "but you're there on every page. You are my memories, my dreams, and wishes. I just didn't see it soon enough."

He shook his head as he stood and a shock of alarm ran through her.

He took her hand and pulled her into him. Wrapping his arms securely around her waist, he kissed her gently silencing her fears.

"Then step across into my world, love." He whispered.

"She rested her forehead on his chin, "Don't hurt me, please tell me you won't hurt me," she whispered out in ragged breaths.

He lifted her beautiful face, placing a hand on her temple, as the other hand cupped her neck. He ran his thumb across her cheek as he said, "I'll never make you regret caring for me, Baby. I'll be your safe harbor, always."

He leaned in with a gentle worshipful kiss. Pulling back, he handed her his handkerchief and continued, "I need my Little Bird. I want you in my bed safe, warm and loved."

She laughed in sheer relief and ran her delicate hands across his cheek.

"I mean it Bella, you will come home with me. You will stay with me. You will put me out of my goddamn misery. Because I can't think, I can't live without you," he warned.

She nodded her head, "I'm not afraid anymore, Edward." She looked into his eyes, "I want this too. I'm not afraid to want the fairytale … with you."

He kissed her madly.

"I love you, Bella Swan," he panted against her neck.

She smiled against his neck.

Gah, he felt so good.

"Say it back," he growled, nuzzling her.

"I love you too, Edward Cullen, esquire," she giggled before she latched onto his earlobe.

She giggled again as he moaned and ran his open palms over her ass.

"Smart ass," he grinned into her neck.

"You like my ass," she wiggled.

She pulled back to look into his eyes.

"I really do … love you, I mean," she said on a much more serious note.

He gave her a lingering kiss.

"I really do too," he breathed against her lips.

"What … love my ass?" She gave him a cheeky grin.

"Yes, that too, it's a deal breaker actually. No ass, no deal," he said quite seriously.

She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, "well, in that case, the ass and the smart ass are all yours."

The smile faded from his beautiful face and her heart ached at the sight.

"You're sure Bella. Really, a 'forever' sure?" he asked.

She lifted her hand to run it gently along his cheek. She put that worry there. She wanted to brush his face into the gentle boy who slept next to her in the morning light. She needed to make him see, to help him understand.

She grabbed her phone out of her bag and flipped it to her photos, handing it to him.

"This is who I am without you. This is the girl in the box," she said as he looked at a stranger with straight hair and conservative monochromatic clothes. Her make-up was a perfect mask that showcased the bored expression plastered on her face.

Edward shook his head in denial.

His beautiful bird

He could hardly reconcile the two. The colorless person in the photo was a mockery of his Little Bird, so vibrant and alive. This person was a modified version of what he had been running from for twenty years, plastic, vapid, social climbers.

It broke his heart.

"Edward, I have lived my whole life as this girl," she pointed to the phone in his hand and kissed him sweetly, "but with you, I can be me, the real me. I want a full, rich life with you. So, yes, I'm 'forever' sure. Please, let me love you back."

He swallowed and nodded, giving her one last squeeze.

He stepped back, clearing his throat and ran his hand down his tie, "It appears we are on the same page, Ms. Swan. I think we have a deal."

"Deal," she stretched up to seal it with a kiss. He gave her the boyish grin she loved, then pulled away holding her hand. He took her luggage handle.

"And delete that damn picture," he shot over his shoulder.

She smiled and picked up her purse, allowing herself to be towed into her future.


Brady met them in front of the terminal.

"It's good to see you again, Miss," he said, opening the car door for her.

"Were you in cahoots with this abduction?" she scowled at him.

"Ma'am?" He shot a quick look at his employer, "Sir?"

"Bella, stop teasing him," Edward smiled, as he handed Brady her luggage.

She giggled, "I'm sorry Brady. I come on my own free will, gladly even," she smiled.

"Well, that's good to hear," Brady smiled back with relief.

"Sir, the plane is on the tarmac and waiting," he said taking the luggage and redirecting his focus.

"Then spirit us away, Brady. I'm ready to be in the air," Edward said squeezing her hand.

As they drove around the airport to the private flights, Edward held her hand rubbing his thumb across her knuckles and lifting their joined hands to kiss hers.

She leaned in close to him and rubbed her hand over his. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. These new emotions were too raw, ran too deep. She felt as though her heart would burst.

"We're really doing this," she whispered looking at their joined hands.

"I've waited my whole life for you, Bella Swan, and I feel like it won't be real until we're in the air and I get to keep you.

"We're doing this," she smiled, meeting his eyes with confidence.

"Damn straight, we are," he said with conviction.

He leaned as far as his seatbelt would allow, meeting her in the middle for a sweet kiss of solidarity.


At the airplane, Brady made short work of loading luggage.

As Edward began to escort her to the stairs, Bella's phone rang. She froze, bringing the phone to her ear.

"You missed your flight, Isabella. Don't tell ...

Seeing the fear on Bella's face, Edward held out his hand and winked.

"Mrs. Swan, Bella has made arrangements for alternate transportation," Edward interrupted her mid-rant.

"Who are you?" she barked.

Edward locked eyes with Bella and gave her his heart-stopping grin.

"I'm the guy she's hitching a ride with."

Edward took a deep breath as Bella laughed, smacking his shoulder and taking back the phone.

"I'm here, Mother."

"Very irresponsible, Isabella, when are we to expect you home?"

Bella locked eyes with Edward again and smiled broadly.

"I am home, Mother."

As she took Edward's hand, she ended the call.

"We're doing this," he whispered conspiratorially, as they climbed the steps.

Seated, she pushed up the arm between them and kissed her beautiful boy as the door was closed and locked. She felt overwhelmed again as a rush of feelings washed her away. She was so unused to allowing herself to feel or care; this new emotional freedom he inspired was like free falling.

He loved her.

She buried her face in his collar while he kissed her forehead.

As they picked up speed, he brought their joined hands to his mouth, "I get to keep my Little Bird," he whispered mainly to himself.

"And I get to keep my beautiful muse," she added with awe.

As soon as the seatbelt sign was turned off, he unbuckled her and pulled her to him.

"We're going to be so good together, Baby," he whispered against her lips.

She pulled back and smiled as she ran her hand down his handsome face.

"Damn straight, we are," she sighed.

"And Brady gets a raise," she added.

They looked over to where Brady was sleeping with a copy of Vogue Italia draped across his chest.

"Brady gets a kidney if he wants," Edward said smiling at his friend and then back to his Bella, who he got to keep.

Looking at his lovely Bella he knew, only a lifetime would be enough.

They would negotiate from there.